Today Jow Forums designs the perfect service rifle.
I'll start.
>18" barrel
>ROF 350 RPM
>uses a electric trigger
There done, from CQC to 500M and more this rifle is GTG.
The perfect service rifle
>has to charge an electric trigger
>unusable if emp
>switches and solenoids are killed by emp
user why you make OP a sad faggot? Here's a IRL Pepe to show how sad I am.
>meme caliber
>350 RPM
>a electric trigger
pls stop, the perfection is just too much.
Because the Steyr ACR needs to happen.
350 RPM seems pretty bad
>AR platform
>chambered for a telescoping case cartridge
>has an option to fold stock
>m-lok long handguard and picatinny for top
This is true peak performance
>meme caliber
>no bayonet lug
>full top picatinny
>"AR platform" but doesnt use buffer tube
Serious question. Do you think Steyr ACR could be redesigned to work with 5.56?
I love it's function, though the flachette is retarded idea.
No way fag.
The ammo is literally the prototype of cased telescoped ammo, so if the rifling was changed, I can't see why not.
The military is absolutely retarded, we get a new plane every 10 years while the rifle we have is from the 50's. Could you imagine what would happen if the Navy and Air Force if you told them that the F-4 was the only jet they could use, the MIC would pull a full fledged coup.
Possibly, but the flechette was fine. It achieved the goal of high BC, long range, terminal ballistics, and light weight cartridges, without the technical disadvantages of the G11 caseless design. All several decades before the LSAT design...
Nah, adjustable ROF. From 350 to like 1000 in 150 rpm increments. If you're going to go high tech, go all the way.
This with a underbarrel shotgun
Flachettes ware very bad idea. Great penetration, sure, but literally zero knock down power, very little lethality, and very vounerable to wind.
I saw a documemtary about US testing them in now, I remember x-rays of vietkong vets who ware full of flachettes and alive & kicking.
you know it's true
The same thing is said about 5.56.
It depends on the material of construction and how one can get around the haugue convention. A typical flechette going at nominal shotgun velocities will do that. The ACR propelled them at 5000 fps, and if properly designed a projectile should disintegrate on impact at that velocity.
>Has to use solenoids for electric trigger
Flechettes are shit at intermediate cartridge scales. Wounding never lived up to the hype, way too easy to deflect, and penetration was reliant on alignment which was unreliable at best.
The solenoid is to prevent a short from making the weapon go full retard without your finger on the trigger.
>ROF 350 RPM
Are you completely insane? Most LMGs don't go below 500, and that's a low fire rate designed for controllability. The AK is in the 600 range and it feels slow. 720RPM for AR-15s is the happy place. You start to loose controllability in intermediate rounds above that. SMGs can push 1000 easily because they have light rounds.
*Blocks path*
>cited vietnam as wounding potential for flechettes
Flechettes were only used in vietnam with shotguns and cluster artillery, which they were going considerably slower than a sabot loaded rifle. Wounding from a flechette going 5000 fps is going to be worse than a 5.45 or 5.56 bullet.
That's because no modern rifles offer significant benefits to what we already use. And the modern planes we get are significantly better than their former counterparts. It also allows for a larger amount of monies to be funneled away
The F4 didn't need replacing, it was fine as is, with modern day computers and radar, it could carry enough missles to make Macross blush.
Never heard of the ar 18 huh? They will cover it in summer school.
>shitty soiZ poorfag gun
Considering US military supremacy is based almost entirely in our ability to establish air superiority, remaining ahead of the curve in aircraft is absolutely crucial in ways it will never be for infantry rifles.
A FAMAS chambered in 9.5x40mm with optional 3 round burst fire
>cited vietnam as wounding potential for flechettes
Except I didn't? I was actually referencing the testing done for SPIW, the ACR and also the work AAI did parallel to both programs. A lot of issues were handwaved away on the assumption that burst fire was going to massively increase hit probability and that hitting multiple times would make up for the deficiencies in the projectile.
>ugg boot
No thanks
>A meme gun in a meme configuration with meme ammo that stops working if its batteries run out.
It already exists
Great filename
In otherwords a perfect weapon to fight in the meme wars
>air supremacy
If I ran the military I would have you shot, the last 60 years has proven you completely fucking wrong.
How do you effectively use it with a bayonet? Answer is: you get stabbed to death by someone without a meme gun.
Holy fuck my sides.
>the last 60 years has proven you completely fucking wrong.
Explain yourself, Sperg Ferguson. The entire doctrine is based around owning the skies before ground forces are even in the country and against conventional foes that strategy has been utterly effective. Arguably it has been even more effective against insurgents because ground exchanges are ultimately decided mostly by CAS, which (due to the aforementioned air supremacy) are able to quickly get on station and work with relative impunity. Are you disputing any of that?
here u go
>15 years of insurgency with no end in sight
I can't explain it to idiots, you'll keep losing war after war, all the while crying you need more air support, more fancy gadgets to weigh down our troops and yet we still lose.
Remove ROE and set loose the dogs of war
>15 years of insurgency
>less than 4000 US troops dead
Air power does not magically eliminate insurgent recruitment networks. It does win battles and save friendly lives though.
>only objection is cosmetic
We can build batteries that will last longed than the polymer on the rifle, retards. It's not a high power requirement.