Hello again, /komrades! Today i have bought the oil indicated by my friend and now doused all the parts in the oil. Come with me while i try to restore those gems back to work!
Restauring my grampa's things 2: eletric bogaloo
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i already doused the bolts and scrubbed off some of the rust. The solvent seems to working nicely!
fuck, i still have a fuckton of images to upload and i'm stilla ttending to the stuff
Nice thing is when dismantled the shotgun and pulled the trigger, the hammer jumped away! it shows that the mechanism is still working so i just have to take care of the pin and this beauty might work again!
For the fellow brazilian guy, you were right! This is indeed a Sorocabana Knife, and god how good of a knife it is! barely scrubbed it and it's already showing the quality metal underneath!
Here's the knife while holding it. Good grip and it's clear it as made to be used deep inawoods
Here's the knife's sheath as well. Good quality leather that's still well mantaned even after decades inside a dark dusty chest.
Here's the bolts and the hammer, leaving the soaking in the oil to make sure everything's gonna be nice and clean
I'm working on the stuff right now but i'll take a look at this thread from time to time, so if anyone want to do any suggestions or have any questions, feel free to talk
pretty nice work saw thread 1
>this beauty might work again!
I'm not saying don't shoot any gun from this era (though some people will say that), but you need to be very careful not only about the gun's condition, but about using correct ammunition.
Many old shotguns, in addition to being designed for black powder, have shorter chambers than modern shotguns. The modern 2-3/4"/70mm shells will chamber in a 2-1/2"/65mm chamber, but the crimp doesn't have room to unfold when you fire; when the shot tries to pass through, it increases pressure considerably.
After use the solvent and my friends spinning steel brush, I was able to remove all of the rust, and give a look at how this beauty is right now. For the brazillian guy who asked before, there are no brand marks on the knife.
damn thats nice looking please dont behead people or chop of their feet
Very nice, Glad you cleaned It, that knife is made of good carbon steel, a gauchada gosta. Parabéns OP. See If the gun is a LaPort.
About the brand mark, nothing beyond this one...
...and this other one.
Don't worry, i have the cartrigdes for the shotgun itself, which seem to be new as fuck. probably my family used the shotgun until it jammed so they bought the kit not too long ago. My friend has a loading press to put on the primers so everything will be fine on preparing the bullets
now let me show the process and work to put the ol' lady back in shape!
and here's the entire setup after one pleasant afternoon of work with my friend in his father's autoshop. I gotta say i learnt some nice tricks to deal with rusty bolts and ways to clean off the rust and dirt
and finally showing the mechanism at work! the spin, hammer and trigger are working perfectly after cleaning all the rust, so the old lady still can shoot! I've checked the barrel length and there was no cracks or dents that could lead to problems, so next step is to prepare the bullets, boys! i'll make a thread on that as well when i get my hands on the supplies
wait wut. Seems like Jow Forums doesn't accept mp4 files. How can i post it as a .GIF for you guys to see?
convert to webm
There you are. thanks for the info!
What is it, dear user? Something wrong?
It's spelt "restoring", that's probably it.
Ah, i see the fuckup now. Eh, good to learn for next time to fuck the grammar. thanks for pointing out the user's trigger
you better be rust bluing that thing now that you wire wheeled it
Rust bluingw no idea on how to do that, mate. can you tell me more about it?
Not him, but it's the traditional way of finishing steel gun parts. The gun industry has moved to other, faster processes for the last century or so, but they involve dunking it in vats of hot caustic chemicals -- not necessarily something you'd want to try at home.
Basically you alternate letting the steel form a nice layer of fine surface rust, then boiling it to convert the red oxide (rust) to black oxide (bluing); with a lot of repetitions, you get a beautiful bluing job. Google it, you'll find lots of more detailed instructions.
You are going to need to buff and polish the parts before you can blue it, but if you have access to an autoshop they might already have wheels for that. If you dont do something to inhibit rust those wire wheeled parts are going to likely get rust very quickly.
forgot pic
Woah that looks great! i gonna study and see if i can do the same with the shotgun.Thanks for the great types, lads!
Tell me, my man. Does Rust bluing does protect from further rusting or it's just an aesthetic thing?
it protects from rust by creating a thin coat of already oxidized steel. Its the same sort of bluing you would have seen on any gun 100yrs ago. Its not going to stand up like parkerizing, but it is also infinitely more aesthetic.
This is a pretty great thread. Congrats on your shotgun, OP.
i must agree, it just looks amazing on the gun.
Thank you, bro. i'm glad you enjoyed the thread. I enjoyed restoring the shotgun and the knife and tomorrow there'll be more work on them
i'll post more tomorrow, lads! I'll show the process my friend suggested us to work with the shotgun to protect against rust. I shall do the same with the knfie so there'll be some more pics of both!