This is what an average Jow Forumsommando looks like.
This is what an average Jow Forumsommando looks like
Dog bless :DDD
Idk by that cover pisses me off more than a Japanese person in my presence. Why is that?
I see nothing wrong with this picture.
That’s the point
kill yourself
This is more accurate.
>watching tv
>implying most people could afford a house or arsenal
You do realize most people are really broke right?
So what, lol. Better then you libtard queers.
Why is the demolition hammer the centerpiece? Weird
>average Jow Forumsommando
>owns guns
You must be new here.
>Phone filename
Like pottery.
>he doesn't make a club the centerpiece of his weapons collection
You can't get a more simple and effective weapon that a plain old club. It's like the personification of brute force. My club is my favorite in my weapon collection. If that wasn't going to be a center piece it'd be a big plain old rock. How do you think most people kill one another? Just plain old beating like with a club. Back before they were civilized they probably just dropped rocks on the other guys head after they beat him unconscious with a stick. Primitive weapons are still just as effective as they always were.
>What noguns actually believe to make them feel better.
this but unironically
10/10 kek
I think the bud light guy is more accurate.
C'est magnifique...!
Does anyone know if there is a P90 stock with a grip like that?