Sup Jow Forums
My wife just bought me pic related for my birthday.
I don't really know anything about axes. Are Gransfors Bruk good as people say, or overrated meme brand?
Axe/hatchet thread
Sup Jow Forums
My wife just bought me pic related for my birthday.
I don't really know anything about axes. Are Gransfors Bruk good as people say, or overrated meme brand?
Axe/hatchet thread
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Idk, I think ur wife's hachet wound is pretty good
Top tie but unless your wife is an avid bushcrafter idk how the fuck she would know that
Thanks man. She has good QC and tight tolerances.
Its fine, not worth the price when you can just find some old head and clean the rust off and rehandle it. But youve got it now anyways so make the most of it.
she doesnt, the salesman just wanted the highest profit margins.
As far as quality goes, none better. If the price you yanks has pay for it is justified can be debated but now that you have it, take good care of it.
This is a strange thread imma just say it now
I don't even know where to start with this birthday purchase
Perhaps a bit expensive but they make a good axe
You can start with the fact that $200 is way to much for birthday spending, and OP needs to take away his wives credit card and have a serious look at personal finances.
We don't really camp much, once in awhile. We hike a lot but just day trips. So not really sure how much I'll use it, but I guess there's a lot worse shit she could have picked.
> $200 is a large gift amount and warrants financial discussion
Not everyone here is poor, sir
>$200 is way to much for birthday spending
Do you even own a suit?
>salesman wanted highest profit margins
Yeah that sounds about right. At least she was swindled into getting something good. Also happy birthday faggof
Theres poorfag and then theres just wasting money. Guess this board wont undewrstand that.
Believe it or not she is better with money than me. Just tends to go a little overboard for birthday and xmas. We are actually very comfortable financially.
Not really sure where she got the idea. She bought it online.
>not having a line in your budget literally labelled "disposable income"
You actually are poor, aren't you?
Birthdays should be like $50 max, ive been doing $20 bonus bonds my entire life.
also whats wrong with being a poorfag, I work low as fuck hours and have all the time in the world to garden and shitpost.
>spending a bit less than 1 day's salary on a once a year gift is wasting money
>You can start with the fact that $200 is way to much for birthday spending
The absolute state of poverty
There is nothing wrong with being a poorfag, especially since you might not have a lot of money, you don't seem like you consider yourself poor.
The only time poorfags really come into scorn is when they think that their budgetary concerns are the same as everyone, and then talk shit about them.
>$50 max for birthdays
>i value my family so little that I care about the monetary value of a gift that will put a smile on their face
That's what that says.
Ok sure, but why $200, find them an old axe head and clean it up for them, literally takes less then an hour. Spend the money if you want, I just think its unnecessary.
Yeah theyre good
Where does one find a proper olden day hand forged ax head?
I've heard old forest workers claim that modern day axes are pretty rubbish in general and only the top shelf stuff like Gränsfors comes close to what used to be standard back in the day when people worked all day with axes and the tools had to be on point.
Apparently, properly forging an ax is lostech.
>Are Gransfors Bruk good as people say, or overrated meme brand?
It's an overrated meme brand that's as good as people say. How can this be? There are cheaper axes that are as good as people say these are.
It's an axe. There's no limit to how shitty they can be, but once you hit "competent" they stop getting significantly better. People are impressed by stupid things like it being very sharp when you buy it. That protects it from idiot reviewers who test blades out of the box without sharpening them.
This particular model is a bit of an awkward size: too big for a hatchet, too small for a "boy's axe". Don't get me wrong, in a single-axe scenario I'd take it over a hatchet any day, but give me five or six more inches of handle and another half a pound of axehead. It's not that hard to find room for a boy's axe, in my opinion, and a true hatchet (which is wieldy when gripped at the very end of the handle, and therefore has nothing sticking out past the end of your hand to get bumped and deflect your swing) is far safer to use with one hand, as well as being less of a burden as a secondary axe. Of course, a full-size axe works better than a compact axe, so there's no sense in making do with a small one unless you have to.
For practical purposes, I consider Gransfors Bruk a specialty axe provider. There are cheaper ways to get a general-purpose axe that will work just as well, but they make a variety of oddball axes and axe-like tools with consistent good quality that are hard to find now that you can't just describe what you want to the local blacksmith.
Nice gift, though. Safe to go with a premium brand when you buy a tool you're not going to use yourself.
do you not have a local rusty used tool store? Its where I get a lot of my stuff.
>A woman is going to hit up an (((antique))) shop for an old axe head
>A woman is going to research defunct axe brands to find an axe head worth buying from literal scrap metal
>A woman is going to break their balls down from $50 for a driftwood stock felling axe to $15
>A woman is going to buy a new haft and mount it
>A woman is going to sand/chemically strip the rust off said axe head
>A woman is going to properly grind an edge and sharpen an axe
Not everyone's time is worthless and even though it would take some 15 minutes to rehaft and clean up an axe head it'd be insurmountable for 99% of women. And the hours of time spent shopping, researching, and fixing could very easily run you well north of 200 dollarydoos if you aren't a complete wageslave.
Jow Forums - Weapons
Absolute fucking state of poorfags
Absolute fucking state of onions filled buyfags
First post best post.
Not that I disagree with you but an axe thread is happening, you may as well make it about weapons.
Why does estwing make non rigging axes again? I know the answer is money, but its just seems so pathetic.
Holy fuck, is that a historical keyblade?
You might be surprised at their quality, I have an Estwing camp axe and it's fantastic for mesquite.
My man, you name it and the Indians fucking did it.
Estwing can't put an edge worth a fucking damn on an axe from the factory, but they're probably the only mainstream felling axe under the gransfor bruks price point that's actually serviceable.
city council, estwing makes a good hammer, but I dont really think the steel things works that great with axes, definitely more force against an axe hitting a immobile tree then nailing.
The for real deal. I actually have a picture of a German dagger that does something similar, I'll see if I can't find it.
IME some of the best tools come from the factory with a shit edge. Many machetes are a good example of this, the first thing you do after buying a Tramontina or Ontario machete is take a file to it.
I have owned several outdoor hatchets, and I'll give you my opinion on the Gransfors. I have your exact model as well. I tend to prefer durability (of entire axe), cutting ability and then utility.
The collar itself is one of the best fits I have ever seen, but I would expect it for the price. The handle itself is made of a very pretty but non durable material, as I have had mine split at the base of the handle from very light drops (5ft). The axe head itself hold a very sharp edge, but even with a blunt edge it chips much too easily.
It cuts. If a hatchet or axe does not cut well I have not seen it. The head shape itself does a good job of splitting and limbing in a small package, but just use a folding saw for large cuts.
this tool will only cut. The head is not made for hammering on the opposite end.
5/10 imo. Great for hanging on the wall or keeping near the house for some use, but unless it is treated very delicately expect it to become damaged with actual use. However, for gift potential this is a 10/10 and your wife actual did some research so she's fucking great. I really reccomend the bushman axe by wetterlings more than the gransfors, but they're harder to come by and ironically wetterlings has been bought out by gransfors.
Ex's dad gave this one to me for Christmas a few years ago. Hardcore Hammers. Damn good little hatchet.
Pic related is my baby. Kelly Works "Perfect" single-bit ax, Jersey pattern, c. 1931. My crew had one my first season with the Forest Service and I spent the next year tracking one down that wasn't stupid expensive.
Found it on Etsy, of all places.