Bring things into this thread that make your blood boil so that we may feel sweet sweet rage.
Starting with an EZ one
Bonus: hated phrase
>I support the second amendment BUT...
Bring things into this thread that make your blood boil so that we may feel sweet sweet rage.
Starting with an EZ one
Bonus: hated phrase
>I support the second amendment BUT...
Other urls found in this thread:
Whenever someone posts an image or makes a claim with no proof and everyone believes it without checking it out for themselves. You know what I'm talking about.
Tho DESU its too pathetic to make me rage. Mostly just cringe.
>exercising 2nd amendment right
More proof that the left can't meme.
Most of it is just taking our memes and turning them around, any attempt at an original lefty meme fails miserably.
>looking for things to be mad at
I will never understand this
Rage is part of the passion that makes life worth living.
Knowing that Japan never said sorry nor ever acknowledged their own warcrimes or showed any sincere sadness or apology of anykind and the fact just because they make anime and shit somehow excuses them all of their warcrimes and unethical attacks and behaviors somehow makes them our ally? That shit pisses me off and what pisses me off more is the fact Japan is now rearming itself and violated the treaty that was signed that Japan would never have a military which is noe being ignored by japan and everyone was cheering for japan to build it's own military again forgetting about the shit that was caused by japan pisses me off beyond anything.
Not real except in cartoon faggot
>as if that fucking matters
>liking tiddies
I'm guessing you were born before lead paint was banned?
>extreme faggot takes a sledge hammer to an m1 carbine to virture signal on the internet
m-maybe it was o-only a repro
Underages who derail innocent threads into pure memespamming.
cause people are totally arguing those retarded points
they totally are
and people are totally taking him seriously
>that bitch stomping her foot like a brat
We can rebuild it.
We have the technology.
It looks like he literally only damaged the stock. The mechanical parts that are actually important are still intact.
>get robbed and attacked
>police throw you to the ground for trying to chase down the criminal who did it
What fucking liberal shit hole did this happen in?
Exactly. Shouldn't be a hard fix at all
b8, b8, fly away
This, combined with
>who do you think its ok to kill? That's what a handgun is for.
How about any mother fucker that tries to rob, hurt or kill me. Why is this such a hard concept to grasp?
It's a pretty easy question to answer my guy.
There's no bayonet lug so it's more than likely it's a repro.
My carbine has a type 2 barrel band and no bayonet lug.
Could be a real one.
give me the (You)s
>that bad acting and "woe my life is so hard" bull
>projecting that hard
There's your (You) user.
holy fuck i lost hard, all of the liberal students "you dont need an ar15 to kill a deer you dont need an ar15 to shoot a target you need an ar15 to shoot people"
"those laws were made in the 1700s when the world was very different" and the fucking starbucks girl
apparently bobby isn't even allowed into the school anymore and the officer didn't even read him his rights.
The person who posted this video said it was Colorado in comments
so forced and the whole hard life shit, cringed
have a (You)
>Comments are disabled for this video
But that's wrong you fucking retard
He probably vomited because he overexerted himself.
They said it was in colorado?
Was it in boulder?
That Asian chick looks like my step bitch sister who currently goes to college there.
yeah i just checked comments and video again
poster said it was in boulder and in the video you can see multiple signs with the words "Be Boulder." which seems to be their slogan, looking at the university website
that might actually be your step sister in the video
"You dont have one of those assault rifles do you?"
"Mom, I have a ar-15 which is a rifle, that is it. Assault rifles have been banned since the 80s and the only way to get one used is with a tax stamp to the ATF and more than $10k and I am not wasting money on that"
"Those ar's are assault rifles"
"Mom, no. They are not and not even close to what I used in the army."
"Well I still think you should get rid of it"
they know that the states aren't going to be around forever
Whoa, powerful...
> sharpen edges of steel sign
> put a little sign on the sign
> says, "don't touch my sign"
> wait for somebody to grab it
> jerk it around a little
i tolled em
> soup on a pizza
actually, that sounds pretty good deSu
Goddamn this kid is dumb.
>the Axis were the good guys in World War 2!!!
Alternate version
Jow Forums was right, the left can't meme
Even more proof than that. March For Our Lives was pretty cringeworthy all around, thanks to Jow Forums for posting these
Way more clever than this one
Not gonna dump all the March pics, but here are the Harry Potter megamixes that seem to trigger genuine Potterheads
>70% American
Must not make Goblino joke...
To cleanse the palette, THIS is what makes me rage
Lots of NRA hate in the protests, this made the least amount of sense
Wait, aren't most of these guys commies?
So is he in favor of...or.
Fuck now i'm confused.
>LITERALLY will not kill you
People have LITERALLY died from being unable to carry a gun to defend themselves. Literally.
Commies are anti-gun control, so I'm confused here too.
>"Teenagers beat Voldemort by DISARMING him"
>MFW Harry was the real bad guy
>Harry was the bad guy
Go back
They didn't heed Benjamin Franklin
>Hagrid was disarmed too.
>So he made a ghost wand.
What the fuck
California. Words can never express how much I hate this shitty FUCKING state.
>go to LGS I’ve never been to
>picking up gun ordered online, chose them cause the website had them in database already and didn’t have to do shitbob my end
>get there
>staff is relatively friendly
>pretty good selection
>SBRs, maxim guns, recoiless rifles, all sorts of NFA and DD on display
>while filing NICS I look around and spot a type 14 Nambu
>doesn’t look right
>look at top, missing extractor
>”is this missing the extractor?”
>”oh shit idk man”
>pay for transfer, leave
Kek. Never thought about it that way. Based Hagrid.
she's doing it right, it's just the worst meme since "lawl u take him 3da bar"
> without hermione harry woulda died in book one
pretty sure it was his mom who saved him, something about love and sacrifice.
But, it'll be a cold day in hell before liberals advocate human kindness, nurturing and affection again.
this is probably in reference to stories about the way russia donated to NRA, presumably to sow american discord
>strawmanning liberals
Not all of us are anti-gun and anti-free speech. Some of us, like myself, support LGBT rights, universal healthcare, etc AND gun rights and the First Amendment. We're not all retarded SJWs.
>Harry Potter references
>teachers, students, janitors all carrying wands
So what these idiots don't realize is that they're saying everyone on campus should be armed. Even eleven year old first years.
>"Nu-uh! They aren't the same!"
>"Only the good guys should have wands!"
Jow Forums‘s derailing effect on this board. The insertion of politics unrelated to guns and stormfaggotry infiltrating firearms discourse.
Oh look another braindead tripfag. Into the filter you go
>80%er wands
>he doesn't support social democracy, oppose gun control and also oppose tripcode users
You're the braindead one here, Marx literally fucking says that gun control is a means by which the bourgeois can control the proletariat. But of course, dumbasses like you lump everyone left of center into one entity called "the Left" without knowing anything about your opponents.
>literally a socdem
>opposes gum control
>started using tripcodes to avoid being accused of samefagging
you're right am a fallacy laden dick.
It'd brighten my spirits if you could post an example of some wholesome liberalism.
I know they had a lot of happy stuff back in the day, but i haven't seen any this decade
Unfortunately, you are outnumbered
Why do you block out names of twitter accounts? They post in a public forum, their account name is fair game.
Butthurt chinese rat
>person is salty, accuses you of samefag
>I'm not samefagging, I have a tripcode on
This morality play made possible by the "stop posting like a newfag" foundation.
god I love filters. m00t be praised.
The Brainlets don't even get that
>wholesome liberalism.
pls delever
>bragging about having suck thin skin you blocked someone
>Jewish actress
Damn it, Jow Forums, why are you always right?
You know I don't save retard wojacks but I really need one right now.
Yes bitch, yes it is.
I used to be like that but considered my self more middle groud, then I saw the others around me going more and more left. Completely insane, pushing agendas that didnt need to be pushed further. The liberals have gone faaaaar over the line to the point of dangerous to the community. Talking about removing my rights, my speech and making it so people like me cant get hired anywhere. Fuck that. I was out.
Don't argue with your mom. Just lie.
Fuck off namefag.
My dad likes going to the range with me, wont fly. He'll let info slip and I'll have to deal with that.
You're the retard.
Yeah whine harder about how all the acting communist governments aren't actually representative of communism. You don't belong here.
Its because liberals are so retarded they can't tell the difference between the USSR and the russian federation so they demonize both and use the hammer and sickle to represent russia and trumps colusion.
looks like someone in this thread got lost on their way to reddit
I never fucking said anything about communist governments. I'm saying at least know what your fucking opponents are actually advocating instead of relying on strawmen. I have no love for communism as an ideology any more than I do for fascism. I just want you to do the most cursory fucking research on who you're debating.
every communist country that has existed has implemented strict gun control so go fuck yourself