Asking for a friend.
Who guards the President? How are they selected and what weapon do they carry?
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The United States marine corp
They are selected straight from he as we are the baddest motherfuckers in the universe.
All a marine needs is his death stare and anyone who is hostile will flee with wetting their pants
> tfw no sexy female bodyguard escort
Those qt sex slaves.
I meant the secret service spooks doing the actual protection, not the ceremonial guards in fancy uniforms.
You're fucking retarded.
>knows the secret service guards the president
>asks who guards the president
Yes but they're not all doing security for the president, are they?
United States marine corp?
So they're a corporation that specialized in aquatic technology and operate under the name "United States?"
>They are selected straight from he as we are the baddest motherfuckers in the universe.
Who is your NCO? You boot mother fucker.
>How are they selected
they didn't do him a lot of good in the end though.
yeah they pretty much are, that's their job
>yeah they pretty much are, that's their job
"The investigative mission of the USSS is to safeguard the payment and financial systems of the United States from a wide range of financial and electronic-based crimes. Financial investigations include counterfeit U.S. currency, bank & financial institution fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, illicit financing operations, and major conspiracies. Electronic investigations include cybercrime, network intrusions, identity theft, access device fraud, credit card fraud, and intellectual property crimes."
Doesnt the ss fall under treasury department?
The secret service is part of the treasury department.
I believe most, if not all federal hiring is done on usa-gov. Basically take any job in the USSS then eventually apply for reassignment. Will likely need a degree (preferably with a lot of accounting or criminal justice) and/or experience as an accountant, LEO, or investigator.
Guessing they all got raped to death too?
I'm an idiot, I didn't intend to include that link.
user stop
You had me so excited there for a second
protective details and perhaps some investigating on high level clearance type crimes that only effect the president, senators and the like
Where my disco cops at?
They're under the Dept of Homeland Security
ur nan
>crimes that only effect the president, senators and the like
They also guard other important people and do anti conterfeiting
Protective details is just one of their jobs
> Secret Service agents typically start their careers with a US-based field office assignment. The field assignment may last between six and eight years, which is followed by another three to five years in a protective assignment.
> Agents may then work in one of a variety of positions, including in the field, in the agency’s headquarters in Washington DC, or in training. Secret Service agents who have proficiency in another language may be assigned to an overseas post.
> Protective Secret Service agents may protect:
> The president, vice-president, and their families
> The president-elect and the vice-president elect
> Former presidents and their wives
> Former presidents’ children until their sixteenth birthday.
And banging the President's skanky daughters
The Marines you see at the White House are basically doormen and valets. They don't do shit. The Secret Service guard the President. There are two main version, the uniform police type and the ones in suits that do protection detail. It's hardest to be the guy in the suit next to the President.
How about the tacticool guys hanging out in the white house gardens?
>"Nixon's Palace Guard"
Fucking Nixon was an absolute madman
>Will likely need a degree
Bachelor's minimum, but the way competition is now you're not getting by without a Master's unless you graduated with a Bachelor's top of your class from a top university in a needed field.
>they shoved knives and sticks up his ass
The irony is, in his later years he started to come around and listen to reason, politically/foreign relations. But he pissed off enough people that he could not be helped, he was essentially poison and on his own.
Yes, but even in that unit, they have different tiers. The guys at the White House basically prepare for an invasion- not likely to happen. The guys who(snipers) who hang on on roofs of buildings wherever the President visits will likely never take a shot. The best job would be the guys in the SUV trailing the Beast in the motorcade, these guys are just itching for some action and if/when it ever happens, they will go to fucking war and shoot anything that walks.
This is what happens when you give up your Weapons of Mass Destruction. Maybe not but some people could make that connection. The absolute state of western foreign policy.
I prefer Praetorian Guard, it has a regal ring to it.
No dumbass, they were refereed to as the "Nixon's Palace Guard" as sarcasm and ridicule, because America fought in some war some years ago, to specifically not be part of some royalty thing. You fucking moron.
>The best job would be the guys in the SUV trailing the Beast in the motorcade
They're called CAT. Counter-Assault Team(s).
Can you imagine if Nixon had these guys in Venezuela when he was VP?
Don't forget about DSS. The State Department's own quasi military force that protects diplomats, congressmen and the executive office. A lot of what is attributed to the Secret Service is actually DSS agents or the marines whom are attached to them.
Are these guys the Tier1 operators of spooks?
The US has so many spooks it's almost funny
Good old Tricky Dick. I'll never get over the fact that the fucking Checkers speech worked.
Yes, RSOs are pretty much the dream job of operators across the spectrum. You are in charge of security for all the VIPs in the country and have almost carte blanche operationally.
> totally not a death squad
I won't lie, that looks fun
The secret service my nigga. They pick their own gats.
The secret service. They often carry obsidian spears and stone clubs, and the more skilled warriors sometimes carry slings and bows. Bitch.
But why male models?
Camp David is protected by a permanent detachment of PSG Marines. You're right about the ones you see at the whitehouse and in ceremonies though, nothing but doormen.
Camp David also has a dedicated Navy EOD team and a dedicated SF ODA. These are publicly viewable billets. There are fairly substantiated but not officially confirmed rumors that there are also a couple Delta groups there, plus of course the Secret Service CATs.
Explain why Rumsfeldt had a SS security detail at all times.
Explain why Bernie Sanders had a SS security detail at all of his public addresses and campaigns while he was running for president but Trump did not (Hillary did, but "wife of ex president" explains that).
>but Trump did not
Trump had FBI agents all around him
That's not Secret Service though.
Each presidential hopeful is given SS detail when they're campaigning are you ill?
Trump had private security that is probably better than secret service. He was surrounded by former Marines and SF guys
No they're not, or at least that isn't an official duty of the Secret Service and would be at the discretion of the sitting President and as such biased (hence why historically only Democratic candidates get it).
Irrelevant. Bernie got government bennies for being in the same party as the sitting President, Trump did not because he was from the opposing party. End of story.
Read that you ignorant fucking fag.
Were either of you dickweeds old enough to vote for Trump?
>Irrelevant. Bernie got government bennies for being in the same party as the sitting President, Trump did not because he was from the opposing party. End of story.
Worse than that. At the very least we know the former president Obama unlawfully used the intelligence angencies and FBI to monitor the rival campaign and plant agents in Trump’s team.
But what we don’t know is if the former president or associated democrats was feeding relevant intelligence to people like Hodgikson to kill republicans at softball practice.
>opinion article with a "pin this to pinterest" link before even reaching the text body
Opinion discarded.
I'm old enough to have voted against Bush Sr.
This joke, GOAT!
The qualifications for getting SS detail aren't opinions or up to interpretation, you over chromosomed waste of flesh. Read the fucking article and then proceed to do your own fact checking instead of going "DA LIBRUuUUuUuULs cucked Trump outta secret servicings!"
Here you stupid fucking nigger, the same shit that was on that "opinion" article
Criteria have been established to assist the DHS Secretary and the advisory committee in their decision making (as of 2008). Candidates must:
Be publicly announced
Have some degree of prominence as shown by opinion polls
Be actively campaigning and entered in at least 10 state primaries
Be seeking the nomination of a qualified party
Have qualified for matching funds in the amount of at least $100,000
Have received contributions totaling $10 million
Who were these guys then?
He got off easy
> Michael Sandford, the British man who tried to grab a policeman's gun in an alleged bid to assassinate Donald Trump has been sentenced to 12 months in prison.
There has been a lot more of those than I expected
Where did our summer skiddie whose daddy voted for Bush Sr. fuck off to?
I think I remember when that photo was taken, fucking dumb teabbaggers got their tiny teabag balls twisted complaining that Obama was disrespecting the Muh-reeens by having them hold umbrellas - it's their fucking JOB to do so for their Commander in Chief and other Heads Of State. Similar pics were posted for when GWBush had them do so as well for him.
SS is not normally assigned when a clear front runner for a particular party is determined or close to it. For the Democratic Party it was just Bernie and Hillary, so it's plausible that they would both have a limited SS detail (if say Hillary was a regular person) but since she was a former First Lady, she is entitled to her SS detail for life. With respect to Trump, there were like 43 other Republican candidates seeking the Republican nomination so it would be prohibitively expensive and ridiculous to have a SS detail for ALL of them. I would assume FBI and an SS agent would be a liaison or available for the clear front runners (according to polling.) As candidate drop off, and there are fewer and fewer sure bets, they would increase oversight and even start to assign actual agents as part of a security team, or definitely of actual threats are made. Even before the respective conventions, once there are a couple of likely winners in either party, they both get SS detail and receive NatSec (limited)briefings. This is not fucking rocket surgery, man.
At these points in the race, Trump had SS protection. They happening either just before or after the RNC.
I-is that a bullet dent?
>Trump did not
Yeah he did. The fuck? He almost got shot on stage and got instantly pulled away. They were all over the place.
Don't bother responding to that imbecile, it's clear he's actually eating the supplements Alex Jones is selling.
Not quite, basically stories have it they were all "used" then given as gifts to family and allies to be "used". So in the end he didnt have many left to protect him. They were virgins, then they became traded whores.
Literally wearing a uniform with their name on it