>Nuggets now cost $300+
Nuggets now cost $300+
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I wanna join Papa Franku
3 locally for 250 or less. Perhaps, in your shitty state.
I regret not getting that hex I saw for sale at Big 5 five years ago. Oh well. Hopefully my p64 will appreciate nicely.
>250 or less
Anything above $150 for a nugget is robbery.
Isn't the firearms embargo crap with Russia and I believe China going away soon?
>nuggets were $50 when I was to young to buy one
>thought I was a tard for paying $200 for a nice one
>now shitsticks are $350 all day long
We need another war with bolt actions so future kids can get cheap rifles.
We can only hope
everything has a worthless junk to relic phase.
Blame all the poorfags who meme’d it up as super durable easy to use bolt gun when really the reason it was so cheap was because of its very undesirable features like
>rimmed cartridge causing malfunctions
>TERRIBLE stripper clips that are also expensive
>sluggish bolt
>conscript approved 5 MOA accuracy
>cosmoline finish
And obviously the number produced was a factor in price but the main reason they were so cheap was because they are shit for a boltgun
I used to want to have one for novelty sake but the poorfag vatnik LARPers ruined that
Now nobody gets cheap milsurp
I didint have a job and I missed the chance to buy a M44 for $100. They were already going for 250 by then.
God I think about still 9 years later
Yeah, how about that. It's almost like supply and demand is a thing.
Oh that's right. the 10,000,000,000,000 mosins that are just waiting to flood back over here for $0.50 a crate, if only they were allowed to do so.
Sorry to break it to you guys, but that's not gonna happen. There is no great untapped stash of milsurp out there. Prices will never get cheaper, and in a few years you'll regret not buying them at $300.
>so future kids can get cheap rifles.
It's called the AR15 or a 10/22.
You are crazy if you buy one as a shooter at that price. You can get a better, more accurate, rifle in a modern more available caliber at that price. Buy a Savage or Ruger.
But if you're a collector who doesn't shoot, I guess that's an option. Dumb though. There's a lot of people buying them today just because they are prone to the hive-mind of the internet gun community and just think it's a cool thing to buy.
>could've gotten a $100 nugget for my first gun but got a Hi Point C9 for $180 instead
Maybe joining the suicide squad isn't such a bad idea.
>got a laminate all matching with accessories for $100
Ya goofed
Welcome to Australia where the lowest are sold at $450 and some ranging up to 1000+
and thats for the shitty unmatched rebuilds with shot bores
my ex dragoon all matching is still great, probably could get me something nice now
reminds me I need to clean her
Pretty much all milsurp costs too much for what you can actually get, performance wise. They're collector's items now, and the price reflects it. Times change, and the poorfag guns are now the ruger American, savage axis, and low end ARs
You'd better delete this, bucko. Delete this right now!
Nuggets are fucking worthless.
>They are not good hunting rifles.
>They are not good weapons.
>They are not good range toys.
>They are not good target rifles
They are nothing that a gun should be. They ought to be melted down and made into guns that don't suck.
So what could I get for my Fins?
And the Savage Axis comes with glass.
Why would anyone pay more for a nugget than an entry-level, modern-production boltgun?
Oh great - another one of these threads full of people sounding like my grandma, complaining about how things used to be cheaper back in the old days. Remember that "Sunscreen" song from 20 years ago?
>"Accept certain inalienable truths - prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you'll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble. and children respected their elders."
This is literally all of you. You got a few years older, a bubble that kept prices low on something you liked popped, and now those things are more expensive. Such is life in the zone. Quit sounding like a bunch of old ladies.
Thanks for the chance to bring that song up again tho. I hadn't listened to it in a while. youtube.com
>complaining about how things used to be cheaper back in the old days.
No what we're saying is that you can buy a more accurate rifle with a modern caliber that has cheaper ammo for that price. There's no need to buy what your grandma bought. The problem is that your grandma is still telling us to buy that crappy expensive rifle.
>No what we're saying is that you can buy a more accurate rifle with a modern caliber that has cheaper ammo for that price. There's no need to buy what your grandma bought. The problem is that your grandma is still telling us to buy that crappy expensive rifle.
I agree that "muh cheep nugget" is an expired meme and that milsurp is for collectors now. Yes, if you're just looking for a cheap blaster, milsurp is no longer and never again will be a good option. It's passed from its "old junk" phase to its "collectible antique" phase, and once that happens to something it never really reverses. And that's true for everything, not just guns. I remember when you could go to any flea market or garage sale and literally buy a whole milk crate full of NES games for $10 bucks.Now you'd be lucky to get them for $10 apiece. If you stocked up during the "old junk" phase when things were cheap, then you made out, and that's a reason to be happy, not to complain.
Ten years from now, I doubt you'll be able to find any decent-condition, non-bubba'd milsurp gun under $1000.
>180 For a highpoint
WHY? I see them go for like $100 used, $120 new in my area. For fuck's sake I picked up a star bm for 200 the other day. I'm disappointed, user
this from the movie veteran?
Because a nugget is better than a Remington 783 or savage axis. It’s not the wood or the way it kicks you around lovingly or the fact that the metal feels better. It’s that it’s never gonna be made again and it has a slight historical sense to it. Cheap equivalents today suck cock just on looks. My rem 783 is my hunting rifle but that’s because I don’t care about it.
You gonna share the source for that picture?
It’s not better but it sure is more fun to cuddle and looks better. Also has wood and sights. It’s not fantastic but fuck it’s better than a Remington 783 for the money and just fucken way more cool because it’s from the past.
>Mosins are now approaching ar prices.
>soon only bubba'd milsurp will be cheap
> or $80 Turkroach Mauser that will explode
Anything above $90 is robbery.
Okay gramma, that’s nice.
>> or $80 Turkroach Mauser that will explode
Are you trying to create a meme? Turkish Mauser rifles are fine.
Lmao stfu
No. The Russian embargoes are here to stay, and the Mosins we got never came directly from Russia, anyway. They were funneled in through the Ukraine and shipped abroad. Now that Ukraine is a literal warzone and will be for the forseeable future might as well just leave the idea of cheap Slavshit in the past with the hopes of you getting over your fear of girls.
yea it is
You can see a glimpse of that one girls panties
Tbh nuggets above 150 are a ripoff but decent mauser can very easily be found for 300 and are infinitely better. Just get a mauser user.
Ill give you 400 legit deal. Can go up to 5 if you really need the money. I'm not even lowballing you.
I have a 1946 M44, a parts grade Finn Capture 91/30, and ~400rds of Czech light ball plus some clips and other bits and bobs. What's a fair price for the lot?
Just like everything above $200 for a FAL is robbery , right?
Get fucked mate, time flies , just like your brain.
>Nuggets now cost $300+
Originally these guns were made for something like 5$... Sounds to me like its time to restart production
>SKS's now cost $500+
>the only guns in which rimmed cartridges have caused malfunctions have been fatnik ones, because as always when unable to steal other country's design they were shit.
>the clip is just fine, you just need to push the cartridges with a manly force, not a sissy one, so that's on you. And the fact that they are expensive has absolutely no importance on how good they are.
>the bolt is sluggish only if you haven't cleaned the storage grease properly so it's not the gun's fault that you're a whiny cretin.
> that's normal for a military weapon that's been used and abused for a century before you buy it. Or have you forgotten that your sissy AR-15 has been designed for a 4 MOA goal?
>again, clean your gun you lazy fatnik.
God, the summer has just begun and the losers are already shitting this place up.
For the same reason someone would pay the same money or even more for a Mauser - it's a piece of history.
And with the Mosin you can be sure it's a bloody one at that.
>tfw bought a russian with a shit load of aftermarket parts and 240 rounds of ammo for $420 on GB nonetheless
funniest part is no one else even bothered to bid on it. the only negative is that it had that scope mount with the side screws which left the marks on the receiver.
also all the aftermarket parts came in addition to original parts. it's all matching and even has the bayonet.
The mosin meme is just proof that gun enthusiasts lack taste in quality.
Like 40 million something were made, thats a lot
800$ in my country and a blowjob
same in canadia, wanted a normal mosin but got a nice polish M44 all numbers matching for 150$ more
Entry level Remingtons are dogshit but still more accurate than nearly every Mosin. A Savage Axis with a 3-9x scope is $350 and an 2 MOA rifle. You are lucky to be 2 MOA with a pristine Mosin. They weren't designed to be accurate. Plus the trigger is worse, bolt sucks, rimmed cartridge,etc. Other than looks what fantasy world do you live in where they are better?
Another Jow Forums autist who doesn't understand why people like antiques.
Okay. Who cares?
People have been arguing better, not more cool. I agree the looks are substantially better. But performance isn't there.
To expand on the autism, 1st kind of cool vs 2nd kind of cool.
They are truly shitty guns, and they are so common i don't want them for their historical value.
As long as the price for Mausers stay around 1-300$ in my country, i'm happy.
Pretty good CCW starter gun