Are "tactical" flashlights just a meme? I see plenty of LEOs still carrying mag-lites on their duty belts. What's the craze all about?
tactical just means fits on a rail
What do you mean "tactical"? Handheld, weapon mounted? Police work involves investigation work that may not require pointing a firearm at someone (I know, 'Murcian cops, lol, whatever).
Semi-professional Possumfag here, feel im somehwat qualified to talk about lights. Use a spotlight and a mounted led lenser for actual night time stuff. Also headlights are greatly underrated for night time shooting. Tac lights are great for indoors self defense stuff, but thats not really a big enough thing to bother spending on, for actual light uses find out what your local spotlighters are hunting with and use that.
They're a meme. Flashlight is a flashlight, made and marketed to different groups. Streamlight makes some of the best flashlights around.
flashlightfags BTFO
headlamp masterrace
>no hand holding
>light goes where you look
>possible strangulation hazard
>can be wrapped on all kinds of things
>can double as a tourniquet
>can double as a tourniquet
Wanna know how I know you've never used a tourniquet?
anything is a tourniquet if you are brave enough
Man benis?
you would need to use it before benis is erect, otherwise insert benis in hole and make erect so the expansion stops bleeding (preferred method for dicklets)
>not tactical finger light
>integrated tactical black buttplug with retention strap
Leave that plastic POS back in the truck, bubba.
only fucking japs would create a light beam weapon with 2.4 million lumens
that isnt 2.4 mil lumens, only a retard would think it is.
Bullshit specs.
See here:
But this... This is real power... [EVIL LAUGHTER]
Headlamps take longer to put on though. I don't fancy sleeping with it on my head in case someone breaks in, I would rather grab a flashlight standing next to my bed.
now you can pew pew while you bzz fwoosh
DX80 ends the war.
>this kills the vampire
Cute. This little guy puts out 3800lm.
so japs really have a vampire problem? i get all of my information as to how slanty eyed people live from my animes
Maglites are great for when for LEOs looking into cars, shining in the eyes of drunks and high motherfuckers also for bonking people in the common peroneal when they start to buck on you are start to get froggy with you depending on policy.
The Fenix PD35 is the single greatest handheld light of all time and is literally the only flashlight you will ever need.
>"tactical" flashlights
Tactical generally doesn't mean jack shit when applied to gear and Maglites are a standard because they're cheap and durable.
Only reason maglites became popular was you could beat niggers with them and arm security with them and not have to pay for baton training
>police operate at night, when the most crime happens
>why do they carry flashlights?
user, think about this. It's harder to see at night, so they're carrying a light to illuminate the darkness.
But why the rails?
Why don't police just use NODs?
>Fenix PD35
>850lm turbo
Not even close, faggot.
To mount a flashlight
They tend to use those mag lites as clubs too.
You do realize you can hold them in your hand, right? You just grip it like you're showing someone a badge.
I don't know if mine is considered "tactical" but it fits in my pocket nicely. I'm sure if LEO's didn't have a duty belt they would probably carry something smaller.
does liking best girl make me a furry?
streamlight definitely fits the "tactical" meme even if it is overused
>lumen count is the single deciding factor in a good light
Stop posting retard
lasts for 3 minutes
Yes, but if liking Nanachi is wrong, then I don't want to be right.
Nice Tanya, friend.
>longer than anyone on Jow Forums can last
because you can beat the ever lovin shit outta some faggots with a 16in maglite. that's why.
>LEOs still carrying mag-lites on their duty belts. What's the craze all about?
To hit people in the head with them
I carry a surefire for lighting purposes, and a 3D cell maglite for "lighting purposes".
All praises be to the hippie anointing "Nigger knocker"
I like lights.
When the cops shine a light in your face they are blinding you on purpose. It's when they do this the other cops move into position.
It's a light, that's bright enough to see things in the dark. I get the whole tactical meme but honestly carrying a light is just way too useful. I don't carry a knife or gun but you bet your ass I have a flashlight on me. It's not for clearing rooms or anything, I just don't want to step on anything when I'm walking barefoot to my room in the dark. Are there any non-tactical flashlights or is it just the act of carrying a light in the first place that is memey?
I want a flashlight that is
>Has a high/low setting
>Impact resilient
That is almost universally a "Tactical" light. Not my fault realistic requirements are all met by black striking bezel aluminum tubes
>not surefire or HDS Systems
I'm not that user, but if you count all of the shitty flashlight companies out there, streamlight is definitely in the top 25% or higher.
Keychain: surefire Sidekick. (too bulky for some. Size of car remote)
Olight S-mini baton
Work- 200 lumen model from 10yrs ago. Sent the tail cap to Henry this year for a spa treatment after a decade of use. I've used it as a hammer, washed, submerged in oil and it keeps on ticking. Lifetime warranty on all his lights. is a good place to check out. 2nd is edcforumscom.
Cri more bitch boi.
Your pussy light has no range, can't hit 2,000lm, and can't USB recharge. Don't be salty because you bought a weak piece of shit flashlight.
I'm totally not saying it is not a good flashlight by no means. 7/10 is very good imho.
...then kicks your ass with 5000lm for two and a half hours which looks like pic related.
It's all good. They're definitely not perfect. I was just trying to be funny about counting the 9001 Chinese knockoff companies out there. I don't have high expectations for mine so I like them for what they are. When I get a rifle light I'll step my game up but for EDC finding shit in the dark streamlight is great for the price.
5000lm before and after.
That doesn't seem that much more impressive than 500 lumens.
Olight x7 marauder?
Imalent dx80
Maglites are shit, purely. They aren't bright enough to justify their size and weight.
What does justify the size and weight is the fact that it can be used as a baton/glass breaker as well. Why carry a baton around when a flashlight can do 2 jobs? It really does suck carrying all that weight around on your hips all day.
There are plenty of options for a Day or C cell flashlight than a maglite though. My dept issues surefires which I wouldn't recommend, they have a hot spot in the middle of the beam meant to blind anyone you shine it at, but it mostly blinds you. I'd assume most people just use what they're issued because it's free, explains why I use this POS and why they use maglites.
There are vids jewtube detailing how to use a light to prevent blinding yourself especially when room clearing.
Here's 500lm. Doing my best to try to get the same shot, but no tripod and the mosquitoes aren't fucking around tonight haha.
That seems like a weak 500. I'll go have a drink outside and check.
> here my head is at
> need air pls
1. why does it exist
2. why do i want it
>he doesn't spotlight deer on other peoples property from his own property
Spotlight hunting is also illegal in some places.
Take out E767s on landing approach with this.
>muh lumens are all that matter
>implying cr123s arent rechargable
Confirmed retard
Anyone else really like these bendyboys?
>That one rail cover
>Less lumens is somehow better
>Removing the tailcap, taking the batteries out, charging them on a separate charging dock, and reinserting them into the light is more convenient than plugging amicro usb into the light.
>Let's just ignore my light's shitty range and tactical capabilities.
Bunga bunga? Grug live under rock? It ok, me explain to you, mush-brain. We have better tech now. Your light is inferior to mine in every functional aspect.
Bro just get a $10 flashlight from walmart, it's literally all the same shit
>Flashlight is a flashlight
You really couldn't be more wrong. Few technologies have moved forward as rapidly over the past decade as LED lighting... vape pen R&D is also being leveraged heavily.
High quality tac lights running 18650s (yaaass) or SF123s (okaaay) are light years better than maglites and the like, unless you're beating someone with it.
Is the entire video just a five second long clip of someone yelling "don't use turbo mode unless you need it, and don't look at the hotspot when you use it"? Because yeah.
i've used non-mallninja lights like this
they're always shit and never stay in place and break within a month. would not recommend. just get a normal flashlight or head lamp
americans don't understand things like this. they can only think in terms of memes, so they don't realize that you can use a headlamp without it being on your head.
>talks shit about americans and lights
>cant afford a surefire hl1 on his helmet
You really have no idea how important a flash light is till you need one a couple times and haven't got it. Especially if you're doing any sort of work, even if you're good enough to do what you're doing without being able to see it's just easier if you can.
I don't really understand weapon mounted flash lights because I feel like they are usually positioned in a spot that do nothing to help you use the sights.
I like mag-lites. Got a half foot long or so. LED is nice and bright, made out of aluminum the D batteries add quite a bit of weight but since it's aluminum if I drop it on something probably accidentally or if it knocks into something for a clumsy reason since it's kind of long, it's sturdy and heavy enough that it seems like it wouldn't break very easy. I carry it around sometimes when it's dark out, fit's on a belt pretty good doesn't seem to get in the way much.
case in point. i say "you can use a headlamp without it being on your head" and you go on about not being able to afford a headlamp to put on a helmet. where did I say I don't have a headlamp? you, like all americans, are so poisoned in the head that you literally cannot understand things that aren't straight from either reddit or a commercial
>I don't have a headlamp
>you, like all americans, are so poisoned in the head...
Lookie here foreign scum, I know you don't have a headlamp and you're probably jealous of all our American tech. So, you'd think whatever headlamps you people do have make up for low quantity with higher quality. You're wrong. Whatever you think you have, we've done it better in America. We've got great flashlights here featuring hard type 3 anodization, aircraft grade aluminum, coated tactical lenses, and weather-proof designs made in the USA. Let's look at what we've learned here: 1) you're a poorfag who doesn't have a headlamp and 2) America just dabbed on you and whatever shithole you're from. Now stop posting and fuck off.
can americans even read?
either americans are this stupid, or are so stupid that they actively want to make themselves look this stupid
You got real ugly