That 30 year old in the military

>that 30 year old in the military

Attached: born to gunt.jpg (461x395, 50K)

This is now a P-38 bread.

Attached: Lockheed_P-38L_061019-F-1234P-015.jpg (437x394, 68K)

Best plane

Attached: The-Lockheed-P-38-Lightning-6.jpg (652x300, 37K)

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Attached: Lockheed_P-38_Lightning.gif (2500x1759, 388K)

Attached: p-38noseartleshima1945-02.jpg (737x484, 53K)

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Attached: P38_Fl_4509_plane_p059_W.png (1092x1552, 3.33M)

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So it had just a conventional yoke instead of the stick and throttle? I never knew that.

Is capcha being a dick for anyone else?

Attached: maxresdefault(6).jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Not terribly, no.

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God I love planes

Attached: p38l.jpg (582x200, 17K)

Have more

Attached: 0707021_1.jpg (1600x1068, 643K)

>first us airforce plane to bag a nazi

Attached: P38_Fl_4506_ad_p010_W.png (1066x1504, 603K)

Attached: triple-lines.jpg (860x668, 163K)

>them digits

This bread is blessed

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Just gonna sneak this in here

Attached: P-61.jpg (3144x2400, 708K)

Keep going, P-38 poster, im about to nut. Some lightnings with bare aluminum and victory stripes would help with that if you catch my drift

>Those digits
>Glacier Gal
Blessed thread

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Phil my cap is ALWAYS being a faggot. I have to solve it close to 20 times for each post, EVERY FUCKIN DAY

>tiger striped imposter

Attached: 28C868BC-5E60-4566-A817-802B1021CA7D.jpg (500x334, 76K)

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Why is the p-30 such pure sex?

Attached: 9743178b_FREEWING-P-38-LIGHTNING-WARBIRD-ARF-PNP_570x570.jpg (570x570, 37K)

*P-38, sorry for my retardation

Attached: p-38noseartleshima1945-06.jpg (734x482, 45K)

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They know you love cock, Phil

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It’s one of life’s greatest tragedies. Chicks with didn’t just aren’t a thing, but dudes with tits are. Life is suffering

This is a really good shot. How many of these things are there these days?

Attached: Lockheed_P-38F_Lightning_engine_Africa.jpg (1500x1159, 135K)

I'm really excited for the day we'll see one flying again.

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>enter thread expecting shitposting
>instead my favorite WWII plane is being dumped
top fucking lad

Attached: a7d.jpg (303x296, 27K)

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those canopies are pure sex

Have more

Attached: maxresdefault(7).jpg (1920x1080, 130K)

>fucking all of these
god all of those liveries are god tier

>captcha has become unbearable

Last one. Fuck you OP. Dont ever shitpost in my town again. The digits have spoken

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I love Jow Forums sometimes.

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Best derail ever

Sure, sex with a fat man.

But nonetheless a curvaceous fat man.

How will OP ever recover? with a ban.


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WHAT THE FUCK????????????