Can you apply for the CIA and let them know you’re interested in wet work? Or do people start off doing other things and evolve into it? I’d like to get into a position where I’m doing this sort of operation planning and participation but how do you plan a career path towards that goal?
No, they're not going to hire McDonald's best fry cook off the street
Thomas Anderson
>How do I get this guy’s job? Well, if you were the CIA, who would you want to hire to shoot dudes and handle confidential material? Probably someone who has experience shooting dudes, and handling confidential material.
Oliver Hughes
>be CIA spook and/or high speed operator >be great at your job >don't be some internet goober >the end
Aaron Cook
Get a degree. Get 18x or option 40. Do well in batt or group. Try out for SMU. Get selected. Be a special ops secret squirrel for awhile. At end the end of your second enlistment, apply for CIA. Yay, you have his job. It's not as cool as you think though.
Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution (applicants within one year of earning a four year degree will be considered); there is no preferred major or program of study GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4-point scale is preferred Personal integrity Strong interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written) Action- and results-oriented Ability to work effectively as part of a team and independently; Flexibility, adaptability, and commitment to the mission of the CIA and the Directorate of Operations Ability to make decisions to meet existing conditions and mission requirements rather than relying on preset assumptions and goal
Military special operations or combat arms experience (ground, air or maritime) Experience serving in combat leadership positions Willingness to serve in hazardous and austere environments overseas (previous foreign travel and foreign language is valued, but not required)
Competitive Specialized Skills Officer applicants have expertise or experience in:
Social communications, media, marketing, technology development, business, finance or legal Military aviation and military/merchant maritime industries, military psychological operations, and/or information operations Counterintelligence
Easton Ross
>How do I get this guy’s job? You specifically do not, dear phoneposter. Not if Jow Forums is the place you're asking.
Nicholas Brown
How do you get those positions then? There’s got to be some way in. What kind of background do you need? Do you need a college degree or specific military training?
Brody Howard
I am sure they hire janitors.
Elijah Taylor
1) He's DEA not CIA
2) This
Another Jow Forumsool gig after doing some time in SOF and getting a 4 year degree would be contacting an FBI recruiter. They're always looking to recruit people out of SOF for FBI HRT. You generally have to spend a few years as a regular special agent doing regular special agent things though, you just have a contractual opportunity to try out for HRT after x amount of years of service.
Ian White
PLA go away. No one on a mongolian throat singing forum is going to tell some secret Jason Bourne recruitment process that really doesn't even exist. Anyway, there is no secret. Literally get experience in special operations and a degree. Then apply on their website. That's it.
Oliver Sullivan
You can become a spook through pretty much any non-retarded background if you have a good head on your shoulders. But seeing as you're not even able to google basic shit you don't seem to fit the bill. Operating is standard military and special forces stuff.
Landon Campbell
Complete bs. Fuck this 15yr BAT Boy. Let's hire the kid.
Jason Richardson
Is ROTC a legit way of getting a degree with a realistic opportunity of getting into special forces unit? I’m a bit concerned about appearing too over-anxious but I have to imagine guys like this have the most satisfying life.
Nathaniel Bennett
>Is ROTC a legit way of getting a degree with a realistic opportunity of getting into special forces unit? No.
Henry Green
Eh. Best way to guarantee yourself a shot at SFAS is 18x. You only get a small window as an officer to try out for SFAS and if you miss that window you're fucked.
Jacob Lee
Adding on to this. If you have SOF experience or even LEO experience on SWAT, you can apply to something call the Tactical Recruitment Program. It fast tracks you to HRT after two years of experience as a special agent vs. the standard three years for non-TRP peeps.
Luis Ramirez
>join the military >army or marines preferably >go infantry >stay out of trouble and do well >join special forces (Rangers, Green Berets, MARSOC, etc) >serve well and stay out of trouble some more >after 2-3 enlistments, apply for CIA
You'll need a four year degree, too. It can be difficult to get it while active duty, but not impossible.
If you're just interested in being a trigger puller, then you can also take the less tedious route of joining a PMC or Maritime Security group. They're always looking for qualified grunts and special forces dudes to lug an M16 or DMR for them.
Luke Wilson
So special forces then a degree?
Charles Davis
And a knack for critical thinking and problem solving. Knowing a mission critical language or two will also help tremendously. CIA is honestly a crap shoot though when it comes to getting picked up. They select their candidates with the goal of making sure they will pass their training and make excellent officers vs. the military way of just shoving a bunch of people into a selection course and seeing who comes out at the end. Because of that, they are extremely picky vs. other intel agencies.
Good luck.
David Robinson
Not OP, but I'm 30 hours short of a degree. Would it be better to get it before enlisting, or finish it up while serving?
Lucas Campbell
You will want a degree in something like political science or if you want to be assigned to a particular region take classes related to that region and travel there. Also you need to speak at least one non English language fluently. You will also need military experience. Preferably something specialized.
Your best path is to start learning languages early, apply yourself in high school, go to the naval academy, get a relevant degree and either go into naval intelligence or go in as a combat corpsman (HM8404 iirc). If you go in as a corpsman you can eventually be allowed to go through further specialized training to qualify to be attached to a SEAL team as opposed to marine units. Even if you never are you will still have military medical, combat, dive, and stealth training in addition to a naval academy degree and speaking multiple languages. Then apply with the CIA and try to get out on clandestine operations
Chase Hill
Finish it if you're at an alright school. (I don't mean ivy league or UC system just a solid state school). I would just recommend getting it out of the way though no matter what. I was in your exact situation and I just decided to finish the degree (while doing NG tho).
Anthony Allen
I don't know if its changed since I enlisted... christ it was like 15 years ago now... but back then it did get you a bump in pay and rank.
Obviously, if you have a bachelors degree, you could become an officer straight away, but if you don't want to go that route, enlisting with a bachelors degree got you a pay grade of E-4 during Basic & AIT, with an immediate bump to E-5 upon completion of training. Associates degree got you E-3 during training, bump to E-4 upon completion.
William Cooper
Don't listen to these other anons. Just go to the CIA and tell them you want to start killing for the government. Make sure to call it wet work too, they'll appreciate your familiarity with industry terms. I hear sometimes they find out that you're interested and come to you. They just black bag you out of nowhere and take you to your top secret training program then give you a high paying job.
Austin Evans
What movie is that
Chase Howard
Sicario (2015).
Logan Campbell
It's literally on the Careers page on the CIA Website, you faggot.
Jack Hughes
In all fairness, I wouldn't have expected the CIA to advertise that job on their website. I happened to stumble on it while looking at their analytics work
David Jackson
Josiah Parker
You think they would take a defense engineer who also knows how to socialize and write well?
Hudson Cook
I don't know what your point is. I'm just saying that OP overlooking the CIA website isn't unreasonable, because I don't think a lot of people would expect the CIA to casually advertise that line of work on their website.
Camden Sullivan
>What kind of background do you need?
Decades ago you could probably just get recruited as a paramilitary officer off the street (well, off the campus). Now there are so many former enlisted and commissioned with combat arms or SOF experience that CIA isn't likely to hurting for qualified hires.
>Do you need a college degree or specific military training?
Why don't you just go to and look at hiring requirements? It's all openly available and all hiring is done through the .gov website.
Elijah Hernandez
Dude do you have autism or something?
Hunter James
>I want to be a CIA operative but I can't be bothered to google stuff Maximum kekkles Being a dumb infantry grunt seems more your speed
Parker Morales
>I'm just saying that OP overlooking the CIA website isn't unreasonable That's dumb, if you're looking to work for an organization the first thing you should do is go to their site. Sure as hell makes more sense than Jow Forums. Not him BTW.
Parker Lewis
>Obviously, if you have a bachelors degree, you could become an officer straight away, but if you don't want to go that route, enlisting with a bachelors degree got you a pay grade of E-4 during Basic & AIT, with an immediate bump to E-5 upon completion of training.
This. When I went through school at Huachuca plenty of my classmates were E4s with Bachelor's. One was even an adjunct who decided to enlist.
Jackson Richardson
>In all fairness, I wouldn't have expected the CIA to advertise that job on their website. Everything is done online now.
Isaac Williams
>So special forces then a degree? Get your degree. Enlist for SWIC. Fail SWIC do a contract/tour. If you like the MOS you chose. Re-enlist for Selection & Green to Gold.
Brayden Barnes
You’re obviously joking but I use the term “wet work” for familiarity.
Really I’d be happy with just doing “moist work”. I’m not looking to kill specifically just the intrigue that goes along with the job.
CIA only recruits Ivy league college grads and skull and bones members.
Chase Morgan
I heard the requirements are nocturnal bioluminescence and sickle cell anemia.
Jonathan Foster
>CIA only recruits Ivy league college grads and skull and bones members.
Dylan Price
pic related
they mostly either work with embassies or hang out in secluded compounds in 3rd world countries and go for beachfront jogs, until someone realized that he wore his fit bit and so he compromised a black site
Oh I got the wrong impression from that first post. Do you want to be more like a sleuth? You could also try working your way into the underworld and being one of those people in the movies who works with the CIA but not for the CIA.
Nicholas Evans
Ian Moore
Lol no. One of the best analysts I know got a degree in English lit from some no-name Christian uni.
Carter Gomez
You need to be able to pull off birth control glasses like he does. That and dress like a pen paper pusher. Congrats, that's 99% of the issue solved. Other 1% is knowing the right person to get you the job.
Camden White
this unironiclly, the yprofile people based on how ordinary they look/act, and then they accept recommendations or family members
NPR did an interview with one guy and he said his dads CIA friends wanted him to join and offered him a hookup, but he didnt want to, because he knew his dad secretly did some apocalypse now shit in the jungle. I dont know how much of it is word of mouth nowadays, but some schools do programs where you get pipelined into CIA training right out of high school (freshman year of college take all kinds of classes, and do summer internships with the CIA) by your senior year you are pretty much hired on, and you have a guaranteed job once you graduate
Isaac Russell
Not word of mouth. They literally offer the program on their website. NSA also does similar shit with high school recruitment. Kinda fucked but they're not recruiting these kids to be Jason Bourne's. It's usually for STEM positions and sometimes analyst positions.
Kayden Anderson
Is it possible to be too good looking to get selected?
Jonathan Sanchez
If you stand out, your ability to be a clandestine operator may not be there, idk about the CIA specifically, but there was a British movie star who tried to go into the SAS, and they denied him because you cant be a glow in the dark spook if you are a movie star and everybody knows you, its probably the same way, you can still hold office or be an analyst or whatever
im talking about if you are in the CIA, you can get your cousin a job at the CIA or whatever
Brayden Perry
Is there a Canadian equivalent to these guys?
Joshua Thomas
have you tried googling "canadian CIA"
Christopher Price
Not asking this kind of stuff on a website should be your first step to becoming a "spook".
Otherwise, enroll into a CIA career, spend some ten years of your life shitting inside a ground hole at some container at a black site in Jordan, and get sent back home afterwards.
11xOption 40 with the army. Ranger. Then after several years try out for the unit or the activity. After several years maybe get picked up by CIA’s sad/sog.
To even get that far you’d need 120+ IQ and natural physical fitness that’s well above average before training. Having a communication or foreign language training at university helps.