There are literally hundreds of FPS shooters out there. Out of all of them, why does the STALKER series seem to have a hold on Jow Forums's culture in a way that no other game (not even cawadoody) does? What's so special about it?
There are literally hundreds of FPS shooters out there. Out of all of them...
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Loot. It's why EfT got so much traction.
Also, will FC5 ever reach even close to STALKER's level of Jow Forums-ness? Cause honestly I think it's a pretty great game. Is it just too... American?
Mad lootz. Glad Rust wipes the server to prevent hoarders.
I played 10 minutes of it and I got stuck, the door won’t open to the guy I need to talk too. Haven’t played it since. I’d rather play Metro 2033
Lacks weapon variety, has terrible AI, near zero replay-ability, etc. Etc. Just how old are you op?
I think it also had a lot to do with the games being released in the heyday of cheap slavshit surplus, so it was cheap to go out and actually buy guns and other equipment you saw in the game.
Stalker has a cult following in video games in general, really has very little to do with guns and stuff. Similarly to why everyone seems to love fallout NV. They are both just really good games.
FC5 is shit
You'd have spent better money on EFT if you want a STALKER-esque game
Nah, its just lacking in memorability or open-endedness. Everyone has a story to tell about their first bloodsucker or X lab or some odd AI occurrence they came across, none of the far cry games since 2 can claim that; they're only remembered for their villains really. Got a cool story about how you fought your way to Mins fortress? Of course you dont, the way you did it is the same way everyone did it. So on for all of them.
Depressed and rotten world with a lot of weapons and stuff to loot.
It is then.
This game isn't meant for you. Please keep playing your normie metro game.
It certainly has some things that Jow Forums enjoys.
Is there any reason to use the AKS74u over the AK74m, or the MP5 over anything?
Is master difficulty really the only decent way to play?
I think that, the fact it had real guns instead of fictional ones when the era of real guns in games was really starting to kick off, and it's kinda-somewhat realistic gunplay helped convince nogunz that it was some realistic simulator.
>so it was cheap to go out and actually buy guns and other equipment you saw in the game.
Such as? Aside from green AKS-74s and pistols, you really couldn't get anything else from the game very easily. At least not any easier than now.
>Such as? Aside from green AKS-74s and pistols, you really couldn't get anything else from the game very easily. At least not any easier than now.
SKSes and Mosins were way cheaper.
None of the shotguns are hard to get except the Protecta, but even that's not unattainable.
MP5 clones were just taking off in the early 2010s, dont know if you'd count that.
The LR300 is perhaps only desirable because of video games, and was still produced in some capacity by Para until quite recently
FS2000s were around, as were Sig 556s
Tigrs were easier to get around that time than they are now.
PKM parts kits are out there, though if you count parts kits then probably everything is ownable in some manner.
>encounters one glitch and then abandons it
You're the type of asshole that gives up after the third Pokéball on a Skarmory aren't you
What's Jow Forumss opinion on ARMA 3?
>Is there any reason to use the AKS74u over the AK74m, or the MP5 over anything?
Not really, no. There's an obvious power progress curve to the weapons, which ends up making everything but a select few pieces largely obsolete by the endgame.
>Is master difficulty really the only decent way to play?
It's not that much more difficult than the easier settings, and supposedly the easier difficulties also make it easier for the enemies so firefights just become slower, so it's generally recommended.
Bad vanilla good modding
Personal opinion
Atmosphere, as tired as that argument is. I can play Fallout and enjoy it, but it never feels threatening or gloomy enough (Fallout 3 had a good feel but that's a different topic), but in S.T.A.L.K.E.R I still get scared shitless crossing Red Forest at night. Something about it makes it fresh no matter how long you play. Also the fact that you can mod it until it's unrecognizable, it's got custom stories sort of like amnesia and you can also sort of roleplay helps. Honestly though S.T.A.L.K.E.R would be far less relevant without the help of Call Of Chernobyl
Kind of shit. Its a good platform for mods but if you're looking for modern setting you'll be disappointing with all the VTOLs and bug helmets in vanilla and if you like the future setting you'll be disappointed because its shallow and half-assed as fuck.
Far cry 5 is so shitty its written by a bunch of Canadians who have no clue what rural western Americans are like and every conversation becomes a "haha look at the stupid redneck XDXD!!!!!" The guns are forgettable at best, the story is cringy, and gameplay is recycled far cry 3 again. I do have hope though for the vietnam DLC
So continue playing the way I do, mods and such. Awesome.
It's delightfully strange to the point that it's unique from other FPS games, it's a slavshit labor of love from the devs, and chances are a few Jow Forumsommandos remember their first time jerking off with a corium fleshlight.
>Is there any reason to use the AKS74u over the AK74m, or the MP5 over anything?
No, and maybe depending on if you're using a mod that lets you use the MP5 as a secondary. Vanilla CoP may have done that as well but it's been a while.
>Is master difficulty really the only decent way to play?
I just recently started playing the first one again thanks to that steam cleaning event.
Haven't had this much fun playing a game in a long time.
>GUNSLINGER mod pls ;_;
Battlefield V is coming though. I have a feeling it’s going to be really good.
The game has some big pluses and some big minuses. The atmosphere is great, and the whole setting is nice nicely postapocalyptic. The buddy banter too. What I really liked was that there were places where I felt like a visitor rather than the designated killed of everything. There were camp fires and bars to hang out in, rusty grounded ships and vehicles, and if you killed one wrong guy all his buddies came after you. It really was like being in a world, like Bioshock, only you had so many more ways to explore and learn. Like a maze, a puzzle.
Pity about the crappy programming and graphics.
>No, and maybe depending on if you're using a mod that lets you use the MP5 as a secondary. Vanilla CoP may have done that as well but it's been a while.
Yeah, CoP does that.
I remember having a blast going through the Jupiter underground with a spas loaded with buckshot for the snorks and a protecta loaded with slugs and equipped with the night vision susat for the Monolith.
They came in handy running around Pripyat for artifacts afterwards before doing any mission also.
Played it in full russian camouflage and west and had gasmask by my side.
Now I am too dtrunk and tired to continue.
I started by being obliterated on hardest and switched to easier until I learned stuff.
Now I am playing misery dark mode after many years break from CoP. Not recomended for new comers.
Hopefully GSC doesn't fuck up Stalker 2. Would be neat if it does come out on Unreal 4.
you posted this for (You)'s didn't you? well here you are
Hope the best fear the worst.
I hope that it has gritty feel of originals and much better customization that doesn't make all early game stuff obsolete.
Worst thin original games had was obvious hidden RPG elements and shitty AI and bugs.
Also New Vegas
The trailer sucked, but if you watch the Jackfrags video going over the new gameplay it’s pretty rad. Apparently you can switch off “non-historic content” as well.
>Worst thin original games had was obvious hidden RPG elements
Such as? There was the global stalker ranking and associated point system, but that had zero effect on anything except what rank (rookie, veteran, etc.) was on your profile.
I prefer Zombierus' videos
On one side, he has high hopes for the gameplay improvements, the comeback of classic BF features, etc. On the other, the trailer is discourageing and the descisions of EA may fuck the DICE up as hard as they fucked up Visceral Games.
Neither of which are even in the games outside of AO, or copwp
>best guess for this image:
I think thats one of the benefits of them going with something like Unreal, they don't have to fuck with all the spaghetti of updating XRAY or anything like that, they can use an engine already made and just focus on the game play elements etc. Who knows though, it might just be another rumor that it'll be on Unreal.
From what I've read though, the guy GSC that owns the studio is the type that just shows up to cash a check then go party with bitches basically leaving the project leads to do all the OKing of everything, then GSC will show up and be pissed because he didn't like the decisions or direction the team took.
>aesthetics and atmosphere
>gameplay is spontaneous and unique
>slavshit - the game
>good community and a metric shitton of mods, most being weapons oriented
>relatively safe from normalfags(this is gradually not becoming the case, however)
>easy to larp with; all you need is a shitty gas mask, boots, and cheap surplus clothes you can get off of ebay
>None of the shotguns are hard to get except the Protecta, but even that's not unattainable.
Uh, the SPAS-12 is definitely hard to get. Who cares about any of the other shotguns?
>MP5 clones were just taking off in the early 2010s, dont know if you'd count that.
Not any more attainable to the average player of this game than they are now or were before.
I mean basically everything else in your post wasn't any more attainable than now. People here couldn't afford any of those things. Also, the Para LR-300s were trash.
It's the innawoods atmosphere of the whole thing. And the slavshit. And quintessential east Europeaness of the whole thing.
>What's so special about it?
It's probably the most Jow Forums fictional universe there is.
Heavy atmosphere of dilapidated, abandoned Soviet era towns and factories, crawling with mutated abominations and full of environmental dangers and deadly yet beautiful anomalies.
A oppressive mix of postapo horror, gritty Slav gang warfare, sci-fi, all-present milsurp and a strange mix of fear and worship common stalkers seem to develop towards the zone.
Nihilistic Slavs that drink, shoot each other up, then drink some more. Friends sticking together to death, and friends shooting each other in the back for trinkets.
A new age "gold rush" that drives all kinds of people into the Zone where their dreams of getting rich fast die all kinds of deaths.
Shit tons of weapons and other gear and a good progression from a chump with a Makarov running from a pack of mangy dogs, to a seasoned veteran assraping fanatics in exoskeletons and bringing back loot worth a fortune.
Is it still a bunch of poorly optimized inconsistent texture packs with bullet spongy enemies and a borked economy because the devs focused autistically on making it miserable and forgot that video games are supposed to be fun (or at least playable)?
t. hasn't touched misery since the first release
I was having a real blast with the last two versions.
You can kill anyone from the start if you git gud, and if you're patient. And you still need to steer clear of mutant packs and gangs of 3+ guys with no cover in sight, but that's how it should be.
I couldn't really go back to vanilla or other mods because of how shit the damage model felt (fags in exos "swooning" on being hit, then being magically fine the next moment.) First thing I did after I got a decent rifle was go shoot up the water treatment plant. Took me like two hours of sneaking around and taking shots at exposed or separated mercs, and hiding from sight. When I was done, I had a small fortune in drugs, ammo and all kinds of gear, and even a couple of guns in passable condition.
Running and carry capacity are okay now, and so is economy, outside of clean food sources which are ridiculously expensive. Environmental dangers are still OP though, you can't fuck around with anomalies until you get an expensive suit, and you need to keep an eye on the condition of your shit or it'll get super fucking expensive to repair.
The only really autistic thing now are the animations while you repair or cook stuff, and not having a lighter from the start, which sucks a lot considering tobacco is the cheapest way to get rid of rads, but you can find one pretty soon anyway.
Because most of Jow Forums doesnt give a shit about being a superhero who stops the evil ppl from destroying the world
Give us weapons, give us atmosphere, and let us sit at a campfire eating beans while listening to guitar playing
Sounds much better. I'll give it another go.
>Lacks weapon variety
This is the biggest problem 2bh, since FC3 it's been the same weapons third game in a row, and all the weapons can be sorted into like 5 categories gameplay vise
thoughts on escape from tark?
Is fun, has some bullshit moments but is fun.
Depends what modders can pull off with the Farcry 5 level editor. There was a weird sim aspect to the X-Ray engine that is going to be hard to develop in FC5 though.
Its because Chernobyl is interesting as fuck
protip: in all STALKER games drag a crate to ANY door that can open and close, wedge it so the door can't close. This prevent traders from closing their shops, and it prevent glitch where door stays locked forever.
I worked on the ballistics scripts in SoC don't AMA.
It's not just a game, there's also movie from Tarkovskij and book from Strugackij brothers,
All of those 3 things are very different when it comes to execution but very similar in atmosphere. Some people say, that game is bad and boring, they say that movie is artsy bullshit for hipsters and book is too chaotic, I don't think so. It's all about the atmosphere.
I like the book most.
This, also its literally the only game that gives me the feeling of being a gun for hire as in I'm not the absolute certer of everyone's existance and life goes on without me.
TheBrokenMachine is GOAT in terms of quality Battlefield content. His BFV “game changer” videos were a little weak (they have to be.)
Pretty sure DICE was behind the diversity part of it.
Seed did have some bitchin aviators on though.
Makarov with drum mag.
>some fucking marketer/starting dev decides to ask about stalker
>when most other games already received an analog on steam in one form of another in a similar fashion
the background, the story is honestly spooky and weird. Noosphere, mutants and anomalies. Not sure what it is about them but it just rhymes with my soul. Even many years after playing these games I still have dreams of the zone. About 1 in of 5 of my dreams incorporate anomalies, and artifacts one form or another. If the zone was a real place I would probably abandon modern life for it, but the chans are the closest thing that we get to it so il just stay here, kek.
How playable and finished is Lost Alpha after the major update last christmas?
Also, should restart with SoC or LA, I played SoC half trough on my old PC a few years back before it crashed and have the old version of LA half finished(?) on my current pc but haven‘t touched it for like 2 years?
Mfw were all actually just Orks looking for loot.
Sometimes when I die I leave my characters corpse there for a few minutes and you really don't mean shit in that game. If the A-Life was how it was originally intended to be, imagine how the Zone would feel
>why does the STALKER series seem to have a hold on Jow Forums's culture in a way that no other game (not even cawadoody) does?
1) Cawadooteh has been consolized, casual shit for over a decade and half now.
2) STALKER appeals to a number of Jow Forums kinks: Slavshit, Cold War shenanigans, innawoods survival, "postapocalyptic" survival w/out post-apo world ...
3) Right place and right time. STALKER came out when open world was not an overused meme, and gritty "realism" wasn't considered a negative trait. Also unlike the dozens of more modern openworld-survival-zombie-shooters, STALKER games are pure SP games, with satisfying campaigns, and clear goals you work towards to.
4) Modding community. Think the game misses something? Someone probably has already created a mod for that. Even if it'd just be having 20 different AK models with minimal differences in practice, you can fulfill your Jow Forumsunt fantasies in STALKER's Zone.
you should play all 3 vanilla games first.
LA is not a replacement, and 2bh, it's quite shitty.
>Is it still a bunch of poorly optimized inconsistent texture packs with bullet spongy enemies and a borked economy
It's not been like that in ages. Git gud.
>video games are supposed to be fun
No. They need to be engaging, and that does not necessarily equal "fun".
t: played 1.0, 1.1, and 2.1.1
>the door won’t open to the guy I need to talk too
Looks like the decade-old anti piracy method still weeds out the plebs.
In CoP at least, the MP5 is a viable secondary.
I tend to use a rifle loaded with AP as my primary, and an MP5 loaded with JHPs as a secondary. One gun for soldiers, one for mutants.
Fully upgraded the MP5 is a little buzzsaw, the firerate is insane.
>Uh, the SPAS-12 is definitely hard to get.
No, they're really not.
>Not any more attainable to the average player of this game than they are now or were before.
$1500 bucks? And that's not even bring up the GSG mp5s that have been on the market since like 2005.
>Also, the Para LR-300s were trash.
Kind of irrelevant.
>Is there any reason to use the AKS74u over the AK74m, or the MP5 over anything?
Well, MP5 is better than any pistol, so kiiinda?
>Is master difficulty really the only decent way to play?
Immersive, world feels alive, AI don't obviously spawn in a radius around you like in other open world games, good shooting mechanics, excellent atmosphere, themes and lore rooted in hard sci-fi, slavshit
In vanilla game shops upgraded stuff to better when you got better stuff and more money.
Or at least I remember it that way.
My best hope is that they keep everything from the first games - I bought and played them all - but switch to a graphics engine that doesn't crash with the violence and frequency of a monkey on fire driving a school bus.
is dying because of netcode
Playing Freeman: Guerrilla Warfare, basically Mount and Blade with guns and ability to give order to your guys directly.
Not bad. Should be a k game
Looks like micromanagement hell.
boiled down, it's Mount and Blade but with a modern day twist
Yeah, but part of the appeal in M&B was that micromanagement was fairly limited; you spent about a minute worrying about your team pre-battle, gave maybe ten orders total during battle, and were free to spend the remaining time riding around and getting into the thick of it yourself.
The screenshots of FGW look like hours of tweaking equipment (hello Jagged Alliance) followed by giving orders every bloody second to make sure you get the most out of your guys.
Micro isn't bad really, You have a small number of crews that you CAN micro but don't need to, they all come with gear and get auto upgrades once their XP is up
One thing I like about it over M&B is that you aren't doing 90% of the work yourself, you actually just sit in a corner during battles and give orders, having never upgraded your gear.
>All we really want is something that should be very readily available in life, but cannot have because of government intervention
>One thing I like about it over M&B is that you aren't doing 90% of the work yourself, you actually just sit in a corner during battles and give orders, having never upgraded your gear.
That's one way to play, and arguably the most productive one if you go for high leadership, big armies and conquering the whole realm.
But I always feel that like that, you miss out on too much that the game has to offer.
all you really need to do is simply set some way points for your squads to follow at the start of a battle and then you let them run free while shifting them around as the situation demands
>But I always feel that like that, you miss out on too much that the game has to offer.
Agreed, the gun play is actually really tight. Feels much better than the floaty laggy combat in M&B, but that is about 10 years old at this point.
it's a very inexpensive dream to make real to go in the woods and eat beans around a campfire
you're just retarded
fonv isn't "cult" at all, it's normie as fuck. and it's shit
Fuck off no fun faggot.
Stop projecting your lack of guns onto other people.
how does it cycle
what does it eat
Isn't everything, just everything in arms length, now fuck off with the "only games I like are good because I'm an intellectual"
Jfc look at that absolute chicken scratch. Even retards can buy weapons these days wow.