Are they a meme? I want one but don't know if it's worth $500
Echo trigger
It depends on what you want to do with it.
If you're a competition shooter wanting to increase your rate of fire, they are not worth it. You'll get a better outcome from $500 worth of practice.
if you want it for self defense, its not worth it. a jury/ DA might look down upon you for making the gun "more lethal" and besides they're more prone to failure than a standard trigger.
if you're a 13 year old boy who plays nothing but call of duty 12 black ops 9 season 3 and you want to be super high speed low drag and your parents buy you whatever you want in place of actual love. Maybe worth it.
hmm thats a steep price when I could just get double tendie rations with my GBP
That's entirely up to you. I just bought 3 at $399 each, for no reason past I wanted to.
Bought a gen 1, the single mode is pretty crisp at about 4.5 lbs. Binary is nice it takes about five minutes to get used to shooting it properly. There's a second disconnecter that you have to engage by pulling the trigger completely back before letting go. I liked it enough to order a gen 2. If you have the money its no different than spending more on anything else.
Bought one for a 300blk build I haven't finished yet. I figure it'll be fun as well as beneficial if I ever take it hunting. Putting two rounds in an animal has to be better than one, right?
I just don't get why they're so expensive. There's no way it costs anywhere near that much to manufacture them and make a profit.
Do you need to put a full auto bolt and bolt carrier in it for it to function properly?
Probably, but I thought everyone already used full-auto BCGs anyway.
>Governor Scott banned them
I wish I knew what they are like
Or you could just stop being a pussy and buy one anyway.
Second Gen Echo triggers are compatible with any milspec bolt
Not sure...
They do make me want to build a heavy barreled A2 with a bipod like a poor mans LMG tho.
They increased the price from the Gen 1 that came with the special BCG it needed. They're charging more because they have best simulated full auto option on the market and they can.
Post of the month right there.
Anyone know why they say to not use them in 80% lowers? Whats different than a milspec finished lower that they wont work in?
I have a ar9 pistol i thought it would be fun to put one to just fuck around and to show off, but have not yet purchased one for it.
ban doesnt go into effect until fall
Doesn't change the fact that owning one will be a felony after October
They are fun but a pointless fun. The bonus is the fact that in semi the trigger isn't that bad and you can still use whatever buttstock you want. Unless you announce that you have one no one will really know just by looking at the rifle.
I love mine and it was worth signing up for MAC's Patreon, getting the $150 discount on Copper Custom, and then unsubscribing. If not for the discount I might not have bought it.
dude, you seriously think everyone will know you have one ? just get one and put it aside when the ban is in effect, just to use it somewhere nice without anyone in sight
>hammer follow
>Echo trigger
Whats the point of this thing anyway, like does it have some magic?
makes an AR fully-semi-auto
Never once happened with me. Switch out the light hammer spring for the full power one and change the buffer spring if you're using a carbine. It's so much better than the echo with is qc and reset issues.
So if I buy two I get twice as much fully semi?
those dubs make me say yes
I had that planned
get a geissele ssa-e instead you fucking faggot
God forbid someone just have fun with something.
>his mama doesnt let him get double tendies in a week for a slight upcharge in GBP
sucks to suck, dont it?