What is with the fudd logic?
What is with the fudd logic?
Other urls found in this thread:
>No man needs anything more then a remington bolt action rifle.
Remove elmer.
>implying that vidya causes the killings
>implying it isn't people who already mental to begin with and desperately need a joint
I saw we federally legalize weed and distribute it to anyone who shows signs of aggression. Their anger and desperation will be muddled by the dope rather than making shitty blogs on Word and blogs.
They often forget playing Cowboys and Indians all the time. Or that if you had the money you could get a .22 rifle at the auto store before even being in high school. Or that the high school at the time had shooting clubs.
It's true though - violence in video games, movies, and television desensitize kids to violence essentially from birth. Combine that with social media which further isolates loners and the socially awkward/inept, add in a healthy dose of familial disconnect due to disruption of the nuclear family (add in 2 working parents and following neglect for flavor) then a dash of the looming sense of a meaningless existence being completely incapable of basic tasks (looking at you, removal of shop, home ec, gym, woodshop etc from schools and replacement with useless testing) and you have a perfect storm.
MUCH easier for liberals to blame guns than admit every facet of their ideal is inherently wrong.
Violent games, as you pointed out, are a factor, but only one of many that create the environment in which kids become school shooters.
I don't see fudds or fuddism anywhere in this picture.
Please refrain from using terms you don't understand.
There's a big difference between playing CoD (the most popular current gen game) and violent movies. I don't see how anyone can think a child playing Call of Duty is healthy.
I killed someone with kindness today.
I was so nice to them they died.
Child, no, that is why there is an age restriction posted right on the game cover. As for young teens.. Well in WWII the military made a call. "On 27 September 1942, the minimum age was lowered to 16 provided there was parental consent."
All of this.
It is not just violent video games but a combination of many factors.
>Violent games
>Being told your perfect but everyone shits on you
>Not having a father figure
>Not socializing after school
>Not learning to talk to girls
>Not accomplishing anything
>Not having a clear life purpose
>Masterbating to much
This all comes together and make young men angry at the world.
>violence in video games, movies, and television desensitize kids to violence essentially from birth
So why are people so much less violent than they were before video games, movies, and television?
Boys, especially during adolescence, instinctively seek out the thrill of violence, to become men capable of violence who thereby profit in their adulthood. This is a wholly natural, inborn tendency which is entirely to be expected in a species which evolved unprecedented levels of intelligence and dexterity through intraspecies competition as an example of runaway self-selection.
Given no means to experience the thrill of violence through simulation, or limited and unsatisfying simulations, some large fraction of boys will choose to attack innocents to experience the real thing. Given excellent and satisfying simulations, some tiny percentage will still choose to attack innocents. It's just how we're made.
>age restriction posted right on the game cover.
Ya I'm sure that really stops kids from playing. The CoD series has sold over 30 million copies in the US alone across XBox One and PS4. It's targeted to young people.
>Fudds cant separate realistic media from reality
>Ergo young people can't either
It doesn't stop kids from playing but it does put the onus on parents to make sure that what their children are playing is appropriate for them.
False correlation - children having fistfights and the media sensationalizing mass shootings are 2 completely different beasts.
>False correlation -
What a shitty way to lead into a strawman.
Just because you can blame the parents doesn't mean that violent video games aren't a problem for children.
Mass shootings happen because white males are losing their grip on social power so they don't get the perfect life they used to have thanks to privilege and get mad.
Should Xbox live kick squeeze voices on the chat?
Squeakers you mean? Beats me. I haven't played a console game online since the original XBox and that was for 5mins. Console gaming has been cancer for a long time.
I do think major retailers should treat M rated games better. Or just not carry them in store. There needs to be more warning for parents also.
Your correlation is literally false - the OP regards gun violence and mass shootings.
Nope, some of the most violent (death-wise) mass shootings have been perpetrated by nonwhites. Nice try at a liberal tagline though.
>Your correlation
What correlation? You mean that people are less violent (and less likely to kill, if you want to get specific) now than they were before the first motion picture? Do you honestly doubt that? Haven't looked at the statistics?
I mean the current streak of school shooters and such not gang killers or anything else.
>fudds are in denial over hands off shit parenting
>less violent and less likely to kill now and before
Nope - mass shootings and shootings in general are on the rise.
>ITT: people who don't know what fudd means
Business as usual
>cherrypicking which mass shootings fit your political agenda
Nope, but nice try. We look at ALL mass shootings.
Don't forget about half of them are on psychoactive drugs at all times.
So bad parents of school shooters are to blame. Got it.
Retards who aren't paying sufficient attention to either situation. The real answer is that our school and social systems are fucking trashed, and instead of looking inside of ourselves and recognizing we as a society are doing something wrong to raise our kids, we just pump them full of powerful amphetamine drugs without checking the state of their minds first, and we tell them to not get into scuffles with other kids and just go cry to the teachers. Then once the poor little fuck is completely socially isolated, mentally unstable, tormented by their peers and given no guidance by their parents, jacked up on Ritalin or whatever other prescription drug ten times more powerful than Heroin we decided was OK to pump them full of, they finally go ballistic and kill someone or a lot of people because they were fucked every single step of the way by an entire society of incompetents, libtards cry and blame guns, cuckservatives cry and blame vidya gays, and the problem continues to fester unsolved because the kinds of shitheads who raised the killers did everything in their power to ignore that they could have done something to help the kid before they lost it.
Liar, mass shootings and all violent crime in general are dropping, reporting on mass shootings is on the rise because it serves an agenda to display them like some sick carnival for a political game. The only shootings on the rise are defensive ones, and that's good.
Well then you can't state a clear motive for all shootings. Some are caused by gangs some are caused by just crazy people.
It's common for kids to play CoD. It's not a parenting issue.
I mean, video games have existed for a few decades while murder, both on small and large scale, have existed for millennia. The two really aren't comparable, I don't think Vlad the Impaler watched Clint Eastwood movies or played Stalker or DOOM.
>parents ignoring their kids
no, they aren't decreasing - quite the opposite.
Shootings are shootings, and the list of causes is varied - the point is that societal failures and the massive amount of problems in society due to liberalism and leftist "causes" are to blame.
Does it get tiring making up left-leaning boogeymen after a while to blame for failures?
In what way?
>promotion of accessible violent movies and video games
>promotion of porn
>promotion of homosexuality, interracialism, and extramarital sex leading to degradation of the nuclear family
>promotion of feminism telling women they should work leading to 2 working parents and no childcare during early childhood, a crucial time for moral development
>removal of functional classes from schools and replacement with standardized testing to the lowest common denominator instead of the highest
Yes, leftism is to blame.
>buying a Mature (17+) game for your 12 year old
>not a parenting issue
Gun free zones created by left leaning politicians are almost exclusively the target of choice for mass shooters. Shooters will go out of their way to attack gun free zones even if they're further away than other potential targets.
There's been a million fucking studies that show violent videogames make no kid more likely than any other to commit crime. It might make them more effective at it, but the likelihood didn't go anywhere.
>Shooters will go out of their way to attack gun free zones even if they're further away than other potential targets
no, shooters will go the place they feel the most angst, there's a reason most of these shooters are around high school age
When that game is so common that it's the top selling game on the console then no. Clearly there isn't enough being done to prevent these games from children.
The answer is beatings until behavior improves. It's a proven method but I doubt many parents of young kids today have the capacity to do the right thing.
This is correct - violent video games simply need to stop being produced. Games encouraging productivity are far better, from tetris to rollercoaster tycoon
>It's a proven method
because Stalin turned out so well
The fundamental issue is that your kid is spending all of their time looking at a screen instead of outside.
The kids on the football team don't go shoot up a school, no matter how much COD they play.
I don't even agree with the whole violent video games point, I just think you're a fucking idiot. There is literally no way for a child to acquire an M rated game other than through an adult, unless you count secondhand sales or something. Do you really think that it's the responsibility of the publishing industry or the government to police what children do? No. It's the parent's job.
BS. Personality is the main factor in the types of people that commit these acts.
I grew up playing violent video games, parents divorced, mom absent working multiple jobs yet still poor, home schooled online, introduced to Jow Forums at 16 and have owned firearms just as long. I've never had any desire to shoot up some place nor do I have any desire to shoot anyone who doesn't absolutely deserve it. Not the best evidence but I don't fit in your box is my point.
This is true, but there is also virtually no "push" for parents to *not* buy the game for their kids. Alcohol, cigarettes, etc- big push not to supply them to kids. Video games? Not even a question asked. The simplest solution would be to prevent further manufacture of violent games, movies, and shows as they're completely unproductive anyway.
>I grew up playing violent video games
Prince of Persia Warrior Within was fucking great at 12 years old
You are not a baseline, you're an anecdote. You have to look at society as a whole to even hope to grasp what's going on here.
>violent games, movies and shows are completely unproductive.
Opinion discarded.
This is probably closest to the truth. There is no positive outcome to entering high school as an unfit, badly socialized kid.
Dont you dare touch my Christmas movie memories.
Bruh I grew up on goldeneye, resident evil, silent hill and metal gear solid. Never even played Prince of Persia.
Yeah, a good portion of people decided that when they were capable of making GOOD decisions they wanted to make bad ones. PARENTS responsibility is to teach what GOOD decisions are and a (SANE) thinking feeling young person should be able to determine what they should do.
get it now
You're making a joke, but comparing that to real Christmas movies such as "It's a Wonderful Life"...
Not a joke. I watch Die Hard 1 and 2 every Christmas Eve or Day (depends on schedule). Sadly I must admit that to this day I do not own a 92fs.. yet.
You'd better at least own an AUG or a MAC10/9...right user?
Who has two tvs in the same room.
Personally I believe that there indeed is a correlation between games and gun violence. Guns should be a part of games but need to be portrayed realistically, and only in realistic/historical scenarios. Doing otherwise desensitizes players as to what a gun truly is. A powerful weapon that should never be played around with.
Not being able to differentiate between reality and fantasy is a sure sign of a severe mental disorder.
Naw, mild guy. mauser sporter in 30-06, ar-15, 2 12 gauges, a 9mm, a 380, 2 22lr rifles and 2 177s
fucking this
just fyi here in california the state government is looking at banning 80% kits and regulating barrels and upper receivers (don't ask how, that's for bean counters to figure out) and every fudd I know (LGSes, parents, uncles, their friends) are 100% for it because quote "nobody needs to fiddle with a gun or build it without a license"
These people are a billion times worse than spics or niggers who at least understand the government is there to fuck them.
Literally me but I would never do something like that. There has got to be more factors.
>spics or niggers who at least understand the government is there to fuck them
What are you talking about? I definitely agree that fudds should be among the first to come off of the helicopter, but if spics/nigs understand that the government is there to fuck them over, why do they keep voting for its expansion: affirmative action mandates, DACA renewals and continuations, and increased money for various social programs?
Boomers leave
Anti depressants
also kids (they like to do things other than sit for hours on end listening to old people talk about math or history, who'd have thought) get told they have ADHD from age 8-9 and are given either amphetamine or amphetamine placebos, all of which are addictive, psychoative drugs, messing with their brain chemistry from young ages when the brain is developing to the point where the body begins puberty, which then doubles the amount of shit being fucked with
t. ritalin 3 times a day since fucking 2nd grade because i wanted to run and learn through experience instead of hearing how important learning to write in cursive was going to be in my adulthood (it wasnt important)
Mainstream media organizations are dying and mass shootings, especially at schools, are good ways to get people watching.
>millions of kids play violent video games
>a fraction of a percent go on mass shootings
>millions of gun owners
>only a fraction of a percent go on mass shootings
Do boomers not see the irony?
>average eastern european has more hours in counter-strike than school
>no school shootings in eastern europe whatsoever
The problem is Americans medicate their kids into paranoid schizophrenia
It's the same people who accuse anti gun actors of being hypocrites for being in movies where they use guns (with the most ridiculous case being the people who bitched about a British government agent being played by an anti gun British actor as if that wasn't one of the most realistic parts of those movies), what are you surprised about? These people are literally too stupid to differentiate fantasy from reality.
And your belief is fucking wrong.
>The kids on the football team don't go shoot up a school, no matter how much COD they play.
They bully other kids and rape women which are accepted forms of violence. You don't need a gun when you can are physically stronger.
HEY! She drinking 2 beers is like totally asking for it bro.
the chads on the football team are the only ones who play those shitty franchises. If it's not COD it's 2k or some other sports game
>hurr durr the media children consume has no effect on their development whatsoever hurrr
Please, if you have evidence proving assertion true please give it. If not fuck off
What is it with cartoonists? Why are they such fags?
A book and a youtube video?
> he doesn't know Lt Col Dave Grossman
Because these kinds of cartoonists are only employed by (((traditional media))).
Fuck off, Nancy Reagan, before I send Dee Snyder to make you look like a complete fucking idiot again.