MIRV'ed Hypersonic Glide Weapon test over China.
America is pretty much finished now.
MIRV'ed Hypersonic Glide Weapon test over China.
America is pretty much finished now.
Comes a few weeks after the maneuver HGV test.
>reminder that the united states also has hypersonic glide weapon, nice try chang
Remember when You were shilling J-20-shining-on-russiAn-radars as stealth?
Tiawan numba 1
Try to fly away with your tent, Rin. You can still make it.
Crazy moves
Actually, consensus is that it is a powered scramjet weapon. The contrail and the formation flight of the four weapons is consistent with powered hypersonics.
>Crazy moves
You just aren't using your imagination.
Luneberg lens. J-20s have them too. If we assume that the Indians arent just talking shit as usual, since China doesnt deploy them anywhere near the border.
On the other hand; F-22 long BTFO
>Chinese designers at the Airshow China claim the JY-26 radar has already spotted the US Air Force most advanced stealth fighter – the F-22 Raptor stealth fighter, as it flew in South Korea on recent exercises. The radar is being developed at Shandong, located just across the Yellow Sea, separating the Korean peninsula from mainland China.
All seperated from a single bus and switching on their boosters one after another
and 4th
No they havent. Anymore.
After 2 out of 2 failed tests, the Falcon HVT is ded
So basically they forgot to turn on their lunebergs and got detected by Indians. How stupid can you get?
Read a book nigger.
With this most recent achievement, fate has, in a single stroke, marked the decline of the west and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of western powers and the cruel subjugation it brought to the humbler nations of the world. The blessings of Chinese plasma stealth technology, undetectable hypersonic combat vehicles, quantum direct-current electricity, neutrino submarine detectors, gamma titanium mono crystal turbines, quantum aircraft carriers, unmanned autonomous A.I. tanks, near-space ballistic air-to-air missiles, +2km range airburst rifles, and quantum enhanced railguns will be the instruments with which China affirms its noble stewardship of 21st century world politics and offers the non-western world a different option; an humanist alternative to the depredations of Western leadership and the opportunity for a more equitable and dignified multilateralism.
>believing press releases to be 100% true
>America is pretty much finished now.
That's all Americans have got left as damage control, stale pics.
You don't "turn them on", they simply attach to the airframe and are passive
>thinking everyone knows Chinese
What does it say??
>meanwhile chinas abm defense is basically non existent
>America is pretty much finished now.
Don't you fucking wish? Cry harder.
ABM has only a limited use anyway. Especially against the US that has 7000 nukes.
China just makes sure that its few hundred nukes will be uninterceptible and the US will be effectively deterred, even if China still maintains a small arsenal.
The HTV? Tests failed and the US isn't putting much effort into them.
That was a meme. It quoted an interview and an Indian Air force guy who said the J 20 is not so stealthy that their planes can't detect it, in the context of China stationinf j 20s on their border. It was based on reports of the J 20, not their planes actually detecting it.
>Wu-14 ain't nuthin to fuk with
General explanation of how it works. The part I assume he posted for is it saying it can't be intercepted, and that the target is a flattop carrier which only the US has.
>Using the name the Pentagon has given it
It's DF-17, you burgers!
That describes OP's post to a T.
So you're familiar with it then?
You make these threads once a month. Go harass Jow Forums about it for once.
Looks like fireworks
>So you're familiar with it then?
Familiar with American damage control? Sure, who on Jow Forums isn't?
Soon, the glorious Red Dragon will rule over the world, improving human rights beyond what imperialistic countries such as the U.S. do
You cut off the part of the poster where the CBG is nowhere to be found by the time the weapon gets there
It would only be damage control if anything China did for the last 100 years could be taken at face value. Literally nothing the Chinese government says can be trusted, and that's verifiably true
Nah, the whole point is to buy you enough time before you're launch sites/vehicles are obliterated that you can actually use them.
With this most lecent achievement, fate has, in a singre stloke, malked the decrine of the west and sperred a new ela of wondlous plospelity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese wagon, which plomises to filmry stand in shalp contlast to the histolicarry broody ascent of westeln powels and the cluer subjugation it blought to the hunger nations of the wolrd. The dressings of Chinese prasma stearth technoorgy, undetectabre hypelsonic combat vehicres, quantum dilect-cumlent erect ricity, neutlino submaline detectols, gamma titanium mono clystar tulbines, quantum ailclaft calliels, unmanned autonomous A.R. tanks, neal-space barristic ail-to-ail missires, +2km lange ailbulst lifres, and quantum enhanced lairguns wirr be the instluments with which China affilms its nobre stewaldship of 21st centuly wolrd poritics and offels the non-westeln wolrd a diffelent option; an humanist artelnative to the depledations of Westeln readelship and the oppoltunity fol a mole equitabre and dignified murtiraterarism.
I don't get it is this thread by Chang trying to influence me to advocate the nuking China now while our new smart fuse tipped tridents make their arsenal useless or is Chang just retarded. I don't understand?
this looks similar to some of videos i saw from the usaf. i was wondering what they were.
>America is pretty much finished now.
You bitches clearly haven't seen the spaceships americans have been building, the ones with big-ass railguns with projectile velocity measured in thousands of kilometers a second
That can swipe your missiles out of sky during initial boost phase no contest
>space ships
>1000+km/s railgun
Nice joke, but no.
>China just makes sure that its few hundred nukes will be uninterceptible
Doesn't matter. US nuclear strike would catch the Chinese missiles on the ground.
China is disarmed by US first strike. B-2 bombers start roaming through China killing Chinese cities full of pigs.
>space ships
>1000+km/s railgun
In space, you don't have to worry about your hyper-velocity projectile damaging the railgun through friction with air
As long as they blow up San Francisco and LA, I don't give a fuck.
Lmao this
I've seen the videos of the tests and honestly they don't look threatening at all, sure the warheads start hypersonic but as soon as they start turning they become really slow and just aimlessly drift. I realise now why the US gave up with HTV, these warheads make nice firework displays but they look very easy to intercept.
Ching Chang's will not rule when the disease spreads. FAG.
The moment the US detects a hostile ballistic missile launch from China nuclear or not, we would very likely retaliate with a full scale nuclear retaliation. Even if you managed to take out a carrier, you would pay for it with the lives of a few hundred million chink insectoids. Quite frankly the world would be a better place as a result.
>Wank over a weapon they have no means of effectively aiming
>China claims they detected F-22s
China claims a lot of shit they can't prove.
>the US would go to nuclear war over a carrier
Everyday us policy stuns me with its stupidity even more
Is that before or after starving a few hundred million people and turning the rivers some odd shade of yellow?
Hypersonic isnt lightspeed faggot.
same goes with usa
oh wait well you look at that the meme plane still has the very same problem as it had back in 2014 and STILL doesnt have the range of a full loaded f16
pictures doesnt do justice of how fast the end comes
this is a 5 years old video of a russian mirv test
20 fucking seconds from re entry thats how much you have 20 fucking seconds
I take it is inaccurate as fuck. The gyro is going to be so out of whack it is a miracle it could still be stable. Those things are literally going to miss ships.
Any source on how much of a heads up China can get in the event of a nuclear strike? The US has about 30 minutes and Russia about half of that. Last time I checked China can only do "launch on impact" - retaliate after getting hit.
>20 fucking seconds from re entry thats how much you have 20 fucking seconds
You realize that ballistic missile launches are easily detectable, right?
> Atlas V uses a Russian engine
> Paying Russia to ferry astronauts to the ISS since all shuttles retired
> Elon Musk who can't make a profit can make a much better rocket than NASA
I think it's pretty clear who won the space race.
you miss the point by some light years
the point is that not everyone will be able to get the message of an incoming attack
Yes, and with Hypersonics, the launch will be the only thing you detect. After boost phase, the trajectory will become unpredictable and invisible since it will fly below radar horizon
How is it remaining hypersonic in the much thicker lower atmosphere?
Due to the he heat generated by Hypersonic flight through the atmosphere, the US will be able to do real time tracking using its SBIRS.
>Implying China would ever publicly release an excessively critical nitpick report like DOTE's output
It's great how you retards latch onto those as if they're permanent problems that will never be fixed, or as if they're conducted by people who have any job except to be complete assholes towards new equipment.
>some problems highlighted are still a thing from 2014
>the plane still cant reach the combat perfomance of the same loadout with an f16 as per the damn report
>the link16 is bottlenecking the whole plane a fucking 300kbps with 600ms latency system is managing to bottleneck its systems
but hey if it makes you sleep better only the link 16 problem was discovered at 2017
Lol Russia can't even make rockets that use smokeless powder
hope you are trolling cause otherwise you need to go back to school and learn physics
Tiananmen Square 1989
June Fourth Incident (六四事件)
Tiananmen Square 1989
June Fourth Incident (六四事件)
Tiananmen Square 1989
June Fourth Incident (六四事件)
Tiananmen Square 1989
June Fourth Incident (六四事件)
Tiananmen Square 1989
June Fourth Incident (六四事件)
>Going hypersonic below the radar horizon
when this meme gonna end? every relevant power in the world had/has researching the quantum radar
i bet you dont even know what the fuck it is
>Shit that doesn't matter is a program-killing flaw!
Do you even listen to yourself? I don't even think the fleet was using 3i when that report you're flogging came out, they're on 3F now.
the entire gov of usa doesnt know shit
a random Jow Forums armchair general/engineer/software developer/hobbyist lm ceo knows everything
>One small office of the DoD whose job is to justify their own existence by producing nitpicky, scathing reposts
>Entire gov
You are a fucking moron.
It is.
>a small office
the reports are signed by chief engineers of usaf with their names on it and along with lm verification engineers
you really are butthurt that you go so much into denial that you claim the entire goverment of usa are wrong AND YOU ARE RIGHT
just let that sink a bit just how delusional you are lol
>Still trying to fake his "F-35 IS SHIT FOREVER!!111" claims
No fighter project is ever perfect, even at this stage. And I'll remind you the F-16 was declared FOC when it was crashing 18 times a year in the 80s. Fuck off with your false pretenses.
Yeah, and they decided to just shut down Project MARAUDER too
>some retard on Jow Forums sets US policy
>No fighter project is ever perfect,
yeah stop projecting your idiocy when they are constantly complain about the perfomance of the weapon under full load the problem is with the desing of the said weapon user it simply cannot fullfill the very thing it was created
>Tripling down on his stupidity
I see you like putting words in others' mouths to justify your own stupidity. Nothing in the DOTE reports is any kind of new development in any fighter's life cycle. Nor does it mean the F-35 is a bad aircraft.
All it is is a list of things that might cause problems that LM and the Air Force can then review and prioritize.
Really? That’s a launch failure. There’s tons of videos of the exact same thing from when the US space and missile programs were in their infancy. It would lose gyro on liftoff, go into the typical corkscrew move as the failing gyro precessed, then it would take off in a random direction when the gyro tumbled. You can watch literally hours of video of various US launch vehicles doing that exact same maneuver.
>powered scramjet weapon.
Which will probably be useful against fixed targets. It’ll be worthless against ships, for the same reasons you can’t hit a butterfly at 50 yards with a rifle.
so why for 4years in a row they outline the perfomance problem?
just to throw mud on the ruskies and chinks eh? probably
you dont really know much about staged rocket eh user?
Needs more quantum.
Well said. There really is no stopping complete Chinese dominance in all fields. The enemies of China would be smart to begin attempting to appease them while they still can, in hopes that the dragon will be merciful.
You do know they've been tweaking the C-LAW limiters and parameters constantly, right? That it's going to be with Block 4 that they fully unlock to 9g on the A, right?
It's almost as if you're referencing a nearly year out of date report because it says things you like.
Also, reminder that even with a 7G limiter code in place the Paris Air Show demo had the F-35 doing things physically impossible for the F-16 to pull off. In a config that was only short of weapons as combat-ready, while F-16s have to be stripped to bare bones for demos.
>as soon as they start turning they become really slow and just aimlessly drift.
That’s called losing guidance. China can make really fast missiles. They just can’t control them.
>the US would go to nuclear war over a carrier
No, the US would go to nuclear war over a possibly nuclear missile launch. If the target is a carrier, that could be considered a counterforce first strike against our strategic assets. The response would likely depend on the warhead on the missile- if it’s conventional, the launch site and a few others would probably catch some Tomahawks. And the Chinese carriers would be fair game for whichever sub can line up a shot first.
If China targets a carrier with a nuclear tipped missile, then China is starting a nuclear war and the remainder of their arsenal gets destroyed by the retaliatory strike.
Btw, whatever ballistic or hypersonic missile China launches at a US carrier is going to miss. Or be intercepted when it slows to maneuver.
>the point is that not everyone will be able to get the message of an incoming attack
It takes about 90 seconds to promulgate a Flash Z message to all affected units. Unless China is targeting harbor tugs and yard oilers, all potential targets will have at least 10 minutes warning. That’s plenty of time to button up, spread out, go to General Quarters, make turns for flank speed, and change heading by 110 degrees in the direction of the launch.
>chief engineers of usaf
>the entire goverment of usa
One of these is not like the other.
I know enough to recognize a gyro failure when I see it. You apparently don’t know enough to realize that your
>staged rocket
comment is a meaningless deflection.
>what was the Pershing II MARV
I don't get all the excitement over what is basically slightly improved Cold War stuff. I'm sure HGVs are nice for hitting ships, or forcing budgetary arms races, but they're an incremental advance, not a revolution AFAIK.