How much damage can a .177 pellet gun do to a person?
Can it even penetrate the clothing?
How much damage can a .177 pellet gun do to a person?
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It can.
I know guy who still has one pellet inside his leg,
Also there is even reported murders and deaths caused by basic air rifle.
But same guy who still has one pellet in his leg told me that he fought "war" with his friends with pellet rifles.
Weak ass airguns i've shot penetrated about their bullet depth into plywood, I'd imagine it penetrates skin and is probably dangerous if you catch it in the throat area
I mean, it's not gonna blow into you and start rupturing organs, but a pellet gun, especially a high FPS one like 1000+ FPS meant for hunting varmints will definitely penetrate skin like a motherfucker, it would probably penetrate light clothing like most pants or a shirt, but i'd say something like a heavy jacket or coat is most def gonna stop it or at least stop it from penetrating skin. Its not an airsoft gun, youre gonna bleed if you get shot with one and it could cause severe fucking damage if you got shot in the eye or throat.
Don't forget temple of skull.
One guy was murdered when shot there with load of two pellets.
Your average like walmart brand less than 500fps pellet rifle? Yeah, it'll penetrate light clothing and stuff. Damage wise, your looking from anything to a minor bruise to very light skin penetration.
Judge for yourself.
there was a peddle biker guy in Seattle who got shot in the chest and died a while ago from a pellet gun.
komonews. com /archive /woman-arrested-in-lynnwood-air-rifle-killing
some .177 pcp air rifles have muzzle energy around 30j (22 ft/lbs)
Pellet guns have been used to kill lots of people.
damn, thats surprising. I've used 177's in the past and sometimes I have trouble killing a rat with them. They can usually crawl back in their hole before they die.
There are 2 parts to consider
1. FPS. How fast can it go.
2. Pellet type. Some are flat, some pointed, some hollow.
Yes, they can kill. Pic is 1300 FPS. It does require proper placement through and at a very short range, talking under 50 yards normally. Clothing will help but most lethal shots with this is in the head or neck.
You are now aware that wal mart air rifles break 1000FPS, and can be dieseled.
Friend of the family lives out in the country, wanted to keep deer out of his garden. Tried to shoot a deer in the ass with a pellet gun, the shot was high and traveled over the deers back and hit the back of the neck. The deer was paralyzed and the game warden was called out to take care of it.
Mine can shoot 14 grain pellets through both sides of an empty steel soup can at 50 yards.
>1300 FPS
More autism.
The fastest .177 air rifles have pellet speed of 1000 feet per second while your common weak ones have 650.
1000fps ones can punch through an inch thich wooden board. They have been recorded cases where they punched through a child's skull and killed him
You know that the muzzle speed is not a constant right? It changes with the weight of the pellet.
An Europe-legal one? Probably zero. My uncle used to shoot at pigeons waking him up in the morning and the poor things would not just survive, but keep coming back. Of course if you pressed the muzzle against someone's skull you might kill them but in actual combat situation not so much. That's why I will attach a bayonet lug when I get one.
What rubbish
This pistol fires a .177 pellet 8.4 grain at 520fps. I can kill critters to the size of a rabbit at 30 yards.
Most air rifles in europe can fire ~800fps with a .177 pellet which will penetrate clothing and 3-4 inches afterwards. An unlucky shot can be fatal and certainly inconvenient.
Pellet guns can kill all sorts of things
There, a few of my air rifle kills for you
>Can it even penetrate the clothing?
I don't know, did you just buy a lever action springer for 5 year olds? or a real airgun?
My 177 launches normal weight pellets at about 1100fps, so you bet your ass it'll do plenty of damage to a person. Death, or never fully recover depending where you'd hit.
If you use some of the PBA pellets, you'll even get potentially deeper penetration since more speed and the pellet being made of harder materials than lead. some of them specifically made to penetrate deeper. There's lead ones and heavier pellets that are going to be better penetrators too. I prefer heavier than average pellets in my 177 gun to achieve that 900fps sweet spot.
It's a very high powered Gamo .177 (17 ft.lbs)
>I have trouble killing a rat with them
Shot placement is alway king.
Between eye and ear is the best, or if your gun is high powered enough from behind straight to their head will hit all their vitals.
Other places and you have the risk that they won't die instantly, this is true even with a .22lr or a .25acp.
Netherlands doesn't have energy limits on air rifles.
A regular pellet isn't going to do anything special, but if you add a steel spike to a hollow point or put it in one of those plastic shells for sabots you could probably incapacitate someone. Like if you hit them in the knee they're not going to be running anywhere fast and would require a doctor to remove the spike. If they do die it would probably be from tetanus or an infection.
Air Arms TX200HC, right? Is this particular gun in .177? Also, how do you like it? I'd like getting one someday myself, just as a SHTF small game hunting rifle.
>something like a heavy jacket or coat is most def gonna stop it or at least stop it from penetrating skin.
Very wrong. It will go right through, no problem.
It's in .22 and is mostly used as my squirrel gun. It's a great rifle.
Fuck off airshit is not firearms
One I've seen is gluing a metal bb onto a hollow point
This pistol looks like the ultimate plinking/fun device.
Yeah it's a great gun. Does anything from backyard pests to 25m tin can blasting.
Everyone should have one.
I'm glad that Americans are realising how much fun air rifles are for hunting. Seems to be a huge industry over there now.
Amazing super cheap plinkers too that teach you how to shoot without flinching.
Agreed, they cant be beaten for good innawoods fun.
My 299 chinese air gun goes through 2-2.5 inches, around 6cms of normal planks
I imagine a golden BB from it could kill
They're great for plinking or varmint zapping in neighborhoods. No firearm discharging laws to worry about and very little noise.
My HD gun
My friend's got me an airgun book, shits fascinating. There are double barrel, tribarrel, quad, fucking seven barrel ones, various powers and ammo used, various other shit, smoothbore and rifled ones, ones that cost $30 and ones that are in the tens of thousands. Best practice tool a shooter can have, and you can more or less shoot thousands of times in your basement/backyard.
There is enough to keep you interested for life.
I dont even own real firearms as I spend so much time shooting/tuning airguns. I have 1800 acres of hunting land too.
You can kill a person with it.
Oh no... Its retarded.
I agree, airsoft is gay.
You can also put suppressors on them which is super. Although you can always get a long 22lr and use subsonic and it'll still be pretty quiet.
Airsoft =/= air rifle with pellets.
One is cool and can be used for hunting whilst the other is screaming about how 'he' got tagged out.
Agreed. Good thing we are talking about airguns and not airsoft then, eh?
Oh thank God, I'm not the only one here.
The reason the UK wants them licensed is some junkie killed a kid with one. Shot him in the head and died instantly.
Truly the root of the problem can't be social nor psychological. It's the instrument used for the crime! Ah, yes!
How come people in Britain believe these lies. I mean first they ban guns to combat crime. Then criminals use knives instead, and an occasional gun (converted blank gun) whenever it is needed for the crime. Then they slowly start to ban knives, and crime... still happens? Then airguns...? What's next? Hammers and screwdrivers? How long before you need a license to own object made out of anything but biodegradable plastic?
I feel sorry for the reasonable Brits having to live with morons who worship politicians as if they were gods.
Because brits are inbred subhuman retards.