What are some unpopular, but objectively true, Jow Forums-related opinions? I’ll start:
>Springfield actually makes decent weaponry. Jow Forums only hates them because of the GDLA and needs to stop basing the quality of their weapons on their politics
I don't know of the quality of springfields weaponry to contest this, but I do know that if a company tries sell out other members of their community I'm giving my business to their competitor.
Jonathan Thompson
Quality is irrelevant, why would you give money to Springfield after their antics?
John Rogers
>Jow Forums needs to stop doing something I dislike
That's an opinion, not "objective" fact.
Levi Wilson
What happened with Springfield?
Cameron Morgan
Trips confirm OP is objectively gay
Jacob Diaz
Supported a bill that suggests gun distributors become licensed at the state level.
Liam Watson
(while also being exempt from these requirements)
Josiah Williams
Supported anti-gun legislation because it happened to be anti-competitive. Real jewish shit.
Angel Young
I never said I do give them money.
>Springfield needs to stop doing things I don’t like That’s an opinion, not an “objective” fact.
David Nelson
>That’s an opinion, not an “objective” fact. Nobody suggested otherwise faggot.
Jaxson Lopez
I have a springfield 1911. It's not great quality. Ejector was installed incorrectly and the front sight is slightly off.
>>I never said I do give them money. We all know you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be so asshurt.
Kayden Walker
To play Devil’s Advocate, it really wasn’t anti-gun. It just required stricter licensing on distributors. It held no bearing on laws regarding civilian gun ownership.
Joshua Rivera
It was designed to limit civilian access to firearms by reducing the number of distributors or to raise the cost of doing business for distributors.
Nolan Cox
You got proof of this accusation or are you going to continue talking out your ass?
Wyatt Nelson
You're not fooling anybody.
Adam Ortiz
Wyatt Young
>What are some unpopular, but objectively true, Jow Forums-related opinions? Power armors are inevitable
Shot placement, practice, and familiarity makes you a better fighter. Stopping power isn’t shit unless you can hit the target.
Noah Rodriguez
>Stopping power isn’t shit unless you can hit the target. You should try hand grenades :)
Carter Jones
The Jews rule the world.
Cooper Butler
keltec has good ideas and needs to expand so they stop fucking them up.
Dominic Stewart
Glocks' missing safety has never been a good feature.
Brody Garcia
If you are a man of normal size and fitness who chooses a 9mm ccw based solely on the relative ease of follow-up shots/ recoil control, you should shoot more, work on your technique, and consider a larger caliber handgun in the future. Cost per round and capacity are factors to consider when choosing your ccw, but you honestly just lack training if you don't think you can handle a slightly larger round.
Lincoln Wilson
>Cost per round and capacity are factors to consider You're literally willing to put your life into further risk to save couple of dollars?
Josiah Watson
If that's all your budget can afford, you gotta take what you can get. Obviously, you shouldn't cheap out if you don't have to.
Brandon Gomez
>objectively true >opinion we call those facts, user. Also:
>The M18 Hellcat was a failure in it's role as a tank destroyer, succeeding only in pandering to General Bruce's belief in "GOTTA GO FAST".
The real-world differences between any two commonly-compared calibers are invariably negligible. Thus, the raging debates which go on about their relative qualities are essentially pointless.
Justin Thomas
If you live in the city, a quality AR or Mini and a reliable handgun - whether a semiauto or revolver - are all the guns you need. If you live in the country, you can add a reliable hunting rifle or shotgun to that.
Henry Taylor
You're always going to be able to put more 9mm rounds on target than .40, at any given skill level.
Or at least that's what the FBI said when they were explaining why they were switching back to 9mm.
Tyler Edwards
What if you live in the city and also go hunting? What if you live in the city and also do trap shooting or long distance shooting? Cars are a thing, user.
Hudson Sanchez
Nope, the only guns you need are n+1
John Phillips
The 1911 really doesn’t have a place in modern combat outside of very limited roles (more limited then a 10mm doublestack or even a 9mm to degree.) it certainly shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg. The nagant is a shit tier rifle, any sane man would get a mauser clone or any ther rifle. Shotguns are versatile and useful tools, and yes 10mm is god tier and anyone who says otherwise is an aidsnigger.
>air soft is fun and no one cares about your big man too cool to have any fun; sheeplike opinions to the contrary. >paul harrell has murdered multiple people >trump is less hard on Israel then Obama was >a armed militia can not defend from a modern army with only semi automatic rifles and if shit ever hit the fan we’d probably all be fucked >private citizens should be able to by tanks and aircraft. >that will never happen >^and that’s unconstitutional.
Black powder revolvers kill people just fine and always have
Xavier Jones
>nagant is a shit tier rifle Not expensive Fun Has historical significance Stupid durable and reliable Finn m39 is more accurate than most people are capable of Common ammo
They're decent rifles at worst. They're outclassed by some other rifles, sure, but they work well and are a good way to get into the wonders of milsurp.
Eli Lee
>air soft is fun and no one cares about your big man too cool to have any fun; sheeplike opinions to the contrary. underage faggot
Brandon Ross
They've lost most of their luster now that the surplus has dried up.
Ian White
>Paul Harrell has murdered multiple people that's not an opinion. also, playing airsoft with some buds in a field is fun as fuck, my boss has 30 acres that my work is on and he lets us go out there at night and LARP. That's fun, especially since we can shoot afterwards. Going to an airsoft place is NOT fun. Everyone whines when you shoot them, no one calls hits, and the litany of stupid fucking rules you have to follow and criteria you have to meet is more stringent than becoming a fucking US citizen.
Alexander Reyes
>An armed militia cannot defend against an army with only semi automatic rifles. I don't think anyone who isn't either dumb or disingenuous has actually made this argument. It's more along the lines of most of the tyrannical government's army would defect outright and steal most of the good shit, leading to a situation in which the loyalists would be both dramatically outnumbered and outgunned or at least matched for firepower against the largest and likely to be most well trained guerrilla force in human history.
Jacob White
A flintlock blackpowder musket is more lethal at 50 yards than a glock
Adrian Robinson
ARs were primarily designed so Vietnamese ARVN did not get tired carrying them and their ammunition
Brayden Johnson
.22LR kills lots of people weekly
Samuel Carter
Silencer only really work in manual repeaters with subsonic ammunition
Gavin Myers
Building guns from surplus parts is perfectly acceptable, even if the gun being built is not a 100% historically accurate.
Jonathan Sanchez
Smallswords were the final evolution of the sword for metallurgy lethality, speed and practicality
Jose Price
Batteries don't belong in sights just to make a large MOA glowing dot
Easton Gutierrez
Mosins are not worth it at current prices Might as well just get an SKS for 50 dollars more lmao
Jaxson Rogers
Springfield imports really-good-for-the-price croatian pistols and sells them to boomers for made-in-the-usa prices on the strength of their deliberately misleading company name. At Springfield's elevated prices, they're no longer a good deal -- they're not real bad, but you can get better bang for your buck elsewhere.
Nolan Sullivan
The Germans surrendered as much as the French
Noah Foster
A .22LR is a good first gun
Chase Murphy
I never learned anything about gun mechanics on this board, I still have no fucking clue how a pistol functions to this day.
Adam Thomas
There is nothing wrong with manual safeties on handguns.
I never understood the hate for this >don't like it don't use it I saved $50 on a shield with a safety over one without it.
Joseph Edwards
It really is. The recoil is less than 10mm making target acquisition after firing much easier and hits harder than 9mm. It's basically the perfect round.
Asher Gutierrez
More like the new generation of weak wristed basedboys were unable to handle anything bigger than 9mm.
In 10 years the story will change again.
>.22 magnum is really all you need.
Samuel Cruz
>don't like it don't use it That's bad idea if your gun has a safety
Daniel Collins
>a armed militia can not defend from a modern army with only semi automatic rifles and if shit ever hit the fan we’d probably all be fucked
That's not the argument young man.
Noah Carter
>oi, bin that knife!
Coming to a Jow Forums thread near you!
Sebastian Cook
So is a bomb. Also lasers.
Dylan Rodriguez
And are now useless.
Christopher Wilson
Antigun shit and loss of quality control.
Anthony Foster
Shame. I got my woman a range officer in 9mm and its an awesome shooter.
Connor Reed
Traps are in fact gay
Adam Garcia
How many rounds you got through it? Wife just bought an Operator
Jeremiah Foster
Roughly 700. Ejector seems to be the right length but it isn't sitting flush.
Aaron Cook
1.the "Assad must go" curse is real Sell it, my fiancé is enjoying her 1911 despite all of it's problems
Andrew Gonzalez
Jews are humans The m1917 was better than the m1903 The NRA is perfectly willing to sell out foreign gun manufacturers if it benefits domestic ones. The NRA doesn't want the hughes amendment to be repealed because too many rich NRA higher ups have invested in nfa transferable machine guns.
Easton Ross
Please fuck off, repugnant faggot.
Jacob Moore
This. You've gotta be one dense fuck to not realize that any bump along the path anywhere on that path won't affect everything else when it comes to a lot of things but especially firearms
Dominic Gonzalez
I'm going to an hero. Will affect***
Xavier Rivera
I hate it when people in the military thinking that their opinion on gun mechanics matters when all they do is shoot it.
Jacob Garcia
but to whom though? every firearm company is either woefully incompetent or has previously fucked our rights through action or inaction
Nathan Thompson
>Mosin Nagants are overrated pieces of shit
Gabriel Thomas
>all modern handgun calibers function within the FBI ballistic gel test >certain firearms with a reputation for dubious build quality (ex. taurus) are probably more of a confirmation bias than a true representation of their overall business >being some redpill'd moldy labia faggot does more harm to gun ownership/gun culture than it helps. >open carry is great for innawoods, but you are not swaying opinions of non-gun people by wearing an AR/AK while grocery shopping >traps are gay, just call yourself bi and jerk off
Jayden Scott
>>paul harrell has murdered multiple people Self defense is not murder.
Aiden Cruz
He's saying it wasn't really self defense.
Ayden Gomez
He was found not guilty by the courts. His only justification for being offended by that is he's a limp-wristed faggot who thinks you should talk things out with criminals instead of shooting them. He's probably a european.
Zachary Rodriguez
>IMI Tavor are made by the jews so get ready to be gassed and overpaid
Anthony Turner
Fuck off shill, they could have the best products in the world but I won't buy from traitors.
Easton Harris
>Black powder revolvers kill people just fine and always have
>>oi, bin that knife!Coming to a Jow Forums thread near you!
Ryan Martin
>A flintlock blackpowder musket is more lethal at 50 yards than a glock
>So is a bomb. Also lasers.
Brayden Kelly
>Smallswords were the final evolution of the sword for metallurgy lethality, speed and practicality
>And are now useless.
Jace Martinez
So have sharpened sticks, what's your point?
Xavier Ward
It's not about the number of wars won or lost, it's about how absolutely abysmally the French fought in WW2. Germany never suffered a defeat quite so embarrassing.
Bentley Brooks
The statements were autism.
Jordan Fisher
Jews don't design guns. They over market poor copies
Shotgun slugs are not as accurate as rifle cartridges, sorry faggots
Hunter Peterson
You're never going to be able to get rid of gun grabbers, so trying to stonewall your way to victory is futile. You need to learn how to not suck at negotiations and dealmaking if you want to keep your rights
Tl;dr - ideology sounds nice on paper but fails in practice
Charles Ross
Glocks are ugly.
Justin Phillips
>most military weapons are made for very different purposes so this jerk off about f-35 vs j-20 or ak-47 vs m16a3e1k141l41p0 fails to realize why exactly they were made, the supply line issue, cost of development/time etc.