More and more it seems like gun rights are gonna get less and less and I have horrendous feeling that by the end of the Year all forms of Firearms will be heavily regulated or outlawed all together
Do you think about just giving up and accepting it
Inb4 people screech about Jow Forums.
I would but I try to cherish the time that I have and being a defeatist little shit about it will only make it come sooner
Stop being a little bitch
Fuck off you nigger.
You're going to die in the end anyways. Why care about anything?
You'd get to use your guns A LOT more on real people before we ever had them outlawed in the U.S. or heavily restricted across the country.
Jow Forums
Only faggots and retards dont fight for their rights
All im saying is no matter no what we do Guns are gonna get regulated whether we like it or not
okay what should I do that can actually make a difference and no edgy answers like kill the ATF agent when they try to take your guns because thats gonna just make the situation worse
The purpose of us owning firearms is to stop people from taking our rights. If you don’t fight for your rights you’re just as bad as the people trying to take them
We elected a billionaire hotel tycoon/ former WWE wrestler who wants to give teachers AR15s for school defense and extra money to teachers for conceal carrying as our president with a majority Republican Congress. I think our gun rights are pretty safe right now.
Let em try
Bombs away Mr. McVeigh!
>Carry handle foregrip
This image is a joke, right?
Fuck you and your faggot ass crying bitch baby face, boo hoo I am sad I need a stock reaction image to express how sad I am.
If you are gonna get fucked and CHOOSE to accept it instead of resisting, the least you can do is shut the fuck up about it, can't have the dick and eat it too.
Well,seeing as I’m apparently not a little liberal faggot like yourself I say come and take them.actually own a gun and your agree.
>thinly veiled demoralization shill
Fuck off you dem-funded nigger
wtf I'm demoralized now.
Based roll poster.
Roll cuz OP's a fag
This last school shooting has got me down, families. They are happening so often, no way we can keep this going without further restrictions. What's wrong with these fucking kids? How can the rate of gun death be dropping while school shootings (and their news coverage) seemingly skyrocketing?
doesn't matter whichever trap I roll anyone of them would be less gay than faggot op
>how are you going to prevent people from taking your guns no edgy answers like use your guns to keep people from taking them
Its like snowball effect
these dumb edge lords that know that sooner or later that gun laws are gonna stricter so they have to do their shooting as quickly as possible
>rate of gun death be dropping
>school shootings (and their news coverage) seemingly skyrocketing
it's almost like we have a school and news problem instead of gun death problem, hmm
Post pics of your guns with timestamp plz
kill the ATF agent before they try to take your guns
Bombs away, Mr. McVeigh!
Well you can start by actually reading the fucking second amendment.