Thus began the collapse of NATO together with Western power and influence.
Turkey really isnt a part of Nato anyway. The US has already shit a base or 2 there so it doesn't matter too much. I kinda want a reason to retake constantinople so anything works. Turk roaches fuck off and stay gone.
phoneposters and sputnik seems to go hand to hand these days
Ohhh nooo how terrible
>Vodkachimp shill paper reporting on story by roachchimp shill paper with no actual source
It would be nice. Choice and not having to bend is always good.
The thread will obviously turn to shit very quickly thanks to Jow Forums being full of stupid poltards.
So, they'd get like 2 of them in 10 years or so?
>Turkey is NATO
>implying an Su-57 won't "fly off" somewhere to the West, never to be seen by Russian eyefolds again.
there's the door
First they'll have to fund the rest of development
>Turkey buys two
>has twice as many as Russia
This. Erdogan is an anti-west shitter, but he is not stupid. He wants his country to be wealthy and for now that means his loyalty lies with the west, no matter how much he may detest it. He'll do with the SU-57 what he will probably end up doing with the S-400. Give it to NATO for brownie points.
>in response to the purchase of the S-400
This doesn't make sense
Yeah. Turkey buying a pair of Su-57s will result in collapse of the evil NATO for sure.
What happened to that deal? I doubt it'll ever go through.
USA is saying Turkey won't get F-35 if they buy the S-400, so they said they will buy Su-57 if USA doesn't wanna give F-35 and will simply get a S-400 and Su-57 package deal.
Turks are acting like teenagers to put it simply.
It already went through my man, Russia is expected to deliver them by July 2019.
About as likely as them fielding TIE Fighters
a TIE fighter would probably be safer for the pilot tbqh
>allowing NATO an intricate look at your newest fighter
Doesn't seem like a very bright idea.
>Cardboard lazily duct-taped to a Flanker
you need to always assume that whatever tech you have, the other guys do as well.
Future mexicans BTFO!
>Su-57 finally has a customer
Russia sells to literally everybody because they're desperate for $$$$. Gave S-400's to Saudi Arabia and Turkey, piles weapons on Egypt, and offered to sell both the S-400 and MiG-35 to Israel (they declined) despite their western allegiance.
Monkey models
I want to see turkey get refused by both the west and the ruskies.
The Su-57 is way bigger than any Flanker model, it's so big it literally needed modified overpowered engines to even lift off the ground.
Satan checked
>SU-57 finally has a customer
>only stooped so low because they cant buy American
Memes write themselves
Remember when turkey invaded Cyprus in 1970s and attacked Greek soldiers? I forgot nato collapsed then.
Why is this even an issue though? We let the Indonesians use MiGs and Sukhois alongside their American bought fighters.
Once Turkey is out of NATO we can finally begin the long term project of returning Constantinople to the Greeks to whom it rightfully belongs.
US has already removed its sensitive items from there. I say we remove from nato, back the Greeks. Bomb them to shit and be happy again.
Because Indonesia is completely irrelevant in international affairs.
The Incirlik base doesn’t matter. The really important bases are the SAM/Radar observation outposts in Malatya and Sinop. This is how the US keeps an eye on Iran and plans to intercept Iranian attacks on Israel.
Isn't Russia supposed to hate Turkey after tonnes of shit between them happened? seriously the east side of the world is so fickle as long as they get the opportunity to match up with 'muh west'
>Isn't Russia supposed to hate Turkey
They have a love-hate relationship
>4th most populous nation
>most populous muslim nation on earth
>biggest economy in its region
It's a fuckload more relevant than Turkey.
Gallipoli 2.0 when?
why do russian trolls don't even link anymore?
Has the sale to the Turks actually been axed? A few days ago they were testing the new Turkish F-35s in Fort Worth, it seems like for now the sale is still on.
Both the House and Senate passed Defense Spending Bills w/ language blocking the sale of the F-35 to Turkey.
At last, we're fucking off with the subhumans
US already knows about that but 3 members in congress disapproving the deal because of the S-400 wont make much of a difference in the sale of the F-35s going to Turkey anyways
I am all in favor of random countries having the best Russian or US military equipment to find out if the equipment is the real deal or not. I am not a vatnik or CIA troll I am just a friendly truth seeker.
because everyone with half a brain has filtered all of Putin's propaganda channels from the catalog
>Implying we want Turkey in NATO at this point anyway
>Giving F-35 to the Turks
This is not what we want.
lol, good. IT's shit.
>dropped by the curryniggers
>russia building a total of 12
Ah yes
>Thus began the collapse of NATO
nigger what?
With the roaches gone, MATO will enter a golden age
my bad
>Thus began the collapse of turkey together with muslim power and influence.
/k smart
/pol dumb
if we go by rightfully then the greeks should get back everything till china
thats not really a logical solution eh
>usa going against the second biggest nato army
>turkey and greece alone have x2 the equipment of germany/france/uk in that small area
>thinking that usa will not suffer massive casualties if they ever decide to attack the turks in an area that they regularly dogfight and skirmish their navies and airforce....
dont forget to shut down the atoms
that would be bad, because the russians would have them on their good side, and then one has to literally conquer Constantinople so that the russians dont have influence over it
they already built the bridge to Crimea that i didnt expect to be built in 5 years, i actually didnt expect them to build it at all but still
Doubting Rothenberg wouldn't build the bridge.
Yeah I think we can probably make do without those. Nothing against the heebs but if they start shit they can finish it.
>Mostly Atlantic treaty organization?
Aussies can officially join now!
And whats the last name of the Kamaz director?
I bet he isnt a slav either, but Pewtins pal nonetheless. It was his truck that opened the bridge.
>russians would have them on their good side
russians got no shit to offer, it's just two unrecoverable countries on the same boat and we'll be happy to see as they both suffer.
If russians get turks on their good side, if turks are kicked out of nato, who the fuck do you think will have less trouble sailing their ships trough Istanbul?
they can't stop ships coming in and out you dumb fuck
lmao please do
Didn't India drop this shit?
Man just how bad is that plane?
LOL just LOL
you dont really know much about treaties and why russia had to built their carrier the way it was made and why technically classed as a cruiser than a carrier...
they dropped their version because russia wont trasfer tech to them
however as india said that they will buy su 57 regardless
India dropped the FGFA which isn't that much on Russians really the Indian government is just downright impossible to work with. Looking as India has kind of shifted geopolitical it is better for the russkies to cease cooperation with them because Pakistan genuinely is interested in T90 and Su 35 and Pakistan's relations with the USA has gone straight to shit.
>as if anyone would care about russian fleet
>selling anything to anyone even if that means NATO will get to inspect it
Wow...Just like during the 90s...
yeah yet another
please kys
you mean usa has a moral stance regarding weapons sales?
they literally signed a 110 billion contract with the country that threw 2 planes on their buildings
they are literally funding israel
they were giving weapons to al nusra and the fsa and now to sdf
Unlike what Jow Forums fantasizes about no Russians are not planning on getting themselves involved in a real conventional showdown.
they're funding israel as well as the egypt
I see no problem at all
is egypt expanding on libya or sudan just because of reasons?
What do you mean exactly?
no but I guess kikes are just good as killing the sandmen
what the rest of the north americans always say
russia wont get involved on a direct war with usa
because we all know that usa will directly being involved on a war with russia..
Free market, nothing wrong with that.
>russia wont get involved on a direct war with usa
Ah yes, agreed.
Still laughing my ass off Russia will sell their vaunted Paki Fail to a NATO country after years off shilling the same Paki Fail as the nemesis of NATO aviation.
The absolute state of Russia.
>The absolute state of Russia is capitalism
Finally, it took 27 years for you to get the message.
>The absolute state of Russia is capitalism
>Jow Forums has genuinely fallen into Jow Forums tier jingoism shitposting
How they gonna pay for this? Their money is literally worth nothing at this point.
Alevi Magic.
>Their money is literally worth nothing at this point.
The only ones who lose on this deal is the US. No more money for the F-35s.
Place holder for when 4 Israeli F-35s inevitably face 22 Arab or Russian SU-57s and shoot 7 down before they run.
Why don't you try to come and take it, chingchong?
Over Lebanon already.
Their time is up, they pulled the plug off
Their currency is collapsing and it will only get worse until the elections
Expect major false flag shit during elections leading to a civil war