>Anyone know where to buy or get a working C96 mauser pistol that is not in a decay state or a gunsmith who will make one
C96 Mauser
>a gunsmith who will make one
If that was a thing they'd be making bank.
>Anyone know where to buy or get a working C96 mauser pistol that is not in a decay state
>or a gunsmith who will make one
Don't be an idiot.
I want to make it in to a DL-44 but can't find one that still fires.
Fuck you, stop destroying C96s, onionbreath
Every time there's a C-96 thread there's a 66% it's just some bored 'tard OP that wants some lazy (you)s.
Well you're not getting one. Ha ha
>I want to destroy a historical firearm to reproduce a prop from a children's movie
>66% "chance"
You're Damn right I do
Why not just buy a toy version and paint it? You save a ton of money and a classic firearm gets spared being bubba'd, win-win.
I want it to actually shoot actual rounds.
End your life this exact second. If you seriously had to exhume this much s o u y why not just buy some bubba's already ruined one off gunbroker and shove that up your rectum instead of destroying yet another one of these. Even Wikipedia mentions monsters like you as the reason these things are so rare for people who actually like them
10 seconds on armslist or gunbroker m8
I want it to actually shoot an actual round up your nostril.
>turning a beautiful c96 into a fictional laser gun
>Thinking that making a modern reproduction of an old and extremely intricate design is a good idea when you can get an original C96 for less than $2000.
Retards that actually think this is a good idea don't understand basic economics.
Sure it could be done, but you would not only have to worry about making the new parts, but you would have to manufacture brand new tooling in order to efficiently make each individual part since the original tooling for the C96 is long gone by now.
There's a guy that makes reproduction Lugers, but he makes them for a completely different reason. The main reason he did it is so people can have a reproduction of the super rare .45 ACP Luger, there's a reason why they are $6000+ though.
Who would want to buy a reproduction C96 when collectors don't want them since they have no historical value, and poorfags don't want them because they'd be insanely expensive?
There is a thing when buying 'milsurp' or a historical weapon. If you modify it with shit that was never meant to go on it, then you're disrespectful of the weapon and kill the resale value as well (even though that is something to pass on rather than selling for quick cash. If you inherit such a weapon, to sell it or 'bubba' it, would only bring shame and dishonor to you)
This is probably why I want to get into machining. Basically, get a machinist to make the parts and assemble. However, springs would be a major issue, which may require some tweaking or re-engineering to make it work.
Can I have sauce on that guy who makes reproduction Lugers? (I like historical context, but a reproduction would be fine for me)
He sells reproductions of the 1907 Army Trials Lugers chambered in .45 ACP.
They start at $6000 and go up from there.
If such a thing existed it would likely be as an "in shape only" equivalent, like what the Ruger .22 is to the Nambu/Luger. You might be able to manufacture a proper C96 at a competitive price but it wouldn't matter, because most of the people who really want a a C96 want an actual example and most of the people who just think they're neat wouldn't be willing to spend the money on either.
Thank you
Doing something like that is no different than GSG making that dogshit MP-40 clone.
Sure it would look like it, but it doesn't function like the real thing at all.
I just think look-alikes are kind of pointless depending on the price range of the real thing.
I got my real Mauser C96 for $1300 with the holster/stock as well.
I would never trade it for some half-assed cheaper "look-alike".
Saged and reported. All niggers and kikes deserve death. Jews did 9/11, Hillary Clinton is a subhuman kike traitor that deserves to be crucified. Kill all commies.
I think there would be a sizeable market for new build C96-style guns if it weren't for SBR restrictions. The basic Mauser shape is better for use with a shoulder stock than a conventional pistol.
SoiWars fags would buy .22 version to convert into Han Solo blasters. Would you rather have them do that to originals?
This shit is the reason why we should execute basedboys on sight