You guys have never steered me wrong... so my girlfriend has got a promotion at her bank job and now she'll be in charge of opening. She works at the most "urban" of the local branches. She says guns are a no go, and frankly I don't trust her with one anyways. What is something I could theoretically pick up from my local stores that might aid her?
ITT: best small things a girl could carry to render a... fine, outstanding african american... completely incapacitated
A gun, preferably chambered in a cartridge ranging from 9mm to 45 ACP, with a capacity of 6 to 18
Easton Young
situational awareness. around blacks never relax
Chase Adams
This. With pepperspray and train her on how to dial 911 fast.
Ethan Cruz
She acts like the bank won't allow it. Idk, never worked at one and haven't explicitly asked her yet. Are banks so cucked they won't even let employees bring guns?
Levi Reyes
She's at a bank Which more than likely has armed guards If they kill the guards then she knows to escape and police are immediately alerted If the guards aren't killed, then they're only interested in money
Connor Wood
Major banks prohibit carrying any weapon at all. You're still a fucking faggot for not teaching your gf about guns
Ayden Adams
>wanting armed tellers when the bank itself doesn't even hold that much money.
its more economical to just do everything the robbers say then call the cops. they have insurance for a reason. If OP's wife shot a robber she would probably get fired anyway.
Juan Fisher
good point, should've been obvious. 911 speed dial
You guys must have some pepper spray brand recommendations? I need something that could stop a guerrila
Nolan Reyes
>I need something that could stop a guerrila
i dont think gorilla eyes are any tougher than human eyes. just get the most highly rated pepper spray on amazon.
Adrian Campbell
>frankly I don't trust her with one
Why are you with her? My waifu can handle funs, why can't yours?
Anthony Gonzalez
>i dont think gorilla eyes are any tougher than human eyes You'd be surprised
Tyler James
More about carrying on the way to work. To be honest I skimmed your OP and didn't see the word bank
Carson Jenkins
>tyrese comes to steal from the bank >OP's dumb gf uses pepper spray in confined space indoors >the entire room has stinging eyes and can't see >the armed security that's there every day is teary eyed and can't see >Tyrese lashes out blindly and squeezes off a few rounds, one of which hits and kills the security >none of the tellers can see where the panic button is and can't press it >Tyrese rapes op's gf, then robs the bank and gets away
Adrian Taylor
OP just wants to live vicariously through his wife hoping that someday she will get to shoot a robber (preferably a black one) and he will get to feel proud and make threads on Jow Forums asking if he 'done good'
Gavin Nguyen
now I'm fucking terrified guys. Should I just buy one of those chastity belt things? Where can I get one?
OP here. I work a closing shift at an area liquor store. It's also urban. I hold the keys. I carry a .357 snub nose. Trust me friendo, I get more than enough opportunities for that.
Sebastian Baker
dumb frogposter
Jacob Allen
My work prohibits carrying and even have guns on premises. I carry everyday regardless >It’s called CONCEALED carry for a reason >what’s more important, life or work?
Your pistol is expensive. I remember you. But your car sucks. >2012 nissan altima
David Gray
There aren't any you fucking troglodyte. That's why cops carry guns instead of fucking batons or 2ft long dildos. If there was an easy alternative it'd be all over the place. Tasers are mostly shit, mace is almost entirely shit, martial arts are mostly a fucking joke for this kinda thing, and defensive with a knife is literally the worst choice possible in this day and age.
Juan Long
My work also prohibits carrying while on the clock, but otherwise lets every other patron open carry of they choose to do so.
I've thought about carrying regardless, seeing as I take alternative means to/from work. Due to a revoked license and a car that's not worth fixing up. But my given postion has me move around and doing more physical work than most others. I could be simply lifing over head or on my back, crawling into tight spaces. Im afraid that even if concealed, it won't be concealed for long. Thoughts?
That guy who ducks first and doesnt even say anything to anyone else is such a massive faggot. Clearly he saw the gunman, clearly he had enough time to yell "GUN!" Which would have given the guard and other employees a quicker reaction.
Xavier Sullivan
We're onto you :^)
Henry Jenkins
Wear longer shirts
Landon Bell
What do you normally carry? If your job is that physically demanding you might want to consider a smaller gun.
Hunter Lewis
>She says guns are a no go, and frankly I don't trust her with one anyways kek based
Asher Martin
>You guys have never steered me wrong Let the security guard and the cameras do the work. Attacking a bank robber instead of letting them walk out with marked bills is asking to get shot.
considering you're likely to never need to use your gun I'd say work. too many people on this board act like its only a matter of time until they get involved in a john wick shootout.
Joshua Price
>it could never happen to me: the post
Austin Clark
don't put words in my mouth just because you don't like what I have to say. potentially getting fired just because you want to be prepared for that .001% chance of getting attacked is a risk you have to be willing to take.
Brayden Martin
Pepper spray and a Derringer
Logan Richardson
>complete incapacitation >by a female Best bet is either a rock or aggressive chemical bombardment
Jace Anderson
You mean where he looked like he was spazzing? No, the robber was on the ground try to shoot him.
Joseph Bennett
Do you tape it under your seat?
Cooper Johnson
>best small things a girl could carry Common sense enough to not make pocket change by servicing darkies to make Mr. Noseburg rich while he denies her the right to keep and bear arms.
She should be claiming her birthright. She is heir to the most honored station in society: motherhood. How's she going to have time to hold a job when she's busy giving birth, helping raise your children, or getting her brains fucked out?
I currently do not carry. The smallest I got, both in physical size and caliber, is a pre-'86 ban Marlin Model 60. I can't exactly shove that down the leg of my pants.
I have a few Jow Forumsomrades who are trying to get me hooked with the VP9. Other than that, I simply havent found "the one" quite yet and currently window shop at all my LGSs.
James Reyes
Just get her to go to the gym with you. She gets stronger and therefore more capable of defending herself without having to think too much on it, you two get to bond more and be more attractive and healthy. Everybody wins.
Ayden Reed
>stronk womanz maymay
Even the average male is stronger than a Jow Forums female.
Well duh. How else do you break up the day to day monotony other then mentally larping as John Wick/The Punisher/DEVGRU/Delta/Section 20/etc
William Stewart
Why do people think that totally surrendering to the will of the antisocial sociopath is a good idea Pro tip criminals don't exist on the same plane as you. They do not adhere to what you think are natural laws and rules of right and wrong A criminal will kill you for no reason at all Never ever give an inch >tfw I should not bother telling you this because you getting murdered is natural selection and good for the species
Matthew Morales
>best small things a girl could carry to render a... fine, outstanding african american... completely incapacitated A job application
Michael Sanders
Nissan..... user that’s a Toyota and AK pistols aren’t that expensive
Noah Ramirez
that fucking tactical combat roll the robber does.
David Perez
But you are completely wrong.....
Carter Barnes
Is he Abu Hajeer's cousin?
Austin Jenkins
You drive a Toyota so by default your statement is irrelevant
Asher Green
Is it worth dying over someone elses money?
No. No is the correct answer.
Benjamin Roberts
because a bank robber is probably not an insane sociopath.
The reason they have for their actions may not make sense to you, but it's not illogical. A bank robber is looking for a payout, not for thrills and violence.
Samuel Cruz
And your point is.......?
This guy gets it.
Camden Russell
Not that ak pistol fag. What was it? FN? Some 800 dollar pistol. Not at work anymore so I don't have all the information saved.
Jose Baker
Usually some cute girls working at urban banks. You just know they got hired because management is trying to fuck them at least once.
You already know she's with you because of your income level. She's just shit testing you about the safety protocols they already have.
Tell her to wear something sexy under her clothes and seduce her way out of the situation. She's probably already doing that. I hope you got her STD tested before you started dating her. Just keep in mind those tests are pointless if she doesn't stop fucking other people before and after them for a while.
Chase Clark
People tend to not think clearly during a tense situation especially those who aren't trained for it. You sound like you would be the guy in gta 4 during the bank robbery who tries to be the hero, but gets gunned down like a fucking dog.
No, that’s not me. The car in the picture is a Toyota
Asher Perry
She's opening a bank and they won't let her carry a fucking gun? One of the most fundamental things my father taught me as a child: Don't ask a question if you think they might say no. If your GF hasn't asked about guns, then she can conceal carry one just fine so long as she NEVER mentions it. If she has already asked. and they've said no, then she's fucked. Just take her to a decent CC course and teach her how to conceal properly with her work clothes in a way that still allows for quick draw. Also, situational awareness.
Jack Russell
>Burgers don't like the most reliable cars ever made because so many people have them. Look at a teardown of one of their newer hybrid transaxles and tell me they're shit. They're the most beautifully designed thing ever mass-produced in human history.
I understand your point. Same goes for anyone else w/ the same or similar point. I guess I shoulda made it clearer - I'm wondering if a device exists so that she's safer in her duty of ***opening the bank*** as eluded to in my OP. As in, if Tyrone leaps outta the bushes whilst she's going to the door of the bank, is there anything short of a gun that can drop that son of Africa?
Probably not, I dunno. For fuck's sake I would never expect her to whip out a gun during a robbery and play superman or anything kek
Even a gun won't always drop a wild upstanding gentleman who was going to college and getting his life on track. Not with one shot, at least. Guns only work so much because even if the shot doesn't do too much damage, the "Fuck I've been shot" factor usually scares the shit outa them and they retreat. No user, there isn't some magic weapon as effective as a gun that you've just never heard of and no-one uses. Otherwise people would use it and you'd know about it. Shame, but it's true. Check her workplaces policy discreetly, worst case she can always ask for forgiveness. Can't if she's dead. Oh, and tell your GF to aim for centre mass.
Daniel Taylor
>She works at the most "urban" of the local branches
Nicholas Edwards
Dude why are you so paranoid? Most banks close before daylight ends and niggers are only uppity past 10pm.
Colton Thomas
Thats some burner phone kiosk that should had been in a mall.
Michael Parker
People don't actually rob banks anymore chill out
Isaiah Wood
Jordan Myers
>risking your life over somebody else's money
Camden Martinez
It was a H&K you stupid fuck and the guy was driving a Nissan.
Andrew Wood
>live in a country where you actually have rights >don't teach your gf how to use a gun You deserve to get a call from her telling you she just got raped by a bush nigger. >What is something I could theoretically pick up from my local stores that might aid her? Metal chastity underwear.
Ryder Murphy
Make sure NOTHING is visible in her car, no sunglasses, no cables, no cz's etc... Her car should be cleaned out and vacuumed. A homeless person looking for something worth $5 smashing her window is most likely her biggest concern.
Owen Thompson
Where the fuck do you even buy these? Ive wanted a memeblade for a while but can't find any online
Connor Brown
Similar problem here...
My girlfriend started to make five times the money I make (and I'm not poor) so she told me she would buy me a gun... Suggestions? (Already got the most common ones like ar, ak, 1911, .357, .44, deagle, and about 40 others... so I need something out of the line, like a mateba or something)
No bank in America is going to allow employees to carry. Maybe Mid Tennessee Savings Bank or some other white trash shit, but no real banks. Lol, if someone finds out you have a gun, its immediate termination. Also, armed guards don't exist anymore full time. Sometimes after a robbery they will post a guard for a week or so to help calm the girls down.
Sebastian Bennett
Also, keep her gas tank full for her so she never has to stop for gas in the ghetto.
Easton Reyes
>What is something I could theoretically pick up from my local stores that might aid her?
A soft Kevlar lvl 2/3 vest
Jaxon Barnes
Pepper spray is probably the best nonlethal. If you don't have a gun, it's best to take both pepper spray and a taser or stun gun.
Unfortunately, nonlethals are a lot better for a man than for a woman. Pepper spray is an excellent way to gain the upper hand in a fist fight, or buy some time to grab a bludgeon. For women, it's mostly to be hoped that it'll slow her assailant long enough that she can run away, and give him something to be concerned about other than chasing her.
Don't listen to people saying, "A gun or nothing!" Get her to take what she'll take for now, maybe over time you can work her up to a gun by taking her to a range and training her in proper handling. Impress on her that self-defense is a last resort, that non-lethals are only an aid to escape, and it's best to structure her life to avoid attack: don't walk alone, stay in areas with lots of people around, be aware of her surroundings, don't be ashamed of or fight against "racist thoughts" about who's likely to be violent, try not to look like an attractive target for either thieves or rapists, etc.
Daniel Brooks
So your gf does the bidding for the Jews in a bad neighborhood, and bank managers won’t ler her defend her own life? What timeline is this?
James James
probably something like .380 because holy shit you are a pussy
Adrian Anderson
Yup. Also tell her to have her hands in a purse or her pockets and to keep her chin down (in case she gets sucker punched)
Colton Sanchez
How about pepper spray and an extending baton type weapon? Good combo?