do i need a new gas tube to switch from a railed gas block to a low profile one?
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yes and no
anyway i could narrow that down
No, but it's a good time to get a new gas tube and replace the old one while you're at it.
Does anyone know if the UK prohibits belt feeding for semi automatic shotguns?
I'd quite like to adapt a Saiga to run off a belt feed just for fun. Magazine fed semi auto shotguns are legal and seem to have no magazine size restrictions so I'd assume it's the same for belt feeds.
Hey Jow Forums, noguns here
Are pan guns generally considered aesthetic or quite the opposite?
Making a game and not sure if I should include one (it would be a made up model)
Another example
Not very practical, if your setting is the 1930s/1940s (or vietcong type stuff) then it might make sense to have a few. Otherwise, belt feeding is considerably better in most objective ways.
Thanks for your response. I understand it stopped being used for practical reasons, but I was wondering more about the aesthetics.
Much like lever action rifles or toggle lock jointed arm pistols are considered cool (if only for how rare they are), does the same apply to pan guns? Or are they just considered weird?
That's entirely subjective. Personally I think they look a bit weird - an aviation rule is "If it looks weird, it flies weird" and the same applies somewhat to guns. Guns that work really well tend to look 'right', and pan magazines don't particularly work well or look right. They're not particularly sleek looking because the round pan breaks up lines from any angle you view it from.
Anyone have any experience with the Kel-tec Sub-2000 in 9mm? I /really/ like the concept of a folding pistol carbine, but Kel-tec's reputation is a little iffy.
I think the Lewis gun and it's magazine looks cool. I can't say the same for the DP28 however.
let's not get too hasty, people would love to have one of these
Thoughts on UHMWPE armor plates? Gimmick or viable entry level option?
How common is it for a weapon to be disabled or destroyed by a bullet or shrapnel in combat?
I should add that I'm asking about cases where the operator isn't hurt but a strange shot just happens to hit their gun and damage it. I've never heard anything like this happen before, and neither have I ever seen it in a movie or video game. Just curious if it ever happens.
It does happen, but it's obviously not common at all. Weapons have rather small profiles, especially when they're pointing at you.
It’s uncommon, but it does happen.
I know a guy who’s M4 *and* M9 we’re hit by bullets and disabled in the same engagement. Freak event that really rattled him.
My dad got one in the 90's.shoots good, but the plastic is cheap and the grip is starting to seperate. Not sure if this was improved with technology, but probs was. If you don't get a lemon, It'll be good, If you do prepare to wait months for them to get back to you.
I just ordered an 18” AR upper with a rifle-length gas system that I intend to swap onto a lower that previously held a carbine-length gas system.
My question is do I need to/should I replace any of the buffer components?
Mystery Ranch Coulee 25, is to too autistic to take to school?
I really want an sks. It's one of the last staples I need for my collection. How much should I expect to pay for one now? $300? $350? More?
Which are the ones to look out for? I don't really know the difference between norinco, Yugoslavia, Russian, etc. I think there's an infographic for it, just don't have it saved.
Why doesnt the Ruger 10/22 lock open on empty? Is there a way to make it do so?
Two questions, is the Benelli supernova a decent shotgun over say a mossberg 590. Also are there wood stocks and fore ends sold for the supernova or would I have to make those myself
Someone capable needs to put makeup on their faces and a Misfits logo in the back.
Hypothetically how much do auto-sears cost on the black market?
590 is "tactical" with shorter barrel
supernova is a hunting shotgun with longer barrel, changeable chokes, and lots of plastic
two very different guns with little overlap. Yes, you could use the supernova for defense, and the 590 for hunting, but you'd be either stupid or desperate to do either.
I'm right handed and right eye dominant, but vision in my right eye has deteriorated drastically in the last couple years.
How hard is it to switch shooting stances with a rifle?
because bill ruger thought only the military should have bolt-hold-open functionality.
There have been convoluted systems developed to add that function, but they're really not worth it.
If you must have it, just get a marlin.
Who gives a fuck what the normies at your school think that pack is sick, they'll all be pregnant in a year anyways
tree fiddy
why do people like safety mechanisms on their guns so much when not putting your finger on the trigger is all you need
hi, gaston
It's not there military line so no. Anything with molle or coyote tan is gay as fuck.
Im really thinking about getting an m1 garand since I turned 18. Will this gun at some point go up in price? Is this a good choice? What is the best type of m2 ball ammo that is a good mix between price and quality? What are some good California rifles that don't have silly attachments and are fun to shoot?
Because your finger is not the only thing that can touch a trigger. A pistol that's secured in a holster is one thing, but when carrying a rifle in the woods, it's easy for brush to snag the trigger.
Save up for shit you actually need and your own place to live. You're only 18, you should not be spending $1000 on a single firearm right now.
It's mostly just an American thing, most other cultures go by the "just don't pull the trigger idiot" logic, especially Russia.
Why ask? Just practice it. It is obviously different for everybody.
Thanks for the advice. I wanted to sell all my computer stuff and games for the gun but I think putting the money into a savings account is the better way to go. I dont think you understand California living wages though.
Because I have a gun in my night stand and I would be grabbing it in a panic in the dark. It would be very easy to accidentally discharge the gun since the trigger pull is so light.
No safety only works if the gun has long and heavy trigger pull. Having a short light trigger with no safety is an accident waiting to happen.
I know it's expensive. All the more reason to put that $1000 towards moving to a different state where you can get a nice apartment for $500 a month.
i should of clarified i had pistols and carrying in mind when i was thinking of that quetion but the rifle one makes sense to me
Can someone interpret my stock disc on my 1906 M/96 Swedish Mauser
you seem to know my naive my mind a little to well. I do want to move out of state and I have a lot of idea. god bless
how the tikka T3 has a smooth action without being light primer strike