Was he set up? Did ATF kill Keith?
FPS Russia conspiracy:
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Yes. YouTube and big lobbyist didn't want guns and gun ownership turned mainstream by exposure to the youth. You remember he was one of the biggest channels on YouTube for quite a while and was one of the only that appealed to children
Who pulled the trigger though? Did youtube buy off atf, or was it higher up?
Yes. FPSRussia was becoming to powerful and taking up too much YouTube real estate so they obviously knocked off Keith so they can control the narrative.
>Who pulled the trigger though?
I wish it was easier to tell who is joking and who is dumber than a bag of rocks...
alright smarty pants who do you think killed him? And dont say the bullet.
>order a baggy of weed and have it sent through the mail
>get pound-me-in-the-ass prison
Whole thing is real spooky. I don’t like that FPS got raided over like 25 grams of hash either, all seems fucky.
He does some podcast now but has never mentioned it. It’s possible Keith got shot for some of his guns but I don’t think any were reported stolen.
There must be a reason FPS is keeping quite, might end up like Keith or get some more conveniently delivered weed.
Prolly fucked him with some Atlanta evidence hash oil and let him know they haven’t been playing fair. He got raided twice and the first raid had no proper reason, never made sense why he didn’t strike back legally.
Whole things sad, he really reached a much larger group of people than channels nowadays can. Dude had balls too.
Right after his bud was kill kyle made a cryptic video where he was tied up. In the video before that, I think it was a video right after sandy hook or something. Don't quite recall. But I saw it with my own eyes, kyle commenting on his own video these words. . "It's getting real now, just do what they want"
I remember that, I thought he was just advertising for his mobile game or something.
I hope he still sneaks time to shoot on private property away from Johnny law, the thought of him as noguns is too sad.
>why oh why didnt it hit him
The no eye protection always made me lol
Found the video where he says that "it's getting scary just do what they want." It's the first video after sandy hoax.
Whats the video?
50 cal sniper slo-mo. The first video he released after sandy hoax. .. a few videos before that was the video with him all tied up. Now to google when his friend was kill
>thinking the ATF didn't send it to him
Does anyone here watch the podcast he’s been on painkiller already. Has he mentioned anything at all about his situation? They charged him with distribution of a concentrate which is a felony in Georgia I’m almost positive (Colorado user), and I think he took a plea.
Pic related it’s the current podcast he’s on.
Wow this timeline is to spooky. He friend was killed just after the 50 cal slomo video
The other part that's interesting was tjay ATF after the first raid originally said because Kyle was making money on YouTube by shooting guns and using explosives he was profiting while not "engaged in the business" as an FFL/FEL himself. That's some major fuckery right there and just reeks of them making shit up.
How was Kyle getting all the weaponry for the channel?
Keith owned a Class 3 that technically owned hardware I think.
In Georgia "Possession of any amount of concentrate with 15 percent or more THC is a felony."
You can see it in his eyes, he's been through some Sicario stuff, he knows things.
His buddy was an FFL07 Class 2 SOT (class 3s are for FFL 01s) and had an FEL (Federal Explosive License) on top of that.
I really want to know if he’s said anything on that podcast but don’t have time to watch hours on hours :(
The first raid they took all 50 of his guns and had to give them back I feel like the second time they really framed his ass.
Why not just find a way to revoke his licenses instead of killing him? Did they want to send a message?
I feel the fact that he got no jail time for the hash charge almost proves a federal deal was made imo. They charge that shit the same type of distribution level as coke in Nebraska.
he's never talked about specifics.. it's usually "legal issues" whenever he mentions it
It was probably done by the same people who did and put together sandy hoax. They're capable of doing that and anything. . Going after the biggest firearm community figures. I'm scared now enough Internet for the night
They had no proper reason to and Keith and Kyle had an outlet that could roast the shit out of federal bullshit. More views and more relevant viewers than most controlled mainstream outlets.
He was killed by a gangbanger and sandy hook wasn't actually a hoax, fpsrussia himself got fucked for being a dude weed lmao. Must be nice living in massive delusions.
Sure, Occam's Razor that's probably the case but isn't it fun to speculate?
Its possible, but its all just too convenient
Okay kike shut it down nothing to see here move along PEOPLE
Hard to say. Trying to revoke an FFL/FEL at the very least requires some justification or actionable evidence and he could of turned around and sued since it would of obviously impacted his livelihood.
Exactly this, really easy to cook up a shitstorm these days if you are e-famous. What I'd really like to know are the details surrounding Kyle getting arrested for weed. Anyone can put your name on a package and send it to your address. I'd like to think Kyle wasn't that dumb to have that kind of stuff shipped to him with so much on the line. I'm guessing that whatever transpired resulted in the ATF wanting it over and done with (i..e plea bargan) since usually they want to make examples of people. There very well might be an NDA Kyle signed that doesn't allow him to possibly embarrass ATF or reveal details of what they were up to.
>shot in his store
>no arrests no updates
>confirmed no-reason raid on ranch
Keep licking boot with your eyes closed, seems like more than niggers and dabs.
I’m guessing they sent it to him and used the fact that he signed for the package as cause for the raid how they do. I’m guessing he got a lot of fan shit and equipment to check out. Anything shown on that channel in 2013 got real good marketing.
Probably slapped a no jail plea down and said the only stipulation was no guns no talking about it and no YouTube
One day.
They will all fucking hang. There will be no mercy, no deals. They will not talk their way out of it.
Back then there was no rules against gun videos you fucking idiots
you sound like you are 12
The first raid is the most blatant fuckery though. He got raided by 40 ATF members for “profiting off explosives on YouTube.” So basically if you film yourself shooting some tannerite you have a chance of 40 fucking agents busting in. They really got him with the weed thing too because half of gun owners have that “fuck dude weeders” attitude and dismiss shit.
lol edgy
He was killed by the rothchilds don’t believe the YT / atf connection the shills are putting forth. The atf was involved and did kill him but at the behest of the rothchilds. His family worked closely with them through out his childhood. He discovered definitive evidence that they where inter-dimensional child molesters. An had told fpsrussa this they had planed to release the evidence thats when he was killed that is also why so much pressure was put on fps from the atf/fbi.
I guess you could say he gave up on keith, let him down, messed around and hurt his legacy. But they where no stangers to the game he new the rules and so did keith. Its just to bad there both gone. We wouldn’t get this content from any other guy.
Go jerk off to traps this is srs. This poor guy is currently no guns no friend.
I wish this idiot would stop making cock tease Instagram posts and just go full cam whore.
Joke's on you it's a she
Oh my bad seeing as there’s 0 tiddies. Ok ok you’re HALF a fag lol
Right! Thats what i was thinking. You two need to stay off the Internet. Shes a girl and she has the nudes to prove it.
Back to this though FPS and crew genuinely got fucked over off the raid and shitty investigation alone. Case is still open btw-no updates since 2013
That is a not a trap.
Never said it was a guy.
Since when has she had nudes out? I could've sworn there weren't any.
>Shes a girl and she has the nudes to prove it.
Any nudes she has are grounds for getting raided for CP. She's like 17 right now IIRC.
>Oh my bad seeing as there’s 0 tiddies.
The one fucking board not supposed to have pedos and shit. I’m ashamed of yall following a fuckin minor. I’ll stick with my jacked instathots, thank you. Weirdos
>I’m ashamed of yall following a fuckin minor
One year will make zero difference.
whos dat fat?
Who is this plz
Maybe, who cares. His show was stupid. He was a guy larping as a Russian who brought nothing interesting to light. If you want interesting gun videos with guys who have accents, watch Rob Ski from the AK operaters union, polenar tactical, capnball tv, or prince Franz Albrecht (if you're into hunting).
His main defense is a fan or something sent it to him. I can definitely see the possibility that the ATF mailed him some weed with no return address, just to false flag. How the fuck else would they know? I know dudes that have gotten cocaine in the mail, if it isn't going passed customs no drug dogs are going to be near it. Definitely a false flag to justify a raid.
Jow Forums - Weapons
>Jow Forums - Paranoid Delusions
She's not 17
How does that boot polish taste?
He was always a noguns spiritually. Most of the weapons didn't belong to him, he invented the Russia stronk character to appeal to his audience of Call of Duty players, which was so effective that he was featured in the ads for MW3, Black Ops II, etc. He deserves to be forgotten
What I want to know is why hasn't one of you faggots stepped up to be the next FPS Russia.
It's obvious Kyle got raped by our dear friends at the ATF and they have 0 interest in solving the Ratliff murder.
It's up to us Jow Forumsommandos.
thats the whole point. they couldnt get rid of them by banning them so they had to get rid of them outside of youtube. now there are so many popular gun channels they just bit the bullet and made the rules banning them
This is the podcast he is on now
He did a lot of shit that was, in terms of safety, questionable at best
Did I just get Rick rolled?
who is she though?
Cept is where the pedo line is drawn. You’re probably on some ghost Instagram just you can wack off to high schoolers.
All someone had to do was send him drugs disguised as gifts or gear and he’d sign for it, I would. If you arnt getting vacuume sealed drugs in the mail you generally don’t worry about if your mail guy is an undercover stinging you.
Holy fuck talk about a guy who did a complete fucking 180 on his views. After they kicked him outta PKA he became a stereotypical liberal and is constantly crying about his weight
Not on Instagram at all actually.
"Belle Delphine"
Not her real name as far as I'm aware, but it's her handle.
Wait so if he isn't jailed, might he make new videos in the future?
>You’re probably on some ghost Instagram just you can wack off to high schoolers.
Smalltime; I just sit out the front in public places and whack as the children come by
Can’t own or operate firearms anymore I think he lost his niche. I hope he talks about guns again but he really got fucked over just for being popular. I mean they literally raided him for earning YouTube ad revenue right after Keith got murdered.
Pretty sure people gravitate to cosplayer looking like a hiame hentai comic than what your implying.
Instathots are only good if they wear good clothes and not phone pics
>massive ATF raid after his friend and supplier dies somehow
>gets a second raid
>weed just shows up out of the blue
I'm not saying it was KGB Delta SEAL sniper ops but knowing just how big he was and how much he's done all of that just seems fishy to me. Especially with how quiet he's been on everything.
If he does make new videos they sure as shit won't be him shooting a bunch of guns at zombie Justin Bieber's and watermelons on trucks. Those days are over. He'd probably just go back to his FPSKyle thing he did but all things considered I'd imagine he doesn't want much to do with Youtube anymore.
In my state you can fuck high schoolers, so.
Yep. That is why he did it.
the first thing i saw was the TD. i think im autistic, what have you done Jow Forums
>sandy hoax
Fucking psycho
>he knows things.
>its all just too convenient
So is Cancer. Moron.
Belle Delphine, but cockteases are all you're gonna get from her.
Even though it was "stupid" only few youtubers if any can pull in younger audiences, sure they may be 12 year olds that only play Call of Duty but as those kids grow up they can help the Jow Forumsause, OUR cause.
The police seized 52 firearms from his home you fucking noguns.
>my ancestors look proudly at me humans, can you say the same?
>*smug bird noices*