Is the Condor MOPC Modular Operator Plate Carrier any good? It's required by law to be good because it has "operator" in the name, right?
I'm on a budget but I need me a plate carrier and it looks pretty good, even has standard side-plate pockets. So there has to be something horribly wrong with it right?
the quality of condor is meh. Its liable to fall apart with any hard use. What is your budget? I hope you're not buying ar500 plates.
Dylan Cooper
I can spend up to $120 on the carrier, but I'm not going cheap on the plates because what's the point unless you're playing airsoft.
Matthew Gonzalez
side plates necessary or no?
Anthony Gomez
Strongly prefer side-plate option since the carrier I wore downrange had them.
Joshua Hall
What plates would you recommend?
Henry Fisher
if you need side plates I recomend just saving $100 more and looking at the mayflower APC (224 on skd) or trying to find one used. Im not saying condor wont work, but they have a bad reputation for a reason (I have personal experience with this too, im not just parroting what gear queers say). Level 4 ceramic. Maybe look at these (100 a plate), I dont have experience with these though so do your research.
Jose Howard
thanks buana
Jeremiah Phillips
Don't go for it. Get something from SPOSN for the same money instead.
Jeremiah Roberts
Impressive quantum stitching. Chinese products are superior to all competition
Carter Evans
>I hope you're not buying ar500 plates.
No armor is perfect but ar500 is breddy good for someone who doesn't get paid to kick doors in for a living.
Nothing wrong with ar500 with proper spall coating. Also better for someone who it going to buy armor and then stick it in a closet for a day that may never come. Your grandkids could still use that armor. Also multi-hit rated so much better for someone without the logistics train of a govt organization.
Mason Davis
Condor is *generally* pretty shitty. On a plate carrier you're basically throwing your money away because the material and stitching is so low-quality. Condor elastic straps will start fraying within the first ten donnings, and the hook and loop seams will start pulling away from their mounts.
A plate carrier is a life-saving item that you're going to be wearing constantly (if you use your gear...). Save up, go without a little longer, and get something that's going to be reliable and comfortable.
Condor suspenders are cheap but good to go, though, IMO.
William Sanders
does it not concern you that the militaries new standard ammunition, m855a1, (not fancy ap, standard ball) will defeat ar500 plates?
Evan Walker
i got a condor carrier for larping reasons and it’s held up just fine
Juan Ortiz
Whats the deal with ceramic vs the ar500? I dont know anything about the matirial or armor rating things.
Matthew Powell
>the militaries new standard ammunition implying that the best ammunition is going to be used by the ghetto thugs in my area, who can barely afford 1 mag of aluminum cased FMJ
Elijah Scott
benefits >lasts longer than ceramic (expiration wise) >usually cheaper per plate
drawbacks >performance is still limited for weight and most common is rated 3+ vs ceramic which is 4 IIRC >heavy as fugg
Dylan Gray
Do the ceramics break up with use or something?
John Jenkins
not the ceramics, but the Kevlar that is integrated into them, it is a fiber that breaks down over time and if exposed to sunlight, also ceramics can break if you drop them on the ground but steel wont
Logan Ramirez
Why is ceramic the big thing right now if it’s so fragile and has the worse life expectancy? If you are military and can just get new plates whenever yours break or go bad then whatever but for civilians who’s only use would be shtf why bother with ceramics?
Jaxon Lewis
im not going to go digging in my gear bad right now,but IIRC ceramics have a 5 year use life before performance becomes questionable, and AR500 with anti spalding has a 12 year life.
for my personal use when I dont expect to need something that will stop rifle rounds, I use polyethelyne plates rated for level 3 that cost $35 each and only weigh like 1 pound if I had to take a guess
Alexander Nelson
Level 3"+" steel >defeated by m855a1 >defeated by 50gr tsx >defeated by m193 if its moving fast enough >defeated by any actual ap round >defeated by 22-250 >defeated by basically any fast rifle cartridge if you put a light solid copper bullet in it >heavy Ceramic level 4 >will stop all of the above >will break if you throw it out of a helicopter onto concrete >will still stop rounds after being smashed into the ground and hit with a sledge hammer Kevlar breaks down when it is folded or exposed to light, nether of which is happening inside a hard plate which is coated. Expiration dates are for lawyers.
Mason Myers
>If you are military and can just get new plates whenever yours break or go bad then whatever but for civilians who’s only use would be shtf why bother with ceramics?
because people want to larp as operators, and people complain that AP rounds go through lesser rated steel plates
Carter Davis
what is OP using it for though, unless he is expecting door kicking or snipers shooting at him, he could probably pay less for plates and still get reasonable protection, law of diminishing returns, the money saved on level 4 plates could go to ammo and get him to be able to remove threat
Easton Brown
Because it isn't as fragile as the larpers want to believe in order to justify their shitty basement armor. I dropped my armor on the floor coming back from patrol every day for 3 deployments, it never cracked. Unless you throw it out of the second floor window, it's just not a problem. Everyone who fights professionally uses ceramic.
Aiden Robinson
>ar500 armor brand 3+ plates >$90 each >ceramic plates linked earlier in thread >$99 each Incredible savings
Easton Martinez
>Level 3"+" steel >>defeated by m855a1 >>defeated by 50gr tsx >>defeated by m193 if its moving fast enough >>defeated by any actual ap round >>defeated by 22-250 >>defeated by basically any fast rifle cartridge if you put a light solid copper bullet in it
Oh look it's another "I shoot a 20"AR at plates at 10yds" episode.
Dylan Green
its been a while since I shopped for ceramics, last I checked they were in the upper 100s
Landon Reed
>50gr tsx and m855a1 need 20 in barrels to defeat steel
Meme rounds you're unlikely to face unless you run into some guy who runs a youtube channel dedicated to testing armor or are at war with the US military.