Why has there been such a massive recruiting drive lately
Why has there been such a massive recruiting drive lately
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Operation Freedom's Sentinel
google that.
Because special forces has a massive lack of applicants suitable to even try out for them and most teams are being forced to run with a couple of empty slots
I mean for the military in general though, seems unnecessary at this point. Just paying for more people to sit around a base in the US without getting deployed for 4-5 years
Because currently military culture is terrible. I want to love the military but it's an abusive relationship at this point. The people who want to make a career out of this are few and far between by their three year mark.
That's my inside opinion.
SF can't be mass produced. It takes 5-6 years to get up to speed.
And garrison military sucks, so nobody wants to join the line units SF usually recruits from.
W A R I S F O R E V E R .
T H E F U T U R E I S N E V E R .
>massive recruiting drive
>cant enlist because nobody wants to do a depression waiver
The Army does.
If anything, the Air Force should be attempting to recruit pilots.
That is their greatest shortfall, that they have stated several times.
>waiting at the light yesterday
>two hispanics with high and tight cuts roll up next to me at the light
>ask me if I want to join the Marine Corps
fuck off, there's no war on, you don't need me to die for ZOG
Spec ops has had a mass exedous lately of 10-12 year group experienced individuals
They specifically told me at two different recruiters I have no chance of getting in unless there is a post 9-11 tier surge
Bong here.
It’s because peacetime military sucks ass, particularly hard for grunts.
This means retention has gone through the floor and they’re hurting bad for recruits. It’s been this way for a few years now and it isn’t a uniquely American problem.
I was planning on enlisting back in 2014 but fucked up my wrists working a construction job and ended up going back to school after several years of physio, surgery, and recovery from said surgery. Looking back I probably dodged a bullet.
Peacetime is driving people away
Will they fix my eyes if that's the only medical question mark? Contacts and everything but I might have to gamble to score 20/50 on a naked eye test. Sure would love to fly
it's look like call of duty, they really take you like cattle
Trump gave them a lot of money and they are spending it. This always happens in the first few years of a Republican administration. It happened with Reagan and Bush II.
>Why has there been such a massive recruiting drive lately
Because Air Force wants a ground combat team even if it's heliborne because they are technically not a ground element. Much like Navy pumps out those SEAL movies and blockbuster films/TV series.
So... basically what we've been doing for the last 18 years?
a bunch of the people who joined up after 9 11 are now retiring
Shit, I'd drop everything in my life right now if I had a shot at that or Navy aviation, but my eyes are unwaiverably messed up.
Same, and of course they wouldn't. Go in as officer, get the surgery, then switch out next contract, or better yet, enlisted with college and go to flight school after.
Too many faty boom balaties
Being in the military sucks dude. I already have enough women yelling at me as is, last thing I need is muh stronk female marine barking at me in basic and during the weekly anti-rape lectures.
Recruiting pilots is not hard. Keeping them is.
I'll tell you why rn. Phone posting cuz CQ so thread may be dead by the time i get there.
Military is looking at a disparity of people joining from the past. This is causing retention to freak out, because a lot of seniors from the good old days are retiring and the senior nco corps is getting small and losing their knowledgeable soldiers who train the next gen. Normally this would replenish itself, however all ghe soldiers who are getting this good training are dipping out. This isn't just the SF and bullshit, other important leaders are being lost in artillery, infantry, engineers, pilots, etc and without proper guidance, mentorship, and exp and training, the quality of the military will go down, as well as the upkeep of military equipment and knowledge to use it diminish. The rest of us get run ragged on training and real ops to project the force of America.
We don't just use troops to go tonwar, we're primarily maintainers of the facilities, equipment, and charged with training the next group to standard and how to use the above. We're not getting that, and everybody like me is burnt the fuck out from going to a field every month or other, which is usually 1 month exercises like iron focus, ntc, polkshit, key resolve, deployments, etc. There is no pride in it rn, there is no reason unless you're a sorry fuck and you have nothing better to do with your life, nd those are the people who choose to stay in.
You can see the effects of this shit in the aviation and SF/SOF groups better than in big army/navy/air force, but it's true everywhere.
Peace time military sucks balls I’m glad I’m out already. Should of joined back 08 when violence where at their peak but no I was busy smoking pot and college.
holy fuck that dude is jacked, do all special forces look like that?
Ft riley is constantly deploying. Rotation cycle is 9 month deployed (except they're Just shit rotations to Kuwait, Korea, or Europe) and then 13 month reset.
Optempo is stupid high for ABCT.
>everyone is burnt the fuck out
>no pride in it
Jesus Christ. It's like you read my soul.
Im a senior lt now and of my 13 peers, 10 are getting out first chance. Like, refusing to go to captain school, just pinning rank and leaving.
Retention is so low there's rumors they may be refusing to release officers (not like enlisted, no pcs date). Which at that point it's like, do you really want an army of salty, toxic officers who just want to get the fuck out?
>Don't actually have enough people to be world police anymore
Well fug
I was gonna be a third generation pilot from my family, but my eyes are both near-sided and blue-green colorblind. I'm not good for chopped liver even though I've managed to maintain fitness standards in spite of a shitty diet. What I want to do is know how a literal reject like me can help? It's not like I've got anything better to do.
Same here bro, but most of my LTs still go to triple C and pin their bars. I happen to be the only junior-enlisted soldier to contribute to the staff section and it's fucking horrible. Warfighter after NTC after exercises like iron focus just to do an ex-eval and deploy, then u do it all over again.
>anti-rape lectures
Must be military to know the SHARP meme.
I knew a buddy who worked in the Swedish Armed Forces who was forced to attend lectures about feminism and equality within the military.
Pretty much SHARP and EO combined. Probably less cucked though, we didn't learn about feminism, just don't be too much oof an asshole and if u do make sure it's about something else that won't throw u out of army.
Here's a trick to get more people joining
Remove age limits, let fatties join as anything and tack on a year extra on their contract so as to make them lose weight and attain a 1st class MINIMUM PFT before moving on to their MOS training, actually make garrisoned troops do shit
>implying DoD will spend extra money just for fatties to lose weight
>when recruiters can just make sure people pass height, weight, and tape at MEPS, if they don’t oh well
What money, just make the DIs do all that shit and withhold pay and keep everyone at E-1. If they fail after twelve months to the date of shipping they're out with no pay and other-than-honorable or whatever the hell will fuck them over
Just this year the Army was complaining that not enough people joined but they sure try their damndest to stop people before they even try
People don't want to die for Israel
Interesting shit
Nah I'll just save up, get the surgery, and try to fly after I have real eyes. Not giving the green weenie a chance at my ass.
Because Opstempo for SpecOps is atrocious, you're basically on constant deployment until your contract is up because the brass/sec def/president are using the secret squirrel guys to do more shit than the regular line troops. This is why the requirements to get in were lowered a while back.
Most candidates who would do well in the military would do better in civilian life. Why would a smart, healthy & capable person get treated like a prisoner for $800 a month?
Yeah I know we all want to protect america and keep her safe but holy shit try telling an 18 year old they're going to be squatting on the side of a mountain for 6 month and a half protecting & observing towns full of illiterate opium farmers killing each other over poorly arranged marriages and which son gets what.
trump ordered more troops
>he still believes the dying for Israel meme
Brainlet spotted.
>He dosen't know
This. No one wants to mow lawns for sub minimum wage for years
sof and jsoc recently took on the wmd security mission. so afsoc needs a heliborne ground combat team- its mission critical to what usaf does. could you imagine army or navy securing an airbase?
How many of these cases have happened enough that they actually had to make this lesson available to the military?
>Refusing to release officers
>My contract says I owe 4 years and not a god-damned minute more
Bitch you better believe I am dipping for greener pastures when my repayment is up. Try Calling up IRR, I fucking dare them.