You are basically in the situation that Hank Morgan is in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. However, unlike Morgan you are able to actively choose what to bring back in time with you.
Assuming that you don’t give the people or contract any major diseases:
> What would you wear and why? > What weapon(s) would you bring and why? > What materials such as books would you bring and why? > What gear would you bring and why? > What would you do now that you have traveled back in time with your stuff?
I will also post a similar thread on /his/, but I am mostly interested in what a Jow Forumsommando would do.
Small books about medicines, herbs basic tech etc. I become a fucking best witch doctor in whole world. Also flintlock pistol and basic revolver and loading tools. I can make my own gunpowder later.
Rest you can pretty much guess. Travelers clothes good backpack, food etc. Good battle axe with superior quality and good knife.
Kevin Hernandez
>shit load of saffron >a bicycle >colt army >an axe, a saw and a hammer >flint and steel
That fucking videos comment section is absolute fucking cancer. Anyway, I'd take medical and survival manuals with me, mostly. Maybe a rifle packed in a PVC pipe with nitrogen so I can save it and never suffer the shackles of British oppression via serfdom. I'd probably just wear my standard clothes, muted earth tones wouldn't be too ludicrous to them. Take my standard bug out kit just in case I gotta move quickly to another province or something. And I'd do what I do now, be a blacksmith. That'd be really interesting, considering the standards at the time for iron and steel.
Isaiah Nelson
I'd wear modern clothes with a duster/trench coat, sturdyboots, and wide brimmed hat.
For weapons I'd bring a Davy Crockett and a flamethrower.
For books, I'd bring several engineering books and info for making the fuel for the flamethrower.
With all of this I would create a new regime after vaporizing someone's castle with the Davy Crockett.
Adam Ward
>modern weapons that spit the noise and smells of hell to magically kill enemies at a great distance.
>magical control over life or death with witches alchemy.
Tyler Parker
>percussion cap gun Gonna have to make primers, a touch harder than making gunpowder.
Michael Thompson
Enough gold to buy passage to Constantinople. Fuck living uncivilized - get me to the Holy City now.
Dominic Martin
>wear Double tincloth pants and wool shirts and jackets. I'd make sure to pack plenty of extra under layers, wax, and tincloth thread. Tincloth is tougher than nails and wool can keep you warm even when wet.
>weapons A Kentucky long rifle, a couple knives, and a hatchet. Keep it simple and easy to maintain. Black powder can be made and lead was readily found at the time.
>books Basic medical books, some kind of primer on how to make black powder weapons and other early industrial goods. Lets get the firearms party started early. Some history books for select eyes only and maps to North America and Africa.
>gear Good canvas pack and boots.
>what would you do now Travel around Europe to create a solid foundation for the future domination of the western world.
Juan Wright
Laptop Solar charger 80gb of hentai
Lucas Gray
Landon Scott
You wouldnt even be able to understand what they were saying. English as we know it now didnt start to come into form until around the 14th century.
David Martin
Too far back in English history. The locals wouldn't understand us. The Anglos, Jutes, and Saxons haven't invaded yet. All that would be left of you is an old British oral myth about a wizard who could spit fire. He spoke in a demonic tongue so nobody knew where he came from. Then he went autistic and beserk and burned a village down to prove his superiority. Then the hero of the story slays the wizard with his sword. The story may not even get written down.
Carson Allen
Travel to Arabia and bring Christianity to Mecca b4 Muhammed.
Logan Williams
You don't even need to go back in time; Africa exists.
Alexander Ortiz
this bringing history book could easily be one of the most important things you could bring, along with medical books/firearm books.
Easton Phillips
Christianity was there. The middle east was Christian in the north and pagan in the south.
Kayden Cooper
Learn old English or Gaelic
Ryan Jones
>colonial period outfit but in dark thick leather and with gloves and a slim hat >WW1 Finland captured Mosin Nagant and a couple of spamcans of ammo and schematics on how to make the ammo and the formula for the powder and a 45 Long Colt Revolver so that way I bring technology early to the people when i arrive >important books such as biology books, botany books, aquaponics books, major history books, literature books, mathematics books and engineering books that way I bring knowledge and anyone that questions me will be gunned down by my mosin nagant. God gave us a fucking brain to use, not to ignore >survival gear along with a hunting knife and lots of tooth brushes and toothpastes along with deodorant and shampoo and a Jar full of Black Plague engineered to last for just six months and rendered as a simple flu >immediately set trival to the German empire and introduce the books so germany can jumpstart on technology and then head over to mauser and show them the schematics of the ammo and the rifle so that the mosin nagant can be further perfected by the help of the germans andonce that is over I will use the now acquired wealth to get my hands on the now german built mosin nagant and then head over to U.K. and introduce them books on medication and literature and help them understand more on medication technology. Head back to German empire and help them further on advanced engineering and math before I aquire some mercenaries to escort me to china. Once there I will go to the chinese emperor and show him a history book and reveal to him that the Japanese will come and attack his country and cause the empire to collapse and everyone will be killed but tell him I can help by simply going to japan and causing havoc. Once he believes me I head over to Japan and throw the jar and break it in Tokyo then make way fast back to china and tell him to have his army ready and attack Japan in six months then head over to Italy and enjoy the scenery.
Juan Hill
>once I'm done vacationing in Italy I go on over to France and spread misinformation about the ruler being corrupted and create a revolution jump starting the fall of france then head to the German empire and inform them of a plan made by France to take over Germany then sit back and watch the french get fucked hard by the germans with their advanced german mosin nagants thanks to me then head to America and buy landthat has rich oil and trade mark it and make travel to California and dig up gold then invest in gold And become very rich.
Not only would I have caused the fall of france, securing the German empire, helped U.K. better perfect medicine and prevented the fall of the chinese empire but I would have prevented Japan from ever attacking pearl harbor because they would be nearly wiped out by the enginerred black plague and be slaugjtered and enslaved by the chinese thus preventing the rise of Japan. Also with gold and land that has oil I will be one rich bastard.
Chase Torres
Until you run out of ammo, idiot. You can't manufacture brass casings yourself, let alone replacement parts for the modern weapons. A flintlock and everything required to operate one can at least be produced with pretty basic tools and materials, assuming you have the know how.
Andrew White
What would this do to our timeline!?
Cooper Gonzalez
>go to pre-sanitation city >die of shit poisoning
Joseph Rodriguez
There were plenty of Christians in Arabia at the time.
Tyler Hill
>schematics on how to make the ammo Ok, all you need is a machine to progressively draw brass, and consistent quality brass. What do now?
You fucking idiots don't appreciate just how much work actually goes into making things behind the scenes. Just because you understand how something is made doesn't mean you can make it.
Connor Taylor
That's why I said I bring books regarding that stuff and besides you can use steel and make steel casings which the mosin nagant can use without issue. I only did that so that the germans can perfect the mosin better and take over france as well help china stay as an empire and not fall as a communists and destroy japan preventing them from ever rising up again.
Caleb Thomas
>the German empire What german empire? Is this the actual state of 56%er education? Did you decide to come to an 18+ site because your mom is fucked by a gang of niggers every night and that's how you got conceived? >user >has a tripcode Literally, unironically off yourself you worthless faggot
Go fuck yourself in a nuclear hellfire you soulless bastard
Cameron Harris
>I said I bring books And I'm saying the books won't help you retard, because you don't have the infrastructure. Not that you could do it even today, given your 2 digit iq. >steel casings Ok, now you need a machine to draw steel and consistent quality steel.
Thank god you chose to become a tripnigger the instant you got here because now everyone knows you're a fucking retard and nothing you say matters
Ryan Richardson
There are no Germans in the dark ages you stupid mutt. Germany wasn't even a country until 1871.
Jack Diaz
At least japan dies from the black plague and gets attacked by china
If i have to actually be honest in this thread then what i bring is just lots of diseases that will not be curable for a long time and introduce it to japan to watch it all burn to the ground.
Nathaniel Edwards
Now realized that op was implying that you be sent back in the medieval times
Fuck but whatever i just want to destroy japan so i accomplish that by delivering diseases to japan in that timeline
Sebastian Phillips
So I'm assuming I also get to speak the language(s) of my choice. This is an issue here's what old English poetry sounds like:
On that note: a full suit of welded chainmail made with modern steel, a sword, and a stallion. Cover story that I'm a nobleman from the east who is on a pilgrimage. Should cover for any accent and appalling ignorance.
A couple of pistols and a lot of ammunition if I get in any real trouble.
I'd also learn how to make paper, carve and cast metal with files, and isolate saltpeter and sulfur.
Books on how to make a blast and puddling furnace and basic metallurgy.
Plan of action. Head for Byzantium, invent the printing press, (and maybe the cotton gin, since they still own Egypt), make sure the Byzantines have gunpowder and cheap steel before anyone else.
Get shot by time cops for creating the mother of all paradoxes.
Luke Barnes
You won't introduce shit to japan, you are a fucking idiot if you think you can manufacture ANYTHING even remotely to modern tolerances with dark age technological infrastructure. Well, there you go. You're what happens when abortion is made illegal - whores like your mother try DIY solutions and botch it, scooping half their little mongrel's brain out but failing to kill it.
Adrian James
Complete set of 1st century ad Roman armor, an ar15, and a double barrel shotgun and a backpack with as much ammo as I can carry.
Hunter Murphy
>immediately set trival to the German empire
5th century German empire? Maybe you should've read the books you were going to bring.
>Once he believes me I head over to Japan and throw the jar and break it in Tokyo
You're going to try and convince the emperor of China to pre-emptive strike on a country that will attack over a thousand years later? Japan didn't even have a fixed capital and the city of Tokyo didn't even exist.
>At least japan dies from the black plague and gets attacked by china
Japan isn't nearly as susceptible to the plague as Europe was as it didn't have its crowded, unsanitary cities and its population was more dispersed. Also you'd be laughed out of China for saying their backwards neighbor could defeat them.
This post has criminal levels of stupidity and who ever wrote it is an absolute moron.
Fuck you didn't see that he meant by medieval ages but fuck whatever.
Ian White
>Fuck you didn't see that he meant by medieval ages but fuck whatever.
None of that shit would work even if it was during medieval times you moron, there was no German empire and Japan still wouldn't be susceptible to the plague.
Christian Ortiz
Bring wood gas powered truck stocked with an ak47 a chest filled to the brim with 7.62mm ammo and cleaning supply’s and replacement parts. all the important books history, meds and so forth a pocket constitution and a bill of rights. And last but not least. A copy of atlas shrugged by ayn Rand
Ayden Thompson
Alright then what would the jap bastards be susceptible to then?
Angel Turner
>Alright then what would the jap bastards be susceptible to then?
Fuck all because their cities aren't anywhere near as crowded or dirty as those of Europe and they practiced better hygiene.
Jace Gutierrez
Well in that case I'll just get a bunch of mercenaries and just go over and kill all of the Japanese on the island or go kill the emperor and take control and make the Japanese lives living hell under my dictatorship.
Grayson Barnes
Here, little boy have some (you)
You deserve it after all that hard work!
Cameron Hughes
pure cancer
Hudson Powell
>What would you wear and why? Double tinned pants, shirt, and jacket. As the other user said, it's the most durable type of clothing you can have. Will last a long time and keep me warm. Also, some high quality steel-toed boots.
>What weapon(s) would you bring and why? A Ka-Bar, American Felling Axe, and a DD AR15 with 750 rounds of ammunition. The Ka-Bar and Felling Axe can be used as tools as well as decent weapons. The rifle can be used for hunting or freaking out the native population. Once I run out of ammunition, I just sell the rifle to some faggot trader and tell him it's a very powerful weapon from a former land. Or, I can commission some blacksmith to attempt to recreate the ammunition from my encyclopedia.
>What materials such as books would you bring and why? Some key books from Encyclopedia Britannica on blacksmithing, guns, medicine, language. A book on Old English. A very descriptive topographical map of England.
>What gear would you bring and why? A high-end hiking backpack, a first-aid kit, a flint and steel, a sharpening stone, a sleeping bag. Some nice gloves that I can wear when doing work or something labor intensive. A mountain bike, with some basic tools for working on it.
>What would you do now that you have traveled back in time with your stuff? Become a mercenary, probably. It's too early to do anything to change the world, and I wouldn't be able to communicate with the natives too well. A mercenary just seems fun.
I second this man for everything but the mercenary thing, I would travel to the middle east and end Islam before it becomes to big, also I would claim to be a soldier of Christ marching forth to defend his land and the land of his people
Hudson Powell
500's AD: Country doesn't even have a homogeneous identity or a centralized form of government. Medieval: The country is already run by a militaristic dictatorship. You seem to be very angry over a country you know absolutely nothing about.
Levi Wilson
>What would you wear and why? Plain clothes, sturdy boots, etc.
>What weapon(s) would you bring and why? A sword, because people recognised it as a weapon. A flintlock revolver, because I can't fucking use a sword. Reloading supplies.
>What materials such as books would you bring and why? Craft books, woodworking, metalworking, etc. Books on waterwheels, windmills, etc. Chemistry, geology, engineering books. And lastly, a couple books on ancient Greek and Latin.
>What gear would you bring and why? All the gold I could afford. Seeds, just a bunch of non-native plants.
>What would you do now that you have traveled back in time with your stuff? Locate natural sources of fertilisers to boost food production and organise to herd sheep on a larger scale, get into the wool trade early. Use waterwheels and windmills to start up industry. Invent soap, alcohol, and crossbows. Use crossbows to carve out my own little kingdom.
Jace Parker
unironically this
Thomas Phillips
That also seems pretty fun. The only problem is the amount of ammunition. At that point there were way more than 750 muzzies in the Middle East. If, however, you got real cozy with a group of Christians and taught them how to make guns, it would be one hell of a slaughter.
Henry Nelson
I would also bring a really basic Dillon press, and after killing a few warbands they zealots would flock to me, being one of the strongest (due to firearms) and smartest (having a 21st-century education) I would seem like a gift from God.
>and smartest (having a 21st-century education) You'd be as lost as a baby in a lot of everyday things back then, and in return, sure, you can probably do a lot of math by their standards. But that's a party trick at best, they don't exactly need a lot of math in their daily lives. So don't expect to come across as smart, even after we ignore the language issues.
Jonathan Taylor
You're a fucking dumbass. Reading your posts makes me want to bash your skull in with an English grammar book.
Alexander Bennett
>Go back in time with firearms and create a doomsday cult >Keep a personal harem >Pillage
Jeremiah Roberts
Think about why I chose revolver.
Caleb Brooks
Other than survival gear, I bring a caliper, a set of micrometers, straightedge, and compass. Combined with Shigley, Incropera, Steels (3rd ed), and a chemical engineering text. The point being to start the industrial revolution early, I want to have a working hydro-powered forge within a few years and a working steam engine soon after that. Firearms too, but as a lower priority.
Alexander Hill
Good luck making those percussion caps.
Josiah Jones
>the very concept of a "German peoples" during OPs time frame You're better off either going Anglo or Arab. And remember that such things as "scientific knowledge" and "sanitation" are ploys of the (((Jew))). You will be branded and strung up as a heretic. And say you have plans for your fancy modern weapons. You know how to make smokeless powder? Precise machining for your cartridges and shot? Where are you getting your brass? Suppose your weapon takes critical damage and needs repair? Or lube? How are you of making these? And throwing history books Into the mix just shits everything up. You realize you are but one important man in possession of actual world changing information. Who's to stop a desperate monarch from throwing thousands of men at you for such priceless information? I love cans of worms such as this.
>Traditional Celtic clothing >Mosin Nagant >pleanty of ammo >flintlock pistol so I don't completely weird them out >if my fiancé counts as a weapon than I'll bring her >medical books >plenty of blank books to learn Celtic magic and other shit from the natives >recipe book so I know what the hell im doing I will become a witch doctor with a "magic" weapon and defend the celts from whatever faggot tries to kill us
Brayden Phillips
I know Gaelic so I should be fine
Gabriel White
That doesn't look like primer compound to me...
William Gutierrez
Both fulminates and chlorates would be easy to produce at the time.
Hudson Stewart
What, you think condenser columns and lab-grade reagents just grow on trees?
Nicholas Thompson
Not needed to produce either. Raw materials are readily abundant, especially with knowledge of commercial deposits that would be unknown at the time. Labor and equipment would again be easily available. Knowledge of historical mineral locations discovered after the 5th century alone would make you possibly the richest person in the world.
Xavier Thompson
I like how you're just casually talking about recreating perhaps dozens of highly specialised jobs and an enormous amount of industry.
Camden Stewart
>tfw "dragons" are just Jow Forumsommandos sent back to the past and slain knights with their "fire breaths" and roared memes upon their enemies.
Benjamin Johnson
Alchemists routinely did this. You would have knowledge they did not have and massive amounts of funding and resources. Think of what a single modern map would be worth.
John Walker
You'd be better off knowing late classical latin. 5th century britain was still heavily roman, and this was just before the saxons showed up. Pretty stable, pretty civilized.
I'd bring a gpmg with 10000 rounds and enough period apporpriate money to support myself and the gun. Everything else is window dressing.
Adrian Adams
>Alchemists kek
Joshua Ramirez
>I'm going to trademark oil.
What the fuck does that even mean? Everyone has to pay you a nickel when they say 'oil'?
King Arthur was a dark age king, as far as I know, not a medieval ruler. I believe he was supposed to have lived ~450 AD. Obviously your advantage as a time traveler generally increases the further back you go (with exceptions). I would certainly pick to go to 450 AD rather than 1200 AD and the high middle ages, when power was much more centralized.
>Before the trip -- Learn Latin (rationale: in 450 AD, if you could speak Latin, in most areas even in Britain there would be at least someone you could communicate with).
>Take with me -- Air Rifle with 4 spare flasks and a human powered compressor. Molds to cast more ammunition. No need for powder. -- Schematics for a Giradoni style rifle that can be built with c. 450 AD metallurgy. The Giradoni was nearly silent, capable of killing Buffalo (a huge, tough animal) at 200 yards, and doesn't consume anything not easily replaced even in 450 AD. Ideal weapon to outfit my vassals with. --Modern Clydesdale stallion. Horses took millennia to breed up into the destriers that made shock cavalry practicable. Bringing back a stallion from today would allow my cavalry to skip centuries of selective breeding, generating a huge advantage. -- Schematics for a High-Pressure Haber Reactor. Building the reactor would let me run the Haber process, providing ample fertilizer and ammonia for gunpowder. The Haber process triggered the 'green revolution' which tripled Earth's population. Instantly increases the efficiency even of shit dark-age agricultural practices by many orders of magnitude. -- Historical Geological maps of England. Drift mining coal is easily possible even with 450 AD tech. Anthracite powers the steam revolution, and there isn't much reason that couldn't happen 1300 years earlier if all the knowledge problems are miraculously solved by a time-travelling scientist (me).
Justin Anderson
Show them the S-bend.
Logan Bennett
>Take with me, Cont. -- Kevlar, cut-resistant Doublet and Hauberk. Should be lighter and more comfortable than ring mail. -- Full 15th century Italian plate mail. More effective against the weapons of the time than modern armor, and still 1,000 years more advanced than contemporary 450 AD armor. -- Seeds for Rubber, Silk, Sugarcane, Citrus, Tobacco, and Potato plants. Pretty straight forward. With these plants, possibly growing in orangeries or greenhouses (knowing where the coal is, the glazings for greenhouses would be much more practical than otherwise in 450) if necessary, major gaps in agricultural production could be filled a millennia ahead of schedule. -- 6 month supply of personal hygiene items. Any more is impractical to carry and I'll need to work out in-situ replacements.
>What to do? With the Haber Process, semi-automatic air rifles, fully evolved destriers, and an abundant caloric (and therefore manpower) surplus, the warlord I attached myself to as a magos would come to dominate dark-age Britain quite easily. I insist on certain superstitions that don't seem to have any basis, but also no harm, such as the veneration of cats and raptors (big reduction in plagues) and rinsing ones hands in pure alcohol (which I can show them how to distill quite easily) before eating, after shitting, and certainly before delivering a child (most maternal mortality in the dark ages was due to the midwife having dirty hands).
Sebastian Gonzalez
What to do , cont. -- I would make scientific observations of the climate, the wildlife existent at the time, and anything else that seems anomalous to our 21st century understanding of the time, as well as writing detailed historical treatises on what was happening. These I would duplicate and spread so that the information was transmitted forward in time to the present day. Ultimately I would create an organization that was part university, part secret society of all the maestros who I entrusted with the more sophisticated branches of my knowledge. Eventually I would die, but the secretive, seemingly magical order I founded would live on, becoming an increasingly powerful bulwark and fundamental component of British life down through the ages. This would be bolstered by the detailed 'future histories' I would leave behind in the hands of the highest of the order, allowing them to anticipate future events and profit from them, or avoid catastrophes. In this way, the order would grow to be as powerful as the Church, although in a different way. And the indoctrination required of all new magis would see that this powerful organization stood in opposition of many of the great evils I see in my own time, 2018, and in the ages that came before them.
Brayden Perez
You forgot a slide rule.
Dylan Collins
This. It could have been invented in 3000 BC, but it took until the 1800s. One of the quirks of history.