dang, imagine civil war break out in your country and it lasts for 4 fucking years.
Dang, imagine civil war break out in your country and it lasts for 4 fucking years
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Bitch please.
The Civil War between Kansas and Missouri still rages to this day.
(fuck you Jayhawk motherfuckers we're coming for you)
t. vice shill
How about no?
Im with you fellow Missourian
Vice is retarted leftist shilling
Yes they are leftist but also the only outlet that actually reported on the Ukraine conflict. Even they tho randomly stopped making content about Ukraine until this vid.
It's amazing how most people don't even know there is an actual war between two states going on in Eastern Europe. No wonder nobody ever did anything about it.
>but also the only outlet that actually reported on the Ukraine conflict
What a load of bullshit.
Literally tons of sources following ukraine from this one search, and I can guarantee that most if not all of them are going to be less retardedly left wing than Vice. Anything is better than Vice, they're propagandists.
You should watch their 100+ ep series on Ukraine. Nobody else did this so in depth.
Yes they have a lot of left propaganda on especially on other opics, even within their Ukraine coverage but you have to recognize what actually is propaganda and what is reporting.
Blanket calling anything "propaganda" is just as bad as propaganda. But it sure is easier and doesn't require any intelligence.
>you're propaganda for calling my shitty nogunz multicult news site propaganda
the chutzpah on this one!
Have you ever been loved???
Sounds like a good time
t. amerilad
hate to see fellow missourians wollow about in this misery
their foreign reporting is pretty good however, probably the only thing they do right
besides that Vice is aids
If Hitler had only invaded Eastern Europe, WW2 wouldn't even be in American history books.
Mayoi makes me bop my bologna.
Don’t judge me.
It's going to last much longer here
>they send the most fruitiest guy possible to interview IRL Duty and Freedom
Vice seriously needs to leave that faggots comments out.
>Russian soldiers in Ukraine
>civil war
I saw mostly ANCOMs. I think there may have been an Azov Battalion member at the BBQ though. Weird to see more commies than nazis in Ukraine. My guess was selective reporting. More Azov boys fought on the front than commies.
They were talking about blood and soil shit, and had that retarded edgy "cossack" mohawk thing.
They may have called themselves anarchists, but those guys were def right wing. The cultural perception of those things is different there. Different ideas of compatibility
>gets rekt so often by Kansas that they leave the Big 12
On behalf of the State of Nebraska, we ally with Missouri
Four years is kinda average though. Most last a few years, some last decades. If anything, Ukraine is on the least worst side of things. Check out the average Chinese civil war, where like fifty million people die.
Mein negro
No such country.
>Russians in Russia
What did he mean by this?
Consider that the US is at the point of Civil War, we just haven't started shooting yet.
The left completely rejects the trump presidency, this is how these things start.
That's war for ya, you never know how long it'll last
Also fuck off vice
Us Iowans will kick all of your asses
Ukraine 'militia' groups field more leftists, anarchists and Muslims because 'muh ebil Russia' narrative. DNR and LNR have very clear right-wing nationalistic groups whereas Ukraine LARPs as Nazis but often ends up getting their asses handed to them. Also, fags in the Ukranian military. Fucking lol.
Sorry to burst your bubble. Pic related are some of the first/biggest organizations that showed up in Ukraine.
100 rubbles have been deposited into your account.
(You) can now afford a loaf of bread.
>have you ever been loved?
kike shill spotted. back to plebbit.
A sizable portion of the country has disliked the president for practically the entire history of the US. We are not even close to where we were in 1856.
Literal commies are advocating for DNR and LNR, 60's and 70's radical commies that were very much advocating for peace in Vietnam.
go away IRA
Eat shit border ruffian
John Brown wasn't enough
Shit, Dima, get Your narration together.
I know Your kind use white noise to obscure the real picture, but it's too early to skip from "muh nazi hohols" to "russian white supremacy 4 lyfe".
whites aren't even majority outside Moscow ffs.
>4 fucking years
depending on your definition or school of thought, the dutch civil war lasted for 14, 42 or 81 years
If Trump wins 2020 I swear shit's going down.
They do good coverage of warzones since they essentially just give real journalists money and let them go cover the wars how they want.
how """they""" want
I hate the vice """""culture""""" pieces but their war coverage tends to be good and more on the ground than other media sources.
It goes against vatnik narratives though I guess.
>okay yeah there tons of propaganda
>just deal with it!
Ukraine Conflict is a cake walk compared to the Chechen wars or Yugoslav wars which took place in the same amount of time.
kys mizoo cuck
Jesus christ this guys vocal fry is killing me
Why couldn't they have sent someone who doesn't sound like a Los Angeles hipster.
>It's amazing how most people don't even know there is an actual war between two states going on in Eastern Europe. No wonder nobody ever did anything about it.
O but they are. See what the croats did to the serbs in OP storm. There won't be a single Russian speaker alive in Donesk when the start button presses and it will be the end of Putin. Javelin.
The few DNR/LNR fighters who aren't russian servicemen are middle aged alcoholics with USSR nostalgia. Listen to any interview with them and they reveal that they are literally larping as the red army fighting back fascists from muh rodyna
Why? All they have to do is wait another 4 years, because two terms is the max
The US is actually already in a civil war
But it's a cultural civil war, and a cold one at that; being fought through information and courts
From a lifelong Kansan and Jayhawk fan (but fuck Lawrence though, that filthy liberal cesspool) don't make me come over there and spank your little bumbum.
> vice
Most of rebels are locals. Russians sending some troops and offering support in other ways doesn't mean it's not a civil war. Most of civil wars have some foreign involvement. >DNR and LNR have very clear right-wing nationalistic groups
There's shitload of commies in Donbass fighting on Russian side. Soviet-style commies, but still commies.
Both sides are retarded in any case.
>with live ammo
We truly do live in the lulziest timeline
>LARPing with live ammo in 'murrica
I anxiously await my chance to grease leftists and coloreds the day after the election is going to be glorious
so, it's not a civil war at all, but normal politics running their course
why are amerimutts so melodramatic?
Life is just boring as fuck. Everyone secretly knows nothing will ever happen but we sit around fantasizing about our country collapsing to add some spice to our mundane existence.