I can't even see the bastards. I don't know what they actually look like. It's always too dark out and we don't have lights, and they hide around the shed and in the tall grass. There's probably hundreds of them in total
Cover you face with shoe polish and start hunting them down with a V-42 stiletto. Be sure to leave calling cards on the bodies of the slain so, come morning, their comrades learn that the worst is yet to come.
Pour bleach in the pool? It probably smells like ass and doubling as a breeding ground for mosquitos if you lazy hicks really haven't maintained it in that long.
Asher Evans
Asher Turner
no skeeters thankfully. They all go to the swamp that's down the road. We don't allow them in our backyard
>bitching about having a breeding ground of fucking tasty as hell frog legs Some people just do not know how to be thankful for the blessings God gives them.
NODS or a night scope. How about you poison the pool or something? Hit them where they live.
Ethan Turner
>no skeeter problem >land is filled with fucking frogs >hurr durr i went to git rid of od dem frugs!
Frogs are an amazing source of free delicious food and are keeping your place bug free. You want to kill off the natural predators keeping the blood suckers out?