How many of you bought this coat about 12 days ago?
You scored, it cost $60+ now! Im kicking myself for not getting one!
How many of you bought this coat about 12 days ago?
You scored, it cost $60+ now! Im kicking myself for not getting one!
Imagine being this much of a shill
Tbhfam I was thinking about this thread the other day and I'm also curious how they turned out
are you the guy who lives down the hall, OP?
The dummy China man forgot to add a zero to his price!
THey wont get them until I think July!
>60 america-bucks for child-sized malnourished Chinamen clothes that are going to turn out to be made of paper thin nylon stitched together with a hope and wish.
I paid $60 for a BDU ECWCS jacket off eBay for about that much last year. Perfect condition milsurp that kept me toasty in Indiana winter weather.
Meanwhile OP is tricking people into buying ECHO IN CHINA bullshit that's more /fa/ than Jow Forums.
But aren't soibois the ultimate greyman? The idea is to be a wolf in sheeps clothing, right? Why would you dress like a man then? Even Farmer McFudd is going to a target, might be carrying. Dressing in milsurp is just going to give you away. Noone will suspect a basedfaggot, Soibois are the greyest greyman.
>bought one
>should arrive by the end of may
>tfw no tracking number to watch my chinkshit coat travel halfway across the globe
These coats where $6 last two weeks ago, they come from China! Today they are $60... Seems the people in China forgot a zero at the end of their USD price! Some one is going to the goulog
I still wouldn't pay $6 for a MADE IN CHAINUH coat. My US made shit might give me cancer from Agent Orange residue but at least I won't get randomly catch fire/explode/get run over by coinslot-eyed driver/shit in an elevator.
lmao @ graymantard threads.
>how do i look normal?
I bought one. Not even for some apocalyptic LARP either. I just thought $6 was too damn cheap to not get one.
Hows this grayman looks like larpwear? Doesn't even look practical even, just get some flannels and sweaters if you want to fit in and be warm.
fuck you faggit, im not wearing that shit.
meh $40
im sure its less than that on alibaba, seeing clothing prices on there are just depressing... the fact that they can sell clothing for less that $10 when transportation, packaging, manufacture and labor are all taken into account means they must be paying less than pennies to make them
You have to make a thread and take pictures when you get it in the mail!
>mfw neckbeards ordered a large not knowing asian sizes run smol
>"greyman" is now a style.
Jow Forums greyman = normie clothes
what is so hard about this, if it was up to them, they would wear pepe or anime shirts to accompany their fedoras and samurai swords
This if someone asks about how to be "grayman" it's because their fashion is shit, they look like a weirdo with their anime shirts, and people think they're a school shooter.
Or they're Ayys like that one show.
this, you all look like you're trying to dress as Ubisoft characters
no shit. you can sum up "grey man" in one sentence: "when in rome, do as the romans do".
no one wears jackets like the one in the op. why are you trying to look like either a kpop star or a video game protagonist?
Do you hear how autistic you sound?
You need people on the internet to tell you how to wear a blank T shirt, Jeans, and shoes?
>wearing something made in china then shipped to the US will expose you to the localized dangers of mainland china
do americans really believe such foolish things?
muh freedoms.
>"wearing something made in china then shipped to the US will expose you to the localized dangers of mainland china"
>anything in that statement having anything to do with rights or liberties
can americans even read?
This might be the gayest looking thing I've ever seen.
muh local bought*
They look like the average costuming in a post-apocalyptic movie. Except people would be putting this shit on within a day of anything close to an "apocalypse" while everyone else is wearing T-shirts and jeans and look like a huge dork.
Although, if you can make it work, "greyman chic" can be pretty fashionable.
Joke's on you nigger, everyone in that thread sized up one or two. You're just jello.
>Although, if you can make it work, "greyman chic" can be pretty fashionable.
probably why Ubisoft does it and why every modern-set Sony game involves it
w2c this iconic gray man look??
Oh lord.
>Indiana winter
so, not a real winter at all then
i was going to say "blade runner 2049 extra", but that works, too.
see pic
It’s fucking real. I’m in southern Illinois, so I assume its similar, and the sheer amount of cornfields with 0 trees means the absolute fucking worst windchill you can imagine. I actually prefer Chicago in the winter because there’s buildings.