Alright Jow Forums
Slightly freaking out
I ordered one of the Glock Auto Sears off Wish.
It came in.
It’s real, not plastic.
What do?
Until I sort myself out, posting pictures
Alright Jow Forums
Slightly freaking out
I ordered one of the Glock Auto Sears off Wish.
It came in.
It’s real, not plastic.
What do?
Until I sort myself out, posting pictures
Please deliver OP
It came labeled as a light switch, I was very confused.
Live in a country other than America so that the ATF doesn't kill your dog.
Post firing webm
Post doggo
You're fucked
And your identity is going to be stolen
Do those come for the large frame like the Glock 20/21?
That’s all pics I have.
Can take more, will answer any questions
Let us know how it shoots
This my doggo.
I don’t even own a glock
>Ordering something highly illegal as a joke
Mistake 1
>Gave payment information to shady Chinese company
Mistake 2
The ATF probably has your shipping info by now anyway.
>what do?
First you start off by telling everyone the illegal activity you just partook in. Second, you make sure to tell this to people on the internet so they can tip the FBI/ATF off for the lulz. 3rd and last, go find your dog and hug it. It'll be dead soon.
>ordering obvious alphabet soup honeypot bait
>actually has a doggo
You and your doggo are so fucked.
On the bright side, if it actually works that means you can fight back with your machine pistol.
This. Do you niggers not know why we don't have Chinese guns in the US?
Because they got caught trying to sell full retard guns and fucking missiles in the US. Chinks really don't care about US law.
Chinks don't care about ANY law.
>tfw no Chinese bull pup because dumbass chunks can’t follow laws
>selling full retard guns and fucking missiles
>yfw the Chinese are the biggest 2a supporters
Would OP be any less fucked if he just forfeited the device to the ATF and explained he didn't think it would be real?
does this count as breaking the law if op doesnt own a glock though, means he doesnt have the whatever bullshit law of possessing the items to fabricate a full auto
If you're worried about it, why would you post it on Jow Forums where everything is databased and sporadically monitored by ABCs?
Seems like the LAST thing you would want to do.
The absolute mad man
He could always make it into an actual lightswitch.
It would probably be considered intent to manufacture a "Machine Gun" as OP could just go purchase a Glock to use it with.
Brainlet here. How does this big fucking Lego with a spike on it turn a Glock into a deadly full auto machine pistol?
Nope; he could just throw it in the trash you retards on Jow Forums overestimate how competent the ATF is on finding this shit, hell the US air force lost a M240 in Wyoming off base and they haven’t done anything to look for it.
Where exactly in Wyoming?
No the plane ticket I'm buying has nothing to do with this.
it's funny that a commie wasteland has become the perfect case study of
"why libertarians need to think a little harder"
>TFW no giggle switch chink AK's
>TFW no chink missiles
Feel bad desu.
Op, can we get a play by play of the Raid? I wanna see how they decide to break your door in.
Google "full auto sear"
DoD has lost score ot guns since GWOT, I remember some retards at Kirtland AFB lost a deployment team’s worth of M249s, 240bs and M4s on a highway in a flatbed truck that had the tailgate down
The fucking kvetching is fucking embarrassing. It's a piece of metal the size of a quarter. Bury it and save it for a rainy day. I'm glad chinks are shitting on unconstitutional regulations.
Can you fucking imagine finding that? Just all along the highway, the gun fairy sprinkled crates of M4s and M240s and M249s all around.
What the fuck does this even mean, retard?
No. They are pure capitalists with an anarchist streak.
>he thinks chunks distributing giggle switches is a bad thing
It is if it reinforces import bans that keep us from getting cool Chinese funs.
I did and I still don't understand. Google talks about getting some full coversion kit and needing a drill press to punch holes in an AR and do all kinds of meme shit, for like $15000. Not "plug lego into glock and receive SMG"
You say that like it's a bad thing
aren’t any machine gun parts just considered a “machine gun” by the ATF?
it's not that they like the second Amd., they just dgaf. it's all about profits for them. they out-jew the jews on a routine basis and still dgaf.
sure hope your posting through proxies and scrubbed the exif/geo location data off those pics Op.
yer either trolling, autistic, or straight up insane. posting this shit on a Argentinian basket weaving forum.
This. Retards act like govt welfare queens are omnipotent super sleuths. Just throw it in a lake if you're so worried.
>I shot my boat in a selling accident
Someone did, the security forces squadron never recovered them, along with PVS14s,M150 ACOGs and M68s oh and M9s but the pistols are worth less then the NODs
does it work...?
Fuck your dog one last time for me before the Feds do.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Out there, somewhere, some redneck is hog hunting with NODs, an ACOG, and an M240. And I am very jealous.
Kinda depends. IIRC, parts kits for AK's and shit can sometimes come with full auto sears and hammers and such but they're not illegal to possess unless you have the matching gun to put them in. If OP really doesn't have a glock then he might be okay if he destroys the thing.
I live in a free state, Pic related, I'll get one and actually test and webm
Though I do think they like the idea of destabilizing the US. They also inadvertently help a lot.
Hell fucking yeah. Based Alaska.
With how many millions of small arms the military owns, I'm honestly surprised more don't make it into circulation
Or maybe they do and we just never hear about it?
Based Alaska holy shit
Don't forget the 40mm grenade chain that got lost in the same incident.
Moving to Alaska now. The last bastion of American values.
Meh, just do what the Aussie's did.
Go oil your garden from time to time.
Alaska is not the only state to do this.
>What is the Supremacy Clause?
I'd expect nothing less from a state whose acronym is fucking AK
Other states have tried the same thing. They all fail miserably because that's not how the law works.
Gonna buy one too. To put on my airsoft gun ;)
What did you search up specifically to find this? I wanna see this on the website myself
"your Honor, the Supremacy Clause gives us the right to infringe on their 2nd amendment rights." Have fun with that.
Lemme know if it works OP, I might buy one for myself.
You can buy full auto parts, the receiver is the regualted part, or what gizmo the ATF has designated the “machinegun” like the lightning link our a drop in auto sear
the first thing you should do is post pics about it on an image board that is most definitely monitored by several alphabet agencies including the BATF. all they would have to do is subpoena Jow Forums for your IP address, then subpoena your ISP to find out who had that IP address at this time and date and it would lead them right to you.
so far you are doing everything right!
Unless I'm mistaken:
The full auto sear IS the machine gun according to the ATF.
the second amendment doesn't apply to high capacity clips
see "Heller"
They already decided that ages ago.
It does, just search up glock full auto switch. Also, a lot of these are the 80% ones, so there for, aren't illegal to own.
RIP in pieces
People watch CSI, NCIS, and real TV crime solving mysteries where they do a shitload of hyper-forensic evidence to find shit out.
2 young men were shooting in the desert behind my house, aiming in the direction of my house trying to hit dirt and shit. Police didn't give a shit on the 911 call, collected the casings, asked me and a witness some questions and if I could identify them, LEFT THE OIL FILTER THEY WERE SHOOTING AT IN THE FUCKING DESERT, then found the two guys based on a moped they were riding, that the two guys left right outside their house with the guns in the trunk.
People are stupid, police are people. The forensic CSI shit you see is what someone with a special interest in the case is doing all day/night. ATF won't do shit if they don't obtain any hard evidence. OP could say it was Glock brand candy and ate it, they couldn't really say shit. The government won't be combing trash dumps for anything less than a murder/drug smuggling case.
Not only that, but they were selling full retard guns and missile launchers to criminal gangs.
>It came labeled as a light switch, I was very confused.
Are you retarded? Did you expect it to be labeled "Highly Illegal Glock Full Auto Sear"?
Sweet pic of your fingers, OP. Look up the story of the drug dealer in the UK who got pinched by the rozzers after they determined his identity by looking at his fingerprints in a pic he posted.
Oh, they make their way into circulation, just not into the US. Not directly, anyway.
Look at Leland Yee.
>blasting hogs with real fuckin NATO from the back of your truck at 50 mph, with a full fun M240
>with fucking NODS, at night
It is legal to own and buy these
I am very interested in learning more about this Glock Auto Sear. Could you PM me your location so we can discuss it further?
Are you that guy asking to buy one these for a dollar a few weeks back?
You actually delivered. But it is a shame that 'this never happened mr atf'
Is it a controllable burst or does it just dump the mag?
Imagine being so ass backwards that you think blocking the enforcement of unconstitutional laws is a "national disgrace".
I bought some mate de coca last year and I was freaked out waiting for it to clear customs and arrive. I let it sit in the mail box for a couple days before I brought it in
Put it on the back of your Glock, where you've got your tasteful Punisher skull. Flick the switch one way and you're semi, flick it the other and get full.
Of course, these probably don't work or are meant for air soft and adding one to your Glock is highly illegal and likely dangerous if Chinese manufacturing is consistent.
Heading there now, fuck.
wtf? I love china now.
Not all the time, you can legally buy an M16 auto sear and were once sold as oddities on sites like numrich and apex as well as included in M16 parts kits before nigger eric holder stopped allowing DOD to sell MG barrels
>never heard of wish
>check it out
>512 GB flash drive for $11
>most definitely monitored by several alphabet agencies
Nobody gives a shit about fuckchin and its army of retards. I had to basically beg a local law enforcement agency to do a health and wellness check on a teenager threatening to kill himself and others on Jow Forums, which ended in me having to further convince people he knew for his full name and phone number, etc. in order for them to check on him. No matter what agency is watching, nobody gives a shit about stopping the next mass shooting or keeping Arnold the frogposter from necking himself. If you think they would care about user getting some handgun auto sear, you're wrong. They'd only step in if he were manufacturing/reselling that shit.
Minot AFB in ND just lost a M240 & a can of 40mm grenades.
This, I’ve called the FBI several times on people selling drugs on /b/ circa 2006 and they pretty much told me to fuck off.
But how? Was the Glock built with sear pins in mind?
Probably should have called the DEA instead
Glock auto sears like OP's replace the regular back plate in the slide (note the grove around the perimeter to hold it in). The prong sticking out slides in just between the frame and slide and as the slide comes fully forward it automatically pushes the sear down and releases the striker, firing another round as long as you keep the trigger held. They have a super high ROF and no practical value past like 5 yards but they are stupidly fun. And the chinese are based for passing them off in the US as "toys."
how much $?