how will sigfag recover?
It just keeps happening (again)
a link would be nice
>Drops gun *fires*
>trigger supposed to prevent that splinters
>it fires out of battery
>alongside the spent cashing a live round is ejected
>chokes in the most common military ball round
>now it only fires upside down
Sounds about right for the average sig product.
I'm so damn glad I avoided this deceptively nice looking turd. When will (((Sig))) drop its kosher label?
>tfw SIG went straight downhill as soon as you became comfortable spending money on new funs
guess it's back to 90s German imports for me
The Army needs fucking purged, go back to the 1911 or better yet tell NATO that their shit pistol round is shit and go 10x25mm. 9mm is outdated and ineffective in all areas as a pistol round, 10mm could even bring back SMG's as CQB weapon.
SIG is just trying to reach the untapped Urban Market.
Are older 220's still any good?
Is this why gangsters hold their shit upside down?
I'm still wondering why they didn't just go with the Glock. It's a proven design and used by plenty of military and law enforcement agencies already
>doesnt bother to read requirement for manual safety
Glockfags, everybody.
Fucking mongoloid over here with his understanding of the MHS. Where do they find you knuckle staggers these days?
the absolute state of sigfags, so far in denial that they still ignore the fact that glock meet every requirement in an attempt of hiding the painful truth that sig has gone so deep into the bottom that the only way to get the contract was corruption an outbidding through quality degradation.
Idiot Mac bought a gun that obviously was meant to be exported to Australia. Nothing to see here guys.
Why US Military not adopt HK?
Not a soldier's gun?
Shit I'd rather go into service with a classic 1911. If it was good enough to beat the Nazis it's good enough to beat some camel jockeys
Because HK are a group of fucking snobs that would rob people blind over mediocre products.
>Literally a piston M16 that's heavier with a full-auto sear
>Now the pinnacle of acquisitions
Let's not even talk about the G36 family with the Bundeswehr.
Because their shit sucks
Ay dios mio
sig fags on suicide watch
Don't care. As long as glawk doesn't get the contract, I couldn't care less. Those extra salty glawknade tears are more than worth it.
>G36 family with the Bundeswehr.
I thought that whole mess was something to do with the government wanting to cut back on price?
I agree, HK ask for premium price and are not very civilian market friendly, but......I REALLY WANT AN MP7
>submitted a design that didn't meet the requirements
yeah, Glock schooled them
So far my first range trip went perfect with mine. 100 rounds of 124gr HST and ~450 rounds of a mixture of 115 gr winchester/tula/blazer brass with no problems at all.
It did meet the requirements you mouth-breather. Look at the G19MHS that guy posted, it has a manual fucking safety on it. Christ.
sigh...what could have been
Whats with all the fudds in these threads?
this happened after 600 rounds, you better watch out, seems like the gun has a sort service life
I ain't even like glawks but dayum I'd rock dat.
>inb4 Burt "b-but how did Sig customer service respond though!!!"
I sold all my SIGS a couple months ago when it became clear that things were just going to keep getting shittier with them.
You do realize that posted Glock's model with a manual safety, right? Are you just being retarded on purpose? What's your stake in Sig?
The worst Punisher
To be totally fair, piston makes sense and actually matters when you've got a suppressed short barrel in full auto, or any two of the three. Other than that you're mostly right, but their prices on handguns have come down a lot lately.
Mother fucker I'll fight you.
>Sig fags are now on par with XD fags "I fired a couple boxes and it ran great!"
HK guns just dropped several hundred dollars in MSRP, stores still selling at the old prices are kikes.
Also, the G36 thing was, indeed, bullshit by the German MOD. HK actually sued them for it and won.
Yea I was planning on putting another 400 rounds through it at least before considering it as a carry option
Story about MOD and the lawsuit? Why did HK sue the MOD?
> 1911s
> .45 auto
> 10mm
> Replace M4s with PCCs
God damn, the contrarianism is real.
We assmad glockbois now
I may have a roach gun (TP9SF elite) but it was cheap enough that people have abused them. Still doesnt do this crap.
What exactly is going on in this video?
>over 500 rounds through a single gun on it's first range trip
I forgot most of Jow Forums shitposters don't own guns so the thought of a long range day with multiple guns is foreign to them
Id by the 19x in a heartbeat it it was not in desert meme color. Seriously when will wars in space be a thing so we can have asthetic black gats again?
No user, gangsters are just dumb niggers who can hold a gas station better than the gun they're using to rob it.
Weird, I've never had a problem with my sig p320 good thing I didn't get the 365 because it felt like the best ccw pistol
MOD said "G36 melts so we're breaking our contract"
HK said "fuck you no it doesn't"
Turns out, it doesn't, and HK won.
the trigger is stuck when the gun is held right, but can fire when upside down
SIG is just going the route of Norinco and selling directly to gangs, they even made their guns work in the only fashion gang bangers know how.
Well that was succinct. Thanks, user.
>be sig
>make a great new striker fire pistol
>wow its great, but it has some F L A W S
>thats ok we can fix it EZ
>ok thats great
>Hey guys we got a great new pistol
>oh but its even worse
>Swiss company
>known for exceptionally well made firearms
>Forms partnership with Sauer
>Swiss-German company
>still known for exceptionally well made firearms
>Separate company is founded under the SIG name in the US, separate from SIG germany
>run by an IDF jew that fucked up kimber
>turns to shit
>becomes a life style brand selling chink shit optics, and pistols with indian MIM parts
>new firearms constantly have issues that the company proceeds to try and play off as being a non issue until the widescale gun buying public finds out though youtube
kek thanks for that
That's a damn nice ejection pattern
Duh u idiot.
nigger you gay thats the only good punisher
>Buy a Glock
>It works out of the box
So does almost any gun.
Except for these.
>So does almost any gun.
Not really user. See Remington for another recent example.
>tfw you thought you were going to watch a bumpfire video but it's gangsta shit
I always chuckle at Tim saying "one for my homies" when he drops shit"
Sold my P320 the other day. Definitely took a loss, but I'm just glad to out of it.
1500rnds through my p320 and I plan to get that to 2,000 this weekend.
Hope you don't get hurt
You're right except
>spongy trigger
>crap sights
Come on. You've been producing literally the same gun for the entire lifetime of your company. Why are these two features still so bad?
>tfw you'll never rock the 19MHS, just the 19X civvy knockoff
I said it yesterday in >SP2022 is best HK
>P220 is best 1911
>P226 is best Glock 17
>P229 is best Glock 19
>P239 is love
>All other SIGs suck.
Then someone replied with
>hurrr but the 365
Still no.
t. Honest Sigfag
I would buy a Glock right this second if I could get one with a manual safety.
>go back to the 1911
>Manual safety
The SP2022 is definitely a good gun for it's price, but the P2000 and USP are objectively superior
I’m not comfortable reholstering a Glock without any tactile indication if the trigger is being pulled. With a safety I would be comfortable. I know it’s not a popular opinion but it’s my leg not to shoot however I wish.
Of course the dumb frog poster has shit taste.
just picked up a P30L for $550
>dat pic
P30SK best girl
>dude i shot 500 rounds! this thing is super heavy duty!
the 19X is literally the worst possible future.
Having fired a full auto Rattler, I can no longer say short stroke piston is a meme.
As a glockfag I can confirm I am always mad.
They can still type because they didn't drop their sigs and shoot theit fingers off
I carry a 17 and I will also confirm that my anger issues are definitely a thing.
Can't we go back to the days when Taurus was the only bad apple and everyone else was good?
Why are so many companies having QC problems now?
Because the feds can't be trusted enough to let them set up a consumer protection agency concerning firearms
Look how fucking Jewish that last paragraph is.
(((blend the cultures)))
>requiring a manual safety
armyfags, everybody
Terrible meme
Thank you for weighing in, boomer.
Here is the article if anyone is interested
US should have just got beretta to make a polymer framed 96. Come at me.
>all this shit happening
>somehow CZ gets the soiboi meme
Sig deserves it more. Overpriced memeguns that constantly break, company coasting on their past and movies/vidya to make sales.
Jews mostly.
>not pulling the trigger is a safety
>Army uses pistol so long and hard they start wearing out
Please don't disgrace the 92 series with compromises.