So, apparently 10% of the gun confiscated in Australia are DIY, due to rise in Australian gun bike gangs. This just reminded me of the guns of Africa threads from back in the day, so can we get a discussion thread going about jacked up ho-made shit like this?
Ho-made aussie guns
It is impossible for Australian bikers to make Luty machine pistols, they are illegal.
Ausfag here, can confirm.
I'm a Bikey Man, from a Bikey Gang
Livin' in m' crack den makin' crack.
I love killin', stealin' and extortion.
Gimme twenty bucks I'll give you an abortion.
I love cocaine!
An' sellin' it to kids.
Got for fifty an ounce.
And my dad used to fuck me, yippety Dee!
>And my dad used to fuck me, yippety Dee!
That's really a tasteless and unnecessary part of the song.
Then you're not a part of Aunty Donna's target demographic, and that's okay. You don't have to like the same things I like, user, but you should understand that, in the eyes of many, nothing is sacred and everything is worthy of ridicule, even a subject as heavy as incestuous child molestation.q
Is that a rooty tooty luty shooty?
Bikie sighted
>Some dude in kangarooland makes these in his garage
They don't look that bad. Better than the 'liberator' thing that turns up once a month.
That thing looks surprisingly well made for an amateur job, do you reckon any of the bikies are selling these? I could use an off the books HD weapon considering everything worth owning over here is illegal.
If you want one, build one.
Yes indeed! And a wang dang bangy thang as well!
STOP!! Thats dangerously close an an intent statement. Do you want to get fucking raided.
What are the laws around building guns in the US? I'm pretty sure it's legal as long as you: 1) Are legally allowed to possess a firearm. 2) Adhere to the NFA in overall length / no full fun. 3) Don't manufacture for resell / intend to sell / or sell.
4) Adhere to state laws.
Are these the only restrictions? Why don't we see more people in the US build their own firearms?
Why are you asking Australians about American gun laws?
Because its difficult as fuck and because even if you play by the books you can still get arrested if atf finds homemade sears.
Australians can own guns? Shit, I read this as the DIY / Homemade gun thread.
But I'm not a Muslim or a union, why would the feds raid me?
Got budget to spend and quotas to meet
You're a bit of an idiot.
UK citizens need to learn to make these and ammo, like yesterday.
It's a British design...
Look up Tommy Robinson
He wasn't raided by the feds either, at least according to Wikipedia. He also sounds like kind of an arsehole.
My Internet went out so I picked up a book but it was only at 6% battery so I turned on the t.v. I briefly saw this cops show and they arrested this drug addict who also had a crude diy shotgun. The cops didn't say they were charging him for the shotgun, but they didn't need to really because of the drugs. My thoughts are if you are smart enough to make a decent gun you should also make a plan to destroy it before being caught.
>the 'liberator' thing that turns up once a month
The PeePee LOLberator?
t. Faggot who was raped by his dad
No, he's talking about the Defense Distributed Liberator.
It's not meant to be a practical firearm. It was solely created as a middle finger to anti-gunners. It is, minus the firing pin, solely made of FDM polymers (And a little metal block that is only there to meet American restrictions on metal-less guns, but you wouldn't actually include if you were doing illegal shit).
So what if you made a full auto Luty, could you get a stamp for it, or would the ATF still fuck you over even if you where trying to be compliant?
The full auto registry for transferable machine guns has been closed since '86.
If you get the appropriate licensing, you could make a "post sample" for sale to MIL/LEO entities... But if your license ever expires, the ATF will confiscate it and destroy it.
THEORETICALLY, some states have "Firearm Freedom Acts" that cover full-giggle firearms, but the Federal government uses the Interstate Commerce Clause like a big stick, so the only way to really do it would be to make it exclusively with materials from within the state (Everything down to the sheet metal/springs/bolts/rivets/etc) and clearly marking on the side that it was made within and for exclusive use within that state... and the ATF could still very much flashbang your infant, shoot your dog and drag your naked ass out into a snow storm at 3 AM if they chose to.
What’s the point of an actual optic on a DIY smoothbore smg? It may as well have no sights whatsoever.
There's no reason they couldn't have rifled the barrels, user.
I’m just going out on a limb since rifling is much more difficult to do and like 95% of homemade SMGs like this are consequently smoothbore.
Dude, watch the video. It's not hard. That guy does it with a dremel and a press he made out of some jacks.
It seems like trying to be a good goi is harder than just losing everything in a tragic boating accident
Strictly speaking, it's a lot easier to manufacture a fully-automatic firearm than a semi-auto one.
Firearm laws are no more enforceable than any other.
Intelligence Organisation
Builds HQ out of glass
>pick one
The chinks did their cabling.
Go ahead, build a Luty, they're probably still too busy chasing ManMonis to notice.
One of the Australian backyard fun manufacturers who got arrested for making MAC10s was a jeweler, so it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he rifled them.
The main reason they wouldn't be rifled is the same reason they would have wildly inappropriate sights on them: because they were intended for sale to idiot bikies.
Do Aussie bikers even do much of consequence?
Like here we had the Quebec biker war and that was some crazy shit. Or bikers in Scandinavia who were killing each other in their own gang war with stolen military equipment like Carl Gustav recoilless rifles
Or just buy a .357/.38Spec barrel for a Winchester or similar, cut it into 6inch lengths and bore a 9x19mm chamber into each one.
I don’t know about straya, but in a number of countries barrels are a restricted component that aren’t easy to get, specifically for this reason.
No open bolt designs, which makes it harder to DIY
The Rebels stole a few M72s about a decade ago and were apparently planning on doing a high-explosive drive by, the Comancheros beat a guy to death in the middle of an airport and keep shooting up strip clubs, etc. Nothing as insane as the Copenhagen bikies.
Completely legal to make and sell said made gun, as long as you don't make fun with intention to sell
Replacement Barrels are just unregistered steel rods with a hole in them.
At most you need a CatA/B and say you're repairing your token legal rifle.
22inch .40-65 Win barrel = 4× 5inch .40S&W barrels
Don't tell me lebs are cranking these things out?
Those cunts can't even lay bricks straight, but those shooters look good.
Reminder that the only reason PPSh-41 is 7.62x25 is because it's barrel is a Nugget cut in half
Logistically, it makes sense. Same reason the US went with .30 Carbine.
Never knew that.
Where the fuck are Aussies getting ammo though? Is it OTC? That's th ebiggest risk I see in controlling guns. Once you have the ammo supply it's game over for 99% of people, even the dedicated ones.
>inb4 make it form lipstick caps
Talking realistically here.
Is it really so difficult to have a Chinese fishing boat land ouy in the boonies and offload surplus weapons and ammo?
That's a nice quote.
Even the primers aren't that difficult to make, dude.
Shooters buy legit ammo.
Shooters buy components and reload their own ammo.
Shooters go shooting.
Ammo is all gone, right....?
Govmint can't count every shot at every range.
Govmint dumb idea.
NSW cops bought a containerload of .40 Glocks to replace old revolvers.
Container gets halfemptied on the docks and sold on blackmarket.
Hundreds of illegal glocks on the market but pretty useless because .40 ammo is new and scarce as most legit auto shooters use .45ACP for IPSC.
Then after another pistol shootup, govmint bans .45 calibre autos and limits IPSC.
So now legit shooters are forced to change from .45 to .40 and now .40 ammo is commonplace.
See ammo cycle above.
Anyone with a firearms licence can buy any quantity of ammo they want, over the counter, no questions asked. Ammo is extremely easy to get in Australia and there's still lots left around in sheds an shit from pre-1996.
Ah,that one. I figured it was one or the other. And Cody Wilson actually accomplished something unlike the PeePee Lolberator user.