Hey guys, I just got a bunch of Russian charcoal filters for my Israeli mask and I need Jow Forums's opinion on whether or not it's worth it to use them Oldest dates 1979, from what I can tell, the newest being 1983 After testing for leaks, all checked out with no black or white dots on the paper, those are in pic related marked "s" for safe and the one that had a single black dot come out is marked "ss" for sort of safe. They seem good to you all or no?
Also, general NBC mask/filter thread, if there isn't already one
Sorry for the sideways pic btw, shit was straight when I looked at the thumbnail
Cooper Phillips
Just use them
Luis Cox
Gas mask filters have a shelf life of 5 years. They're basically trash and even if they weren't passed their expiration date, they still have asbestos in them. If you like cancer and also not being even remotely protected from chemical/bio weapons, go for it. Looks like you got scammed, bud.
Are surplus gasmasks and filters really worth it when compared to modern equivalents?
Adrian Davis
I can't afford anything better.
Michael Morgan
I wouldnt worry about the expiration date. Expiration dates in general take the better safe than sorry approach are are usually very early. In addition, how could a filter really expire. Those things were meant to sit in a warehouse for up to 50 years (sealed) and finally be used for when America invaded or some shit. I would not give a thought to the exiration issue. However, I don't really know about the asbestos. There is definitely asbestos in it however no one really knows if it gets into the mask and then into your lungs. It's all rumors but remember mesothelioma talkes years and it's better to wear it for a few hours in a riot or something than to cough and sputter or vomit while having your eyes melt out of your head
Joshua Martin
All jokes aside don't use that dented one. Damaged ones are the ones that ACTUALLY have loose particles you will inhale. Open it, clean it out, use if for larps. The rest are benign if not useless.
Kevin Bailey
I tested that one for leaks and it's one of the ones that had no particles at all.
Luis Long
id probably say theyre not safe to use but id check this inforgraphic, and also do a thorough bit of research on the internet, lest you start breathing in asbestos and other nastyness.
And as the other user said, 100% do not use the dented one.
The filter have 2 layer first layer is asbestos, second is charcoal
Chase Wilson
I'm definitely saving this. I've been doing a fair bit of research but I either get "you're fine, it's charcoal and you're all good" or "it's all asbestos, the Soviets lied about putting charcoal in their filters, don't use them."
Brody Green
>I need Jow Forums's opinion on whether or not it's worth it to use them Why? Wtf are you supposed to use them for, other than larping?
Camden Richardson
I use my mask once in a while for certain jobs and I don't want to get lung cancer while doing shit in my garage.