New Russian-Made AR-15 Called ADAR 2-15... Aesthetic or fugly?
Russian Made AR-15
Patrolling the Mojave makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Handguard looks pretty rad
Aesthetic but the buttstock needs changing
An abomination
Dat furniture. now if only they made for ar-10s
I think it would look best with a wooden a2 stock and pic related handguard
AR-10 would be rad. You have patrician taste, sir.
How are you supposed to get the handguard off? It looks like a one-piece design.
Looks preddy good. The stock looks silly, definitly doesn't wear it as good as the Dragonov. They should probably try and copy the VSS instead. Would totally buy that handguard though. Just needs a little rail underneath for a bipod.
I'm curious if its as garbage as american AKs
i take it you have never seen matryoshka dolls
>I'm curious if its as garbage as american AKs
Probably not. They're charging the equivalent of $2000 so it doesn't seem to have been built to an unreasonably low price point like US AKs are.
No! Rifle is fine!
It's split down the center vertically
>It looks like a one piece design
The russians did it again. First the AK47 now the adar12.
Agreed. Love the handguard, but the stock would look better with a wood or bakelite pistol grip and a wood A2-shaped stock.
Yeah, I know what GI handguards look like. My point is that I don't see any seam in the image, which led me to believe it is a one-piece design.
Finally, the russians make a decent rifle.
Can we just fucking go to war with Russia already and murder Putin?
Go back to New Zealand, Hillary
>shooting glorified .22's that are only good for killing school children
>decent rifle
I wonder if it'll be as craptastic as American AKs
fucking want it. just needs a 20 in barrel and you have the SVD-15
.366 TKM version when?
There's probably a seam across the top and bottom buds. Do you really think its a single piece handguard held in black by the front sight block
Just imagine if someone put a piston upper on it
Held in place*
autocorrect is a bitch
I wish i was there to watch ceasar die. What an asshole
>I want Russian imports man these sanctions suck
>hey user you know what would help us get high quality imports? Creating political instability and ousting a popular elected president because our shitty entrenched yuppie lawyer governing caste hates him for not taking 3 miles of NATO nigger cock.
How about you just fucking tell your congressman he's a shithead neocon/liberal faggot who can't read global politics to save his fucking life.
Import laws
yfw fudds worst nightmare when you are at range
looks nice enough, the buttstock is a bit blocky for my taste though.
>ousting a popular elected president
dat 108% popular vote
Yeah it is weird to have a president that wins the popular vote isn't it?
Go away vatnik bot.
Putin is ultimate Democrat
This gives me ideas.
I don't see much point in this rifle, 2,000 USD ruble equivalent in its own home country for an ar-15 which so far doesn't seem any better than any American ar-15.
>inb4 "but the furniture aesthetic brah!"
I think the furniture is awesome as fuck but paying over 2,000$ for a cool furniture set is pretty dumb never mind that it's possible that the furniture was just experimental.
did he bang your mom, user?
>AKMs and AR-15s becoming ultra-expensive exotics
W-w-what Bizzaro fucking dimension have I entered Jow Forums?
Do You think they would individually sell the furniture?
Handguard and stock reminds me of a SVD but compacted down
Nah, I'm actually hacking into your firearms discussion right now.
Soon we will manipulate the west through Jow Forums into importing baby killing rifles from naughty boi countries like Pridniestrovian Moldavian Republic.
It'll be sold with regular at furniture. The price is such because there's simply no other ar options available, other than $1,800 or so norinco cq-a.
If they did manage to start production large enough to supply the American market alone they'd probably be very expensive I'd estimate 200$-350$ Though that's assuming mass production is possible.
you don't say
It's still a country with a dwindling economy where the tooling is no doubt much more expensive than in the states so my guess, minimum price imo 900$.
Even then between the government bitching about Ukraine and trump mixed with the NRA bitching about how Russia is killing small American ar-15 companies and also bleeding hearts protesting saying we don't need any more ar-15's will probably prevent any chance of them being imported in and it sure doesn't help that the ar-15 is completely saturated right now so best case scenario they're imported for only a year or two.
>Russian built AK=Good
>American built AK=Trash
>American built AR=Good
>Russian built AR=Trash
This is exactly how this is going to work. Fight me.
You must know nothing about American ak market, otherwise you'd know that imports are never gonna happen.
There's a lot more to the price than just economy - they buy their forgings, they buy barrels from Molot, a shit ton of bureaucracy paperwork etc.
finally, what took them so long anyways?
Dead domestic market with sanctioned exports?
Looks like the rear of the receiver is slant cut kinda like a vepr for that goofy furniture.
Fucking W H Y do the russians do that
Where can I buy this stock?
didnt know domestic market was dead
That's why I said minimum 900$ with best case scenario imported for an extremely short amount of time, I don't actually expect these to be imported in but if they were 900$ and 1 year of import are my best case scenario predictions.
>dead domestic market
Not really.
>sanctioned exports
To one relevant country.
Oh shit, I like it
>To one relevant country
So sanctions on Russia are why we don't get hk91's thanks user.
At least u can buy $3000 SCAR or even better FAL clone from Century Arms. Hell that one is cheap.
Pls tell me you are being sarcastic...
>jamming intensifies
in russia weapons are expensive because we don't have 12034020304 factories producing shitar and walmarts distributing them at .50$ per kg
>ADAR doesn’t really manufacture these rifles but rather assembles them from parts sourced from a variety of manufacturers. Reportedly, they manufacture only the handguard, the handguard attachment hardware and the gas block. The grips and stocks have an Israeli origin. The chrome-lined .223 Remington barrels are supplied by MOLOT Oruzhie. The rest of the parts are outsourced to a Taiwanese company.
You can barely cal that "Russian made".
That said I want that furniture on a 20 inch barrel.
>t.buttmad vatnik pissed that he can't have 400$ ar-15's and has to wait 5 years and multiple licenses to get the rifles his country is famous for.
Yeah m8 are you telling me you don't trust century arms to make guns for some reason, and that don't have $2000 to casually spend on foreign rifles a piece? What an asshole!
I feel ashamed not wanting to pay thousands for shit built battle rifles no better than a PTR.
Popular vote doesn’t mean anything in the US constitution. Sowwy, not sowwy.
Ah yes, the constitution, I forgot how much respect you had for it. Like you guys totally respect that part where unelected judges serve for life and whose decisions supersede congressional, presidential and state authority. I remember that being a cornerstone of what Jefferson and Hamilton infisioned for the future. Also in know that it's out of respect for your constitution that all your national government comes from a small circle of elite law schools, effectively giving the sitting federal government one profession.
I know that the constitution writers would be really proud of your steadfast adherence to her principles.
Russian gun laws are strict by US standards.
Give it a 20" barrel and chamber it for 7.62x54r
Even tho the srock looks aesthetic as fuck, I dont think it would be as comfortable and useful as the normal american one, any opinions on it?
Heavy Wood Furniture. Cant Import for sale because Russian Import Ban. What's the point???
>2000 dollars for a 500 dollar rifle
Hillary, you lost, get over it.
As in the case of many other companies that make AR-15s, ADAR doesn’t really manufacture these rifles but rather assembles them from parts sourced from a variety of manufacturers. Reportedly, they manufacture only the handguard, the handguard attachment hardware and the gas block. The grips and stocks have an Israeli origin. The chrome-lined .223 Remington barrels are supplied by MOLOT Oruzhie. The rest of the parts are outsourced to a Taiwanese company.
I'll take the handguard. The stock not so much, but impressive effort nonetheless.
Drag guards were always handed halves, don't be dumb.
Still very much on the liberal side of the world's spectrum.
You know, If you were serving you'd be halfway to general by now.
just looks like a calicuck ar
is it select fire or anything?
No, that wont be legal for import at all
Isnt that just a Draganov at that point?
why? is it bcause the barrels are MOLOT and that company is banned from import by name?
i came looking at it wtf
looks like it uses 7.62x39
They should have made it look more like a vss
this, american ar's would be garbage too if it wasn't for heavy interest in them + a military spec that the public knows about. if it wasn't for those to things you would be getting cast bolt, and noodle barrel ar's sold by I.O tier companies, basically if a consumer is dumb enough a american company can sell them a lump of casted crap and they will still buy it, see Remington owners