Has it happened to you, Jow Forums? Tell us the story. Here's my EDC set, pic related (located in Russia). I have used my pepper spray for self defense twice.
The first time I got jumped by a couple of thugs. One grabbed me from behind and was trying to throw me to the ground, but he couldn't do it since I was way heavier, so we struggled for some time. Gave me enough time to reach into my pocket, grab my pepper spray. I reached over my shoulder and sprayed him in the face. Then I was able to get away.
Second story: Some junky approached me with gods know what intention. I warned him to stay back, he didn't listen and got sprayed. I got him good, but he was somehow able to walk and look afterwards, even though I know the type I'm using is quite good and when you get sprayed you can't open your eyes even if they offered you $100k. Junkies! *shrug*
Here's also a khukri I bought to carry when camping or just being innawoods out of hunting season without my rifle. Haven't used it for self defense, but it's one of its main purposes - even the sight of it could scare potential attackers. And if not - I'd be most happy to relieve them of their heads. Feels good to be able to write about not being afraid of murdering someone, I wouldn't post this on russian social networks. People get prosecuted for posting stuff quite often these days in RUssia.
No stories. I guess I'm lucky. A few close calls, but I have a feeling I was the paranoid one. We're talking the standard, "room clearing because of a weird noise" situation.
Christian Roberts
>2 am >some guy approaches my car at like 2 or 3 am at red light >I brandish my beatin stick >he 360 noscopes and walks away without changing facial expression
I have nothing to contribute, but your stories were interesting OP. Anything else crazy happen to you in Russia? Also, how old is that pepper spray? Looks soviet-tier. Was it issued by the gommies or something?
Thomas Williams
Also, shootings happen here every single day, but in our massive population it's almost a non-issue unless you're black (blacks killing other blacks) you only think it happens more recently because the (((media))) spams talking about it. Things were much worse in the 1980s as far as gun violence
Leo Powell
Do you carry any gun or do you live in a noguns place?
Matthew Hernandez
He posted a pic of his EDC, AND said he lives in Russia. Are you blind?
Ah, I meant specifically school shooting. Heard you had one today.
No handguns for us Russians :(
I know a guy who has one illegally, tho. Pic related. It's a TT (i think its the one, didnt look at the pic, only the preview). Told me how he was piss drunk once and shot at some guy on a bycicle. A friend had to punch him in the face before he kills the guy. Crazy russians..
>Just get a Makarov gas gun and change the barrel for a 9x18 like everybody else
Will be fun if i get caught with it. You know that we're waiting for a story, right?
Blake Adams
Just carry cash for a bribe. C'mon, it's Russia.
Caleb Robinson
no shit. got "arrested" for smoking a few weeks back.
policemen escorted me into their room.
They had beer on the table. He even said - look, I got beer on the table.
Anyway, I gave him 1000 roubles and he let me go. Should have given him 500, damn. Bet he would still be happy.
Otherwise I was facing the risk of getting taking to the precinct and wasting time there.
Adam Foster
If you're into that shit, you've probably watched it on Youtube already, there's security camera footage of it.
Anyway, it happened exactly as we have already seen before and trained for it. Two male individuals on a bike pointed a .38 revolver at my vehicle on a traffic stop, and as soon as they stopped, i drew the PT-99 from under my left leg and magdumped from my windshield. They both ran and fired once, hitting the driver's window, that left me unharmed.
I reloaded the backup mag, and went after them. The one with the revolver was using a stolen ballistic vest, probably from a security guard that he also stole the firearm. Three of the rounds perforated the vest, hitting lung and breaking vertebrae. He was also shot on the gut and leg. Other guy was shot in the back and managed to run some four blocks away, then pretty much accepted his fate. Both were rescued and then arrested, and are probably fine (or dead, but not from these injuries) today.
Just out of curiosity; did uou at some point have to use the FN vest pocket and why did you choose instead of one of the more common subcompact .380 pistols ?
Nicholas Ross
Joseph Lee
I have arrested a kid with it, and actually thought i would have to shoot him squarely in the head (he was carrying a plastic gun that looked kinda real tho'), but never used it outside of plinking.
I usually carry it whenever i need to do low profile undercover works. I can conceal it inside my underwear, sports hat, pockets, whatever. It is very cost-effective for the job, and a FMJ .25 to the skull should not be fucked with. I used to have a PT938, that is a subcompact model, but it still did a lot of printing, and i could not be frisked without someone finding it.
Cooper Rogers
How difficult is it to find .25 ammo in Brazil ? BTW are you civil, federal or military police ?
Adam Roberts
mate,you're my hero!
Don't think I've seen the video. Care to share a link?:)
Matthew Gonzalez
>Has it happened to you, Jow Forums? Tell us the story. Here's my EDC set, pic related (located in Russia). >I have used my pepper spray for self defense twice. A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!
Logan Watson
Such is life in the zone.
Angel Wood
I am actually very surprised that there are so few posts. It's like nothing of this sort is happening to Jow Forumsommandos. Wierd.
Hudson Fisher
in america, even in the shittier areas, you are fine as long as you keep to yourself. the riskiest moment I had was driving through a compton neighborhood. black people were all around the street milly rocking and dabbing and wouldnt move. never again.
Nolan Young
>be driving around 9:15 to go see a friend at the park after school >decide to stop at a corner store for a can of dip and a soda > as I'm pulling up to the entrance I see a large guy in dark clothes pushing a bike and stumbling around slowly. >think what the fuck is this shit. >go up to the intersection and wait to turn left to enter the store from the other side. (only store I know of that has my favorite kind of dip) >pull up and come to a stop put my car in park and rev the engine (I had a cracked exhaust manifold that would cause the RPMs to drop and stall the car) >as I wait I get a bad feeling and checked my mirrors I checked the passengers side first and didn't see him so I checked the drivers and saw him riding up kinda fast on my drivers side. >I drew my weapon (Ruger LC9) and placed in in my lap and looked straight forward. I had a bad feeling but I didn't want to run the red light because my cars acceleration was shit and didn't want to get T-boned. >The guy stopped beside my car and yelled "DUMB MOVE MOTHER FUCKER SHOULDN'T HAVE STOPPED AT THIS RED LIGHT" and got off his bike. >he charged up to my window (about 5 feet) and punched it hard as fuck. >dude was pretty fucking big and I knew if he got into my car I was fucked. >he also look really really pissed more pissed than I've ever seen anyone before. the level of crazy in this guy was insane. >I stomped on the gas (forgot the car was in park) as he was pulling his fist back to punch again >I looked from his face to his waste band and saw his left hand sweeping from his left him to his right. I couldn't see his waste band but could see his upper hand. it looked like he was sweeping to grab a weapon. (I've carried appendix before and I look just like he was doing a one handed draw. >So I shot I fired one round hitting him in the chest he spun around and ran before I could fire a second.
Levi Watson
>In a panic I put the car back in drive noticed he was gone and decided to go for help >(I left my phone at home because it was dead) >I noticed he was laying behind my car >I managed to flag someone down and barrow there phone to call 911 and I sat on the curb to wait. >A few min later a fire truck arrived. a firefighter check the guys pulse and shook his head >A cop arrived a few min later and looked at the guys face shook he head and asked if I was ok.
Pretty much my exact EDC from that night (taken recently just got my LC9 Back still cleaning off the rust)
Christian Sanders
Sebastian Allen
Wow, that's an insane story! Awesome. How do you feel about murdering the guy?
And what, the cop just let you go like that?!
Liam Robinson
No I went to the station and had to deal with a year and a half long investigation. But I did get to go home that night with my car. (took a year and a half to get my gun back too)
I dont feel to bad about it the guy had 8 grams of meth on him (and oddly a pink vibrator) He had like 8-9 violent felonies 3 aliases and a murder charge in Alabama. (he was also high on meth and drunk at the time on the car jacking/what ever reason he was coming after my ass. As for his family they have been spreading lies the whole time.
Kevin Price
It was a pretty big fucking deal. A shit load of cops showed up. That said the local PD and DA didn't seem to care about the guy getting shot. I talked to the investigator exactly twice about the shooting (once during the night of and later when they confirmed the cracked exhaust manifold)
Joshua Jenkins
How many years until you can get your rifle?
Brody Rivera
>he might have went on living but he made one fatal slip >When he tried to match the ranger with the big iron on his hip
Andrew White
This post makes up for the continued harassment from tweekers on Facebook
Eli Sullivan
I have a few stories;
>be my dad >before i was born >he's on a date with my mom >they just ate dinner and are walking to the car >along comes a spider >and by spider I mean nigger >nigger brandishes large knife and demands money >dad acts compliant, acts like his going for his wallet but actually takes out his Colt Commander >shoots him four times in the chest >he goes down >dad takes out ancient cell phone and calls the cops >aside from ruining their date nothing really happened >feels good to be southern
Cooper Bailey
I got robbed at gunpoint while working. Wasn't allowed to carry at work and was defenseless so I complied. Boss said "go home and get some rest, you have to work tomorrow". I quit on the spot, not because of the robbery but my bosses attitude.
Dude could have led me into the back and shot me and nobody would have known until morning. He had a Springfield XD. He was actually a pretty chill and professional robber, didn't yell or threaten unneccesarily. Got what he wanted and bounced.
Xavier Gonzalez
The news makes it sound so much worse than it really is. Most of the people that carry will never have to even draw.
Isaiah Garcia
Were you wearing the cowboy hat?
Owen Flores
EDC is exactly the same (only difference is the Mag holder and wallet I was wearing a different cowboy hat)
Owen Johnson
This is more recent;
>know a man working as an armed guard at a bank, transitioning to local LE >retired Army >one day he's coming back from work >makes it up to his apartment and is unlocking the door when he hears shouting and running >sees one of his neighbors running up >she's 15 >smiles and says "hey darling, what's- Jesus Christ, what happened to you? You're covered in blood-" >a man follows her out of her apartment with a hatchet >he's been stalking her for a while >broke in a few minutes ago and attempted to axe her and her friend >she got away >he ushers her behind him and takes out his G19 he used as a guard >tells the man several times to get down, put the axe down, etc >man doesn't comply and keeps coming so he opens up >hits him seven times and pretty much kills him on the spot >upon reviewing the security footage everything was cleared >that man is now a cop in my town >people call him stupid shit like "the Law Bringer", "Gunslinger", etc >"hey don't shoot me now haha" >it kinda annoys him but he takes it in stride >not a bad guy
Friend survived, btw. Has a pretty nice scar on her shoulder and chest, as got smacked in the face pretty hard with the flat side of the hatchet, but she made it in the end.
Leo Richardson
What kind of mag extension is that?
Bentley Lopez
>(and oddly a pink vibrator)
The guy was a known criminal and yet the police kept your gun for a year and a half and kept "investigating" something?
Matthew Clark
I got one. 12 gauge. Now 5 years until I can get a regular carbine. Yea, it sucks...
Damn awesome.
Evan Gray
yeah there was a shit load of tweekers freaking out about it. They still have a "Justice for" page for the guy they post on. I think they let it die down before formally clearing me. Also California (northern cali but still cali) plus they contacted the state so IDK if that had anything to do with it.
Cameron Watson
>go home and get some rest, you have to work tomorrow
Fuck this boss m8.
Did they ever catch the assailant?
Jordan Brooks
I've never been in a defensive situation, myself. That sucks, bro. My dad had that happen and and a man tried to rob him with a .38 (that was only loaded with two rounds), and gave up almost instantly when he saw my dad was also armed. He ran and was later arrested. Crime used to be worse here before I was born but it's a lot more chill now. If I stay around here I doubt I'll ever get into a situation like that but we'll see.
Jaxon Thomas
Damn, the horror.
Michael Moore
Texas Red had not cleared leather...
Isaiah Rivera
I'm glad it ended well for you, and that you had the sense to actually carry a weapon for self defense.
Reading horrible stories like this one and the axe story is what made me purchase a spray and a knife years ago in the first place. Too bad we can't own handguns here in Russia.
yeah I only weight 130 pounds ex US Army and I'm loaded with health issues (I vomit blood and can't eat a whole lot so I'm a skeleton and constantly tired) So fuck fist fighting a 230 pound oddly ripped guy high on meth. I'd post pics of him but I'd rather not have you guy harass the family I deal enough with them as it is.
Adam Long
What you've got is a shotgun because it fires 12GA, a rifle is fired from the shoulder and fires a bullet from a rifled barrel (carbine = rifle)
Thomas Gutierrez
Yup. Don't forget salaries are not as big here in Russia as they are in the US.
What, the fuckers are still bugging you? How much time has passed?
It happened February 2017. I've blocked most of them so for the most part it died down but every once in awhile Ill get called a murder by one of them. most of my towns on my side though.
Matthew Scott
Jesus. Hope they don't decide to switch to... action. Keep your eyes open and don't let your guard down, m8. Is it a small town? i'd probably move after something like this if it's a small town...
The cops never told me they got him. The cops felt bad and kept driving by my house, smaller town, and kept asking if I was ok.
They even pulled me.over because they knew what I drove and talked to me saying they can't find the guy. They were genuinely disappointed.
I haven't gotten a ticket since then tho. I actually like my local PD. They got this hot female Asian cop on night patrol, I keep hoping to get pulled over by her.
William Price
Out of curiosity what did his family lie about? Seems pretty cut and dry with the history of violence and quarter of meth.
Pic Is my current edc-currently looking at microtech knives
Population 90k so small enough considering I've lived here my whole life.
Noah Phillips
If I were you I would consider moving if you can, I understand it's Cali but still tweekers never forget and if they're symptons get worse, which they will, they will try to do something.
Hunter Ward
That would explain the calm expression in the story.
Anthony Anderson
Well, a man can have a hobby, nothing wrong with that. And it makes him some cash on the side...
Mason Sullivan
I stole a bike from him which turned into I stole a motorcycle. I tried to run him over (there is video evidence that says other wise but they keep pushing that one). My dad is a cop, I tried to buy drugs from him that kinda crap. I'm pretty sure the investigator got tired of them telling him all that crap I feel bad he actually had to look into all of it.
Carter Watson
That sucks. Don't worry though, I've got your back. >I will look for them...
Is this a troll twitter account, or is it legit? This looks insane.
Brtcucks done for?
Levi James
>A fucking bike wheel
Connor Williams
Can someone redpill me on the good models of pepper spray?
I live in NY and it's illegal to get regular strength pepper spray without going to a store and putting your name in a registry. All the ones available on Amazon etc are just reduced strength. Going to try getting it ebayed from someone who doesn't care about our stupid laws.
He was pissed and upset. He was taking responsibility a d kept saying how it was his fault.
Saint Bernard. I have a fucked up knee and could not run away, the owner failed to have their dog properly secured on their property. I also live outside city limits and on my property when it happen. I shit myself a tiny bit, it got within feet before I was able to shoot it.
Jonathan Edwards
Well done Cujo slayer, I got bit by a Rottweiler nice n gud as a kiddo. People don’t really register dogs as a real threat until they can’t get them to release their jaws.
Cujo didnu nuffin! He was a good boy! Dogs are scary as fuck. I got kids, I got dogs, I don't let those dogs any where near my boys (They're only 9 months old) I'd put any of them down if needed to protect my kids.
Jackson Hernandez
I am scared of dogs. I run with a baton because I've been chased by a Pittbull before. I hate those nigger dogs.
Grayson Moore
Good job, mate. Dogs can be pretty shit.
Got bit twice by one of those short long eared hunting dogs, what are they called. Scared of dogs since then. I can still pet them and stuff if I know they're friendly, but I dislike unknown unsecured big dogs.
Matthew Wood
so true, getting a dog to pry its jaws open will teach you how to fear them
Ethan Wright
We dog stories now? I've got one I posted a couple times before.
>Out walking the dog (long haired Chihuahua) with kid brother just before sunset. >Halfway around the neighborhood, I start to hear a dog barking. >Look over and see a pit bull losing it's shit in my neighbor's backyard. >Owner just let it out and is apparently trying to convince it to not bother us. >Dog is probably 10 feet from owner and 75 feet from my little bro and lap dog. >Owner insists on only calling it instead of grabbing the fucker. >Of course the pit bull decides to charge us. >20yrs old at the time, so no gun. >Have an instant to decide whether to go for my knife or my flashlight. >It would be fucking hard trying stab a dog to death without badly cutting myself, little bro, or Chihuahua... Going for flashlight (Thrunight TC-12). >The pit bull is just over halfway to us by the time I get the flashlight out. >I put the light on strobe and the dog instantly freezes from a full run with only 20 feet between us. >It stares into the light for a second then goes back to the owner (who made 0 effort to stop it during the entire event). >Owner looks over at me and begins to scold the dog as we walk off.
I consider myself very lucky for getting out of that situation with no harm to either party. For one, I carry my ccw everyday now. I can say with certainty I would have shot that dog had this happened today. And for two, the fact that a flashlight stopped a big dog at a full charge amazes me. Had this happened when the sun was still shining bright, there is no way in hell that flashlight would have done anything. A flashlight was the right tool for the job, but I don't think I'd ever risk using it again for something like this.
>Feels good to be able to write about not being afraid of murdering someone Oh look, a Russian posting about his desire for murder. Is there anyone from Russia that is not a complete degenerate psychopath? >No, there isn't
Cameron Torres
Because when a felon loses the right to own guns they get a mean pitbull on a leash to release in people robbing them. Problem is they’ll kill most other dogs and that these guys go back to prison and just let these fuckers loose. Was a big problem in my old neighborhood.