India... Russia... All of Europe...
See, this is what happens if you have an actual efficient and modern shipbuilding industry.
You can fucking launch 13k ton cruisers in pairs, month after month.
India... Russia... All of Europe...
See, this is what happens if you have an actual efficient and modern shipbuilding industry.
You can fucking launch 13k ton cruisers in pairs, month after month.
>b-but China has a laughable navy because they use RAMP!!!1111
Just remember that the Japs though they were hot shit too, then America revved up their industry.
>Occupied vassal state with government installed by the US thinks they can economically outdo their Master
>Master forces him to sign self-mutilation treaty at gunpoint
end of story
To crash China, America first need to occupy China and replace its government with US puppets.
And these warships, among many other things, is their plan to prevent that from happening.
China actually has the manpower and resources though
Much more manpower actually
That's not wrong
It is tho.
At every measure they are a blue water navy now that is globally operating. Sure, they are limited in their power projection due to the lack of many overseas bases and allies, but not because of carriers.
Japan, often called a blue water navy, has literally no bases and no carriers deserving that name at all.
Or, you know, just blow up Three Gorges, OR cripple the Chinese economy, OR stop oil from getting into China.
The fact that we can do all three relatively easy is just icing on the cake, let alone the fact that China still can't install bulkheads the correct way, doesn't understand why their hatches are backwards, has no experience with damage control, keep giving us free SIGINT by thinking they're hot shit by locking things up, doesn't even bother to have secured items or storage in stations, uses wheely chairs at stations, and somehow honestly believes the rest of the world can't see all the issues they try their damndest to hide.
You either have no idea what you're talking about, completely missed the point on purpose, or both.
>just blow up Three Gorges
Seriously, Americans are more delusional than Indians thinking they are clean.
>wannabe naval engineer/armchair admiral talking
yeah, whatever.
I love how you left out the issue with no flash gear. Because you know that you were BTFO last time you mentioned that.
Pic related is why.
>Don't even respond to the other two
>Thinks the US isn't more than capable of penetrating Chinese airspace
>Thinking the US would even have to
>All these issues magically don't matter because I said so!
I want a war so badly just so you Chinks get the graveless deaths you deserve.
>And implying that what the PLAN shows in their PR releases is anything close to their capabilities or not just from land-based simulators.
These are your "wheely chairs".
Not really looking like them, but believe what you want.
Why do you act like Europe is a state?
Do you honestly think that anyone in their right mind in Europe actually likes the EU?
>>All these issues magically don't matter because I said so!
More like all these issues do not even exist and are overblown by mutt-posters desperate to hold up their house of cards that is based on the delusion of USN competence and Chinese incompetence.
Pic related is real USN competence right here. Two shat up Burkes in a single year.
>Chinks still think they know shit
So now you have a few boats and a carrier you don't know how to use. Great, Terry, can you tell me, does the Chinese navy favor glass or plastic for windows?
Next hurdle is taken. Carrier night ops!
>Don't even exist
Literally denying readily googleable photo/video evidence.
Literally denying reality that was hard-learned by everyone relevant in war in the last century.
>House of cards
It's not competence as much as it is ability. Chinese inexperience leads to flaws in design, doctrine, theory, and construction, Chinese business culture leads to flaws in materials, Chinese government spits out propganda instead of facts and suppresses truth from its own people.
Like I said, I can't wait for a war so you subhumans get what you sow.
Great, so now you can do what the USN has been able to do for 70 years, except still can't launch aircraft with full ordnance load?
>googleable photo/video evidence.
That's your problem. Look, I can deduce the state of the USN from this photo! I am acting on the same level as you now.
No, you're not. Much like all subhuman trash, you're still intentionally missing everything that's been stated on purpose, so you can engineer a reality in which your "arguments" have any basis, because in reality they have none.
China thinking that they can take on the USN and win is pure, absolute delusion.
And I cant wait to skin you "masterrace" alive and shit on your corpses.
Look here: These people are your "masterrace elite, hardened after centuries of battle experience"
I wish the goat-herders would have taken their corpses and did some fun things with them.
>your face now
Aww Terry that's not very nice. Remember, an adult doesn't have temper tantrums, he simply turns off the PC and tells himself China #1!
Now you look like a child having a tantrum, how can China be number 1 if your acting like this?! :'(
Who said anything about LOLMASTERRACE?
Chinks are subhuman through their behavior and delusion. I think it's hilarious you think these posts would even piss me off. You have no arguments, you have no facts, you exist entirely outside of reality. You're having a toddler's tirade because somebody pointed out a few facts, like how Taiwan is real China.
>all three relatively easy is just icing on the cake
>relatively easy
you're fucking delusional.
>like how Taiwan is real China
kek, this.
At least China doesnt need to use TAPE to repair their SM-2 missiles.
>china has to build an outdated destroyer/cruiser because they can't into VLS tech to quad stack their missiles like the US does; ergo, they require more vls for the same capability
wow chink so stronk
Since you seem to be not even a real american but a butthurt Green goblino, read this please.
Your civilized masters in japan complain about your uncivilized behavior, despite 50 years of jap colonization efforts.
are SM2/3s quad packed?
you fucking retard.
Terry... Come on, time for bed you've had enough internet for one day. Your behaving like a child and you are showing China up... Everyone's laughing now and it's not at the ships anymore...
holy shit
you gooks realize how fewer armaments and fuel jets can carry taking off from a ramp than a catapult, yeah?
>literally no tradition or past knowledge of carrier ops
>rebuilds a russian cruiser-carrier with a ramp
>1/3rd of the fighters a US carrier holds
>china stronk
my fuckin sides
Ay dios mio
Still less delusional than your average chink that thinks they'd stand a chance against the US.
>Thinks I can't tell the difference between Chinese and Japanese
Lol, try again
>they'd stand a chance against the US.
any of the Big 5 stands a chance against the US because nobody wants vertical escalation you fucking moron.
Now go back to the kiddie table and eat your fucking tendies. Let the adults talk about adult topics. We'll leave the anime to you.
See this america?
These things are the reason why attacking the Three Gorges Dam wont work.
>Moving the goalposts this hard
You WISH your country exported something as broadly consumed as anime.
SM2 and SM6 are double packed, ESSM is quad packed, SM3 is single packed.
Double packed SM2/6s more than make up for the VLS difference alone. Arleigh Burkes have 24 VLS tubes for SM2/6, ergo 48 SM2/6 missiles. There's a 16 VLS difference between the Arleigh Burke and Type 055.
Gooks confirmed tubelets
I know you are a dumb mutt who speaks only one language, but this is a japanese who lives in Taiwan and can speak Mandarin. The characters are TRADITIONAL CHINESE not simplified, hence he really understands that Taiwanese are, by your own measurement, just as subhuman as mainland Chinese.
What, those shitty missiles China has been caught lying about repeatedly?
>We made a missile that goes fast and makes janky patterns that can't carry a payload! This means our dam is undestroyable!
Just how fucking retarded are you? I swear you chinks think war goes;
>We launched one single aircraft/piece of ordnance that didn't work. Even though we have a lot more, let's just go home now.
>Says this is a Japanese post
>Posts a post in Chinese
>Gets called out
>Moves the goal again
Chinese VLS is far larger in caliber and will be able to pack eight of these here.
In addition, their 850mm caliber will allow them to carry hypersonic scramjet nearspace weapons.
And DF-17 glide weapons
The Burke III stands no chance at all.
>the amount of chinksect government shills itt
>Gets called out
How about reading that facebook post?
Oh wait, you cant! You are just a English-Only mutt.
>SPG-62 mechanically steered dish radars
>""""""""""strong and advanced USN""""""""""""
>A fucking DISH
>year 2018
>Moving the goalposts again because someone realized I tried to lie
Why are there more chink shills here with every passing day? What objective would chink PSYOPs even accomplish here?
>try to divert attention from own's low intelligence and educational background
I know that the US educational system is bad, but you are really scratching at the lower treshold for intelligent life.
Collecting burger tears.
Seeing burgers get butt frusturated is a leisurely activity
What tears are there collect? If anything you’re just collecting feces.
t. suomi
Implessive, you're now where the US navy was in the 40s
>Not learning an irrelevant language of human garbage makes you stupid
There's a reason you needed to learn English but nobody outside of China actually needs to learn Chinese. Keep crying.
this is the reason why Chinese people will always beat the wh*toids.
>admitting China is unable to miniaturize its missiles because it lacks basic scientific understanding
what a self own, my god
Also, as to your point about VLS Diameter. The Mk57 AVLS (not the Mk 57 VLS) will be 850mm and allow quad packing of SM2 and SM6. AVLS will be standard on Arleigh Burke Flight III's.
Chinks absolutely btfo
>blow up Three Gorges
So you want nuclear war?
Lies and propaganda?
Wait, are you just doing this so you earn your government good boy points?
Holy shit the USN weebs ITT are annoying.
You cunts are literally worse than gooks, all you do is shit up threads and prevent any meaningful discussion from taking place.
Mutt please, you were the one who tried to fake intelligence here by doubting that a Japanese man living in Taiwan shits on Taiwanese manners in a facebook post written in traditional chinese (because he wants the Taiwanese to read it), on the sole basis that you are clever enough to be able to tell apart Chinese and Japanese characters.
All you have done is to show that you neither have any language skills outside english (not even), nor any logical reasoning.
I very much doubt that you are even human. Because no living thing could be that stupid.
I think you are a fucking drone or insect.
t. insectoid
>USN weebs
i'm sorry, what?
He's another gook with an inferiority complex that can't stand the fact that US VLS is superior to Chink shit
Why would a civilized man need to learn your insect language?
>Still upset about getting caught in a lie
>Still upset that nobody else in the world actually has to learn their shitty subhuman runes
>Still upset about reality
>Still upset about not ruling the world under communism
>Still upset about living in an actual Orwellian shithole
Does the government pay you to shitpost here? Do you have to use a proxy or VPN?
>Mk57 AVLS
Yeah, on the next fantasy Zumwalt maybe.
And China chose that big ass VLS because they want it to be future proof for ship launched ASBMs and super high orbit ASATs, not because of miniaturization limitations.
The missile here in this gif for example is a 9 meters long 500-800km ranged strategic SAM. You are not going to put them inside the puny Mk41 or Mk57.
and the Granit is 10 meters long and is from the 80s, you point being?
>Missile easily defeated
>Boat promptly deleted even in the off chance it even found something to launch at
hey, they don't eat each other, which is a great start
We don't eat household companion animals, so we're still better off than you.
And the Granit is inefficient for an anti ship missile, which is why it has been phased out.
Ultra-long range SAM, tho, is on the way in. America will experience big trouble in the future, as the SM-6 is already straining the Mk41's dimensions to the max.
A 800km ranged SAM with HPM warhead or tactical nuke warhead capable of taking out an entire carrier flight in the air by just passing it is a monster that needs such large VLS.
>muh dog more important than not chimping out and invading innocent countries and killing innocent people for fun and sports!!11
Absolutely disgusting. This is the state of the mutt race. The world is better off with you removed from the gene-pool.
>invading innocent countries
like tibet?
Invading Tibet is like the Union invading the territories of the Confederacy.
Yes, I support the US being divided in a North and South! Civil War hopefully soon. China can help and seld weapons to the South to make that divide lasting.
do you actually believe the US north ands south hate each other more than they hate chicks?
Yes, when they notice how bad the federal government is. In fact, the US is already on the verge, which is why Trump is attempting to divert attention all the time.
>one of the tactics in Cold War 2 is shitposting
I love this timeline
Remember when you killed and ate half your own population, then killed everyone who wore glasses because you thought they were smart and well read, therefore capitalist bourgeois scum? Or all those times you slaughtered civilians? Or how you currently suppress, censor, arrest, and silence anyone who doesn't worship the government? Remember how you currently live under an actual, unironic government Good Boy Points system that determines your personal favor standing with the state?
you're fucking retarded
>This is your brain on state propaganda
>Yeah, on the next fantasy Zumwalt maybe.
The Mk57 AVLS is already on Zumwalt you mongoloid, that was the demonstrator for it. It will continue to be installed on the newer Zumwalts, as well as the AB Flight III's.
>And China chose that big ass VLS because they want it to be future proof for ship launched ASBMs and super high orbit ASATs, not because of miniaturization limitations.
Just lol
>The missile here in this gif for example is a 9 meters long 500-800km ranged strategic SAM. You are not going to put them inside the puny Mk41 or Mk57.
Thank you for proving my point from earlier
"HQ-19 - A vastly upgraded version of HQ-9 to counter ballistic missile and satellites on the lower end of Low Earth orbits, and it is the Chinese equivalent of THAAD"
>9 meters long
The PAC-3 (Patriot Missile used by THAAD) is 5.8m.
Gooks btfo again
>which is why Trump is attempting to divert attention all the time
>literally coming from a chink
Did your lifelong president tell you that?
Least we forget Tiananmen square... Nothing like putting down a protest, organised by students with live ammunition. Chinese history is quite interesting, it's a shame the natives can't enjoy it too.
>burgers are going to give up their comfy fat lifestyle and go to war because of trump and the feds
Not even murican, but thats fucking stupid.
I'm saving that line for future use. Has China actually won any war that wasn't with itself?
>then killed everyone who wore glasses because you thought they were smart and well read
That's not even China. Mang, you are mistaking Cambodia with China.
But whatever, all the same to the special needs Mutt.
Mk57 with 750mm VLS is on the Zumwalt.
>The PAC-3 (Patriot Missile used by THAAD) is 5.8m.
I... What?
Come on. You can at least try.
I wished that I could have shat on that flag and on the photos of those mutt-soldiers who belonged to that regiment...
So what would happen if I contacted China and told them they had a chink posting on a known anti-Chinese board in English?
What about the Red Guard groups who turned on everyone who didn't do Mao's bidding? I'm sure they had a thing about glasses and ties...
> I'm sure
yeah, that's the problem here
I still don't understand how or why you think that'd make anyone mad. You have to try to piss us off but fail at it, all we have to do is point out reality and you go into seething rage.
The Mk57 VLS, yes. Not the Mk57 AVLS.
If you're referring to
>The PAC-3 (Patriot Missile used by THAAD)
I was under the impression PAC-3 was integrated into THAAD. Did they stop doing so?
If you're referring to
>is 5.8m
I don't mind admitting when I am wrong. The PAC-2 is 5.8m, the PAC-3 is even smaller at 5.2m.
A cursory glance reveals the original THAAD interceptor was/is 6.17m -- nearly 3m shorter than the HQ-19.