>god tier ergos
>one of the best stock triggers out there
>uses a paddle mag release as god intended
>can be had for less than $500
Reminder: If you don't own a Walther P99, you're a cuckold
Hot gen z speak. kiddo.
For 50 dollars more you can get a P30 now.
looks like a hi-point
and that's a good thing
looks like a fag gun
Beretta or CZ is aesthetic
blocky bois need not apply
I'd get one if I could find a Gen1 with the ski hump in 9mm and black like the one in the OP pic.
>shitty trigger
>slippery grip
>good for manlets
>paddle mag release
>uncomfortable trigger guard
>mushy trigger
>slippery grip
I'll pass.
But I have PPQ instead
What can this thing do that my XD9 can't?
Same shit different looks.
I mean, they're both roughly gun shaped.
I can actually afford a semi-custom 1911 so you can go ahead and keep your slow-ass tupperware.
>calling people cucks
Well, youre a faggot.
t. a boomer that believes in the 45 STOPPIN POWAH memes
>wasting money on an outdated meme gun
glad to see you're using the internet now gramps
the grip is shit, that rear hump presses against hand and makes it super uncomfortable. also my trigger is god awful, catches on the frame in DA and gritty as a motherfucker in SA.
>Anything but blocky
How's it going Crowder?
Tfw as trigger
Tfw unironically one of the best triggers I've ever used
dumb frogposter
To me AS trigger is second best. Every other trigger system ever is tied for first though.
Seriously the AS trigger sucks on my P99.
Gen 1 P99 for peak aesthetics. The pic rail they've later added to it quite frankly ruined the whole looks of the weapon.
>not owning the superior p99 RAD
only if you re a pussy
But user, I have a P99Q with an enhanced trigger.
Also known as a PPQ
I got a gen 1 for 450 bucks. grip is kind of slippery, no way to mount lights, and the trigger breaks very far back. Also my striker snapped in half when dry firing. Despite all of this i still think it looks really sexy (gen 1 only)
It works amazingly on my p99c
Much nicer. OP is a moron.
Otherwise known as PPQ?
Fuck this gay shit sage
Your gun is broken
P99 rad is a p99 with ppq grips.
>not God tier PPQ
The PPQ is the P99 RAD in America, that's it.
From the trigger guard and rearward, I absolutely love this gun's look. But I wish the front was different. And if it was a rotating barrel design; well that would be choice.