I recently bought a mossberg 590. However, I had to send it back for service because the bead sight was tilted off to the side. I received the gun back from the factory only to find it has a more serious issue. I loaded it with buckshot and racked a shell into the chamber. When I went to eject the round I found that the gun was jammed. Now there is a live shell stuck in the chamber. I think I'm going to have to disassemble it to clear the jam. I am so fucking tired of this thing. I haven't even gotten to fire it. This was my first gun purchase. Also my only other experience has been with handguns. I should have just bought a glock instead.
WTF Mossberg
Other urls found in this thread:
pics or it didn't happen
If you can't dislodge the shell with your dick down the barrel you aren't a real man.
>he managed to fuck up a pump action shotgun
Maybe you shouldn't own guns OP
Reverse shill. Go away.
>He doesn't know how to unlock the slide
I'll admit that sometimes they cant the bead sight every once in a while. soft metal bends.
I replaced mine with a Hi-Viz sight.
The shit was right out of the box faggot. I hadn't touched it.
>heatshield for a 590a1 with ghost ring sights
Give it to me daddy
It's not really that hard to do.
You have to call them. They have the parked one in stock usually, they just don't sell it anywhere online because they hate money or something. Its part number 16335P if they haven't changed it.
>they just don't sell it anywhere online because they hate money or something.
Hold the slide lock down and rack it as hard as you can. That's what I used to do with my 870. Just out of curiosity, you're not using 3.5" shells are you?
>I loaded it with buckshot and racked a shell into the chamber. When I went to eject the round I found that the gun was jammed
This is why they started putting "READ OWNERS MANUAL BEFORE USE" on everything. Thanks numale for ruining things with your incompetence.
It'll unlock if you just pull the trigger.
be sure to look down the barrel when you do, to be certain it's unlocking.
I feel bad for even joking like this. OP might actually do that.
Is it just getting a heat shield separately and bolting it on or is it more involved?
Pretty much. The only tricky part is getting it on around the front sight and it's not really that tricky.
I used to have a heatshield with my 500.
Don't know what happened to it. Unfortunately entirely possible I lost it in the move.
You stupid fuck. once a shell is racked into the chamber, the chamber becomes locked until you fire the shell or hit the unlock button and discharge the shell from the chamber.
>lost heat shield
>burned up on reentry
Bad end.
is there an actual use for heat shields or is it just aesthetics
Hypothetically it makes it easier to handle when the barrel gets hot but mostly it's aesthetic.
So I don't burn my fingers when I grip it to stab a motherfucker!
I can only hope OP wasn't actually this dumb.
But he probably is.
Is it possible he's just not good at communicating?
I used to own a Remington 870 produced around 2006, when they had the problem with machine marks and burrs left in the chambers. Fired shells would sometimes stick and require a lot of force to extract. Some brands of ammo were worse than others.
Taking it to a gunsmith to get the burrs polished out of the chamber fixed the problem but I never felt like I could trust it again.
That, actually makes sense.
I had one of those too. I only started having problems when winchester super x switched to the steel or whatever that is. The brass worked fine.
IIRC the first shotguns to have heatshields were the 1897 and the Model 12, the heatshield was attached to the bayonet lug. The purpose of the heatshield was so you didn't burn your hand when using the grip taught for bayonet fighting. The current placement of the heatshield on the 590 is so you don't burn your hand when racking the slide during prolonged shooting sessions.
>burrs polished out of the chamber
You own guns but don't own cratex sticks and stones?
>When I went to eject the round I found that the gun was jammed. Now there is a live shell stuck in the chamber. I think I'm going to have to disassemble it to clear the jam
you realize that there is a button to release the chamber if you haven't fired it right?
Shotguns suck senpai. Even if it works, they are boring as fuck. Should have bought a pistol or rifle.
>I recently bought a mossberg 590
Did you not inspect it before you purchased it? If you ordered it online, you have the option to not accept it and they can send it back defective.
Also, I have never seen any defective gun come back from the factory fixed.
I got a defective Glock and it came back defective. Defective Ruger came back defective, and the same happened with my Remington 870.
If a gun is defective, you're usually shit out of luck with the manufacturer fixing it and have to go to a gun smith.
I didn't know I wanted this
Thanks user
Yuck. That's like driving an automatic. Sure, it's better, but is a manual boring? No.
"Better" might be a bit subjective in this case.
Fun until you move back to the states from Eyuropland and discover how auto biased the traffic flow is.
>autos are all turbo350 3 speeds still
>autos are all turbo350 3 speeds still
I was talking more or less with shotguns.
No it's not. With a handgun or rifle you can ring steel at both short and long ranges. With a shotgun, not so much. A shotgun just doesn't have that precision and that's why I find it boring. I haven't fired my shotgun in 10 years. But a shotgun is good for killing birds and putting a hole in someone you can see daylight through.
Buddy mossbergs don't have that problem, Theirs a reason why the 500 and 590s were used in Iraq and Afghanistan and not 870s.
How the fuck do you break a literal mil-spec pump action used by countless morons across the country and overseas?
>This was my first gun purchase
Oh, well you probably did something dumb but it's okay. You'll get better maybe.
recently just got an action slide tube for my mossberg 500. Is this thing supposed to have a lot of slop? it wobbles on the mag tube like crazy.
is this normal or am I just autistic?
thats pretty much my exact HD setup. what light mount are you using and what light?
Normal I think. I have one my parents gave me in the 90s and it rattles pretty good.
You're an idiot and I think the sights are just fine now that I read what you said. First and foremost hit the "slide lock" and see if that works. If not then hold the slide lock and mortar it. If neither of those work then you can't work one of of the simplest firearms in history and you should look down the barrel and pull the trigger so you can make sure it works properly
I just like racking it between rounds. It's fun. I wouldn't pick a shotgun for any type of combat but for fun, yeah.
i got a 500 recently and fuck if i've wanted to throw a flashlight on that motherfucker before my AR or any other AR tricks
You have to unlock the slide if you didn't pull the trigger to cycle it.
I bought Mossberg brand Mossberg ghost ring sights and had them installed on my 500
Do you like them?
I always thought of peep sights on a shotgun as being for slugs. Do you shoot a lot of slugs, or do you find the setup useful for other types of ammo?
Chad coming through
I'm a mossberg fan for life.
Have you tried one of the new 930s?
I have absolutely no need of one but I tried a rental one at a local range and it was so much fun that I am seriously thinking about it.
Then again, the counter guy says that it's only reliable if it's very, very, very clean and well lubricated, and if it starts to get dry or dirty it will start to malfunction badly.
Alright pal
Do you see the little thing behind the trigger guard I'm pointing at? If you don't pull the trigger, that's the only way to unlock the pump. Hopefully it's the same on the 590 as the 500.
Not sure if this is the best thread to ask, but..
Should I get a 500 or a .38 for home security?
In a way, this is the best thread to ask such a dumb question. Get the 500.
If I knew I were going to be fighting for my life at close quarters I would take just about any 12 gauge or 20 gauge shotgun over just about any handgun. I'd take a modern semiauto rifle over either, but that isn't what you asked.
This isn't to say you can't get both. Picking up a pistol is going to be faster than reloading a shotgun.
I was really considering getting the 500 because of the pistol grip and capacity. My only concern is over recoil of it vs the .38
There are people who practice a lot with pistol grip pumps and git gud with them, but the typical person who buys one doesn't.
It is VERY hard to get fast hits with compared to a shotgun with a conventional stock. Look at skeet, trap, and sporting clays shooters. I've never seen one use a pistol grip pump though I'm sure someone has to have tried it at least once. The stock also helps with recoil for fast follow-up shots.
Pistol grip pumps look cool but are very hard to use in a hurry. My recommendation is to try one with a conventional stock and you may agree.
Define long ranges, because 250 is doable
Because when the request for a shotgun was put out, the only company that bothered was mossberg.which underwent a very mild testing. The 870 got a minor role elsewhere as did the m4 because nothing has changed with the military use of shotguns. Anything that's on hand and good enough will fly
Yeah mossbergs are rattle traps, it's normal
Yeah, except pistol grip are dumb.
Actually they're just fine for breaching. But that's not what you're gonna be doing, so get one with a regular buttstock, or if you really don't want that, get a shockwave.
This, and the US Navy and Marines have Remington 870s still in service that were purchased 30 to 50 years ago.
Remington has had some serious QC problems since the late 80s, which have only gotten worse since the Freedom Group buyout.
The 870 is a very solid design, but it does require QC in manufacture, just like everything else human beings make that has moving parts.
This is not to say that the Mossberg pump shotguns don't work well too, though there were supposedly some incidents of parts breakage with some back around 2005 in the "surge" in Iraq--guys were coming off 14-hour-long foot patrols and throwing them into the back of a HMMWV and, surprise surprise, occasionally they were landing on the plastic trigger guards, which would sometimes break. I have heard of no other problems with the 500.
I'm a class 1 retard when it comes to aiming with just a bead sight
The ghost ring sights really help me with buckshot and slugs
Just bought a 590 yesterday, can confirm
It is
Well, this is how I aim a shotgun with a bead and I'm using birdshot or buckshot.
I get my cheek into a position on the stock where I can just barely see the bead over the top of the receiver and get it centered.
Then I focus on the target and keep the bead in my peripheral vision, as a rough point of aim. A bead isn't supposed to be precise, just fast, because shotguns with shot aren't precise either.
With the ammo I've chosen for home defense--Estate Cartridge 27 pellet #4 buckshot--I get 6" patterns at 7 yards and 8" patterns at 10 yards, so it's good enough, at least shooting at paper targets.
I don't shoot a lot of slugs from bead sighted shotguns. When I do I focus on the front bead, because I focus on the front sight when using a rifle.
I probably need to learn how to properly steady myself to get a better sight picture
But my Shockwave will have a red dot on it when it's all said and done and my 500 has the ghost ring sights mounted on it
I suppose it would be useful should I ever shoot my brother's 500 since he's going for a more classic wood look
Not op but when I shot my 500 for the first time I was shooting pic related because it was cheap. At the time the pump would be stuck in the forward position after firing, leaving me unable to eject the spent shell. The slide release didn't pop out for me to press and it took some wiggling and luck to get it to work again.
I wasn't sure if the problem was with the gun being new or the ammo, didn't really test it afterwards because I started going to a different place to shoot where only slugs are allowed. The gun never jammed on high brass slugs.
Uh oh I sure hope Mossberg isn't pulling a Remington. That's the exact type of ammo that my 870 clogged up with. Everything else was fine, even the super x when it was made with brass.
I own two mossbergs. A 500c 20 gauge and a 930 12 gauge. Both have worked for me flawlessly, never had an issue and have slayed many birds and snakes. Sounds like you need to read the owners manual. Pump guns are pretty much idiot proof as long as you know how to use them
Fucking retard
Do it. You will not regert
I shot three boxes of the same stuff through my new 500 just a couple days ago with zero feeding/extraction issues.
Sounds like your gun might be janky.
user I am erect
Op are you a remshit shill?
I think you replied to the wrong user. I had an 870 and a maverick 88. Never owned a 500. Never had problems with the 88.
how can I upgrade pic related (yes, it is factory meme camo)
use a clearing log to shoot into, then ram that sonofabich open against a desk
This. Always have a clearing log on hand.
Isn't that like a 4ga shotgun?
Or am I thinking of something else?
>bought mav 88 years ago
>done nothing but abuse that thing
>aka letting your buddies treat your gun like shit, every kind of shell imaginable
>left out overnight, banging around in the back of a truck for months on end
>covered in scratches, bit of rust I had to attend to
>never once not done its job, cycles like a dream still no matter what I feed it and still accurate out to 80 yards
looks like OP got the bad apple the rest of us missed
Well... if you've seen them taken apart side by side, the Maverick is a 500, except made in a plant in Mexico, and it has a crossbolt safety in the trigger guard like the 870's instead of on the tang.
They work.
I'm still not sure if you understand what I said. My mossberg never had a problem. My 870 did. That other guy is having the same problem that my 870 had. But with his 500. I'm not the one having a problem with his mossberg. I really think you're replying to the wrong user again.
What bayonets is that compatible with?
I've had 2x 930 JM Pros and a 930 SPX over the past 5 years.
They don't feel NICE, as in they aren't gucci by any means. I had a Benelli Super Black Eagle, and that was a Cadillac.
Functionally though, it's been 100%, no complaints.
M7, M9, and the USMC bayonet (OTAN I think it'c called?)
what brand of shells were they? there was one type i bought once that kept freezing up. cant remember the name, just that they were sort of see-thru white colored.
I just bought a 930. I literally went from store to ranch and put 250 rounds of winchester AA super handicap heavy target 12 gauge 2 3/4 71/2 through it. No cleaning, no lube. Functioned flawlessly. Just put another 50-75 rounds through it with no malfunctions. I have since frog lubed and cleaned it. I still need to run different loads through it. But so far I have nothing but great things to say about it.
I fucking love the 590, one of my favorite shotguns that I own desu
>Squid bought a Benelli M4 and SBS'd it
>Before he had ever fired a pump 12g
absolutely confused.
what does your comment and/or picture have to do with anything?
I didn't mean to link a post.
I was going through old pics and saw one of Squid's M4 with some mossys.
I giggled at this post.
What bayonet mount?
That's pretty funny. Definitely a squid move.
That's it.
its to let mud, dirt sand whatever shit work itself out. also, if you ever shoot an old ass ithaca 37, you pump back and forst, any kind of angle it is a nigger to pump, unlike a mossberg because of the slop
>old sexy LEO top folder
>nice foreend
>on a fucking park'dexpress