What does Jow Forums recommend for non-CO2 pneumatic guns?
What does Jow Forums recommend for non-CO2 pneumatic guns?
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A real gun
One of those larger caliber (.357 or larger) PCP air rifles.
I like the P10c.
Glock 19 is a reliable choice.
MP Shield is a good baby bitch gun.
None of this faggotry
Samyang Dragon Claw in .50 or Benjamin Bulldog in .357?
If you want to talk about shitty airguns go to
>1/2 inch thick
I don’t believe that for a second, that’s probably 1/8 inch at most
Girandoni or bust.
No, it's 1/2, weak metal.
Defintley 1/8
5.56 doesn't even penetrate through 1/2 in. steel unless its real AP bullets.
Whichever one shoots railway spikes
I doubt it'd go through 1/2" of fucking 1XXX series wrought aluminum.
They have a place in an arsenal. Pest removal, small game, plinking at empty beercans you make in the backyard, teaching kids responsible habbits. Break barrels are cool because bike spokes make nasty darts.
It really is summer, huh?
>Bike spokes
I'm kinda sad I didn't think of doing that as a kid.
We liked putting a couple drops of diesel behind the pellet. Get a little muzzle flash and much higher velocities.
Then go to the NOT GUNS boards, fag nigger
Benjamin discovery or marauder are two good cheaper options. Otherwise, fuck you get a .45 airforce texan SS.
Airguns are Jow Forums related. The kinds being broadly discussed in this thread are legitimately classified as firearms in most countries.
If it shoots metal and kills shit, it's not /asp/
Suck feinstein`s dick some more
This. I love the Marauder but I wish they had a 45-70 equivalent.
Both sides are 1/4"
Red Flight Penetrators penetrate two sides so 1/2"
The 1322 is okay on pigeons out to 15 yards, squirrels at maybe 10 yards. Even heavily modified with a flat top piston and valve face and better seals it's weak. Something I don't understand about airgun survivalist thinking. It seems the main objection to a PCP is that seals wear out, making them useless. But every airgun uses seals of some sort, even a spring piston rifle needs a piston face seal kept properly, lightly lubricated, and a barrel seal of some sort of it's a break barrel or any other sort. What difference does a few more seals make? And the pump has seals too, but again, so what? Stock up on seals. Package them well in appropriate greases so they don't degrade. Learn to work on your airguns, same as you should with your firearms. A spare seals kit shouldn't weigh more than a pack of gum, and tools are a thing you should have anyway. A modern PCP is a helluva good option, especially suppressed. A mid-power PCP rifle can harvest small game efficiently and quietly, and in a pinch could provide enough power to discourage attackers.
Your metal plated door likely uses 16 guage sheet metal, really soft steel about twice as thick as that in a tin can. It's weak shit, not 1/4" nor 1/2" of steel. And those high velocity penetrator pellets are absolute garbage for accuracy. They spin out of control after 10 yards. Use JSB or similarly high quality lead pellets if you actually want to hit what you aim for.
Ever do a pinch of bird shot inna plastic straw sabo? Cotton wadding both ends, split the straw to roll up tight, tie with sewing thread. In a .22 cal it'll drop small birds. Used to duct tape a pvc "grenade launcher" under barrel. Launch bottle rockets into the brush (wet season) to flush out quail. They fly like chikens so its easy mode.
Also a flashlight with a frog gig bayonet. For shine and stab swamp hunting. Good times.
Are you a convicted felon OP?
No. I just don't want a firearm. Firearms aren't variable power. Airguns are.
I've owned several of these I'd rather throw a rock at someone, fun tho
It's Jow Forums - weapons, not Jow Forums - firearms, dipshit.
I want to be able to plink and be able kill a rabbit for food with the same gun. If a coyote or something appears in a survival situation and I don't have to kill it, I don't want to kill it. 1322 and 1377 are variable pump pistols. You can use three pumps to scare off a predatory animal in the woods and 7-10 for hunting something.
There is no variable power firearm. There is lethal mode and lethal mode, a ghastly sound, along with having a FFL and a concealed/open carry permit, all while wasting hundreds of dollars on this shit I don't have.
There are airguns that are much better than firearms and they are so powerful and cheap without all the faggotry of gun ownership, I think there needs to be regulations on classification.
Air Ordnance has a .22 SMG and that, full of the right pellets, can kill people easily. Samyang has a .50 cal rifle that can hunt fucking adult bears. I really don't understand why everyone rides the firearm cock carousel. Guns are still boring from inception to now. Still inefficient, still combustion-projectile systems. Not one pulse or plasma rifle yet. People haven't even invented a gun that can change ammo types automatically. Airguns exist that can compete with real guns. They are cheap and have no bullshit politics over it. Besides, I can rest easy knowing that it can't somehow kill me or someone else, right off the bat. Pumps would take many seconds.
>Firearms aren't variable power
Literally wut?
This unironically.
A Glock typically costs $250. Why the fuck would I pay $250 for a firearm when I can't pay $200 for a meal? A bump stock used to cost $100+ before they got politics'd and banned, just like the fucking SPAS-12.
Even if a burglar comes to your home and you use that $250 "investment" to defend yourself, now you have to hire an attorney, pay a retainer fee, go to court, etc, now costing you thousands. Then there are firearms permits, classes, courses, ammo prices, being able to shoot in nanoseconds, etc. All of this costing money and causing problems. And of course we have kids who kill themselves by accident playing with a gun or someone killing themselves with their gun or guns going off. It's uncouth bullshit. All these people who are sluts for firearms on the firearm cock carousel will defend it, Liberal faggot basedboys will oppose it, typical USA bullshit. I don't want to be able to kill a fucking moose with the same thing I do plinking with. I don't want to pay $250 for some fucking firearm. I don't want to see these faggot ass political arguments on my fake news channels when some right wing cocksucking faggot or some left wing cocksucking faggot go spray some other faggots. If I wanted to talk about firearms, I'd have made a firearm thread. I don't even like faggot ass firearms anyway.
We've had this tech for almost a thousand years and you mean to tell me not one standard 12.7mm, burst fire caseless rifle exists? Not one taser pistol that functions like the X12 shotgun exists? Not one electrostun bullet? Not one pulse, plasma or directed-energy gun? Not one folding polymer gun with caseless? Not one voice command gun that changes ammunition types? Not one gun that locks on to heat and automatically fires itself? Not one unique trait to archaic faggot ass guns except integral suppressors and muh freedoms? Not one? Okay, that's why I didn't ask for a faggotarm thread.
At least airguns and the XM25 system have unique traits.
And don't even get me started on bullet bullshit.
We don't have HE bullets. We don't have incendiary rounds that cause fires. We don't have acid bullets or fragmentation bullets or smart bullets with GPS. We don't have trace bullets. We don't have any bullets that inject anything. We don't have powder that causes a blue fireball or a green fireball or a purple fireball. I keep hearing these faggots talking about how I should get a gun and how cool guns are. Show me something to be impressed with. All I'm seeing is banal bullshit.
buddy, people throw this word around a lot, but you genuinely have debilitating autism. i think guns are just not for you, and you should find something else to obsess over.
What the fuck? Autism is putting it lightly.
No mate, you're just a faggot.
When you faggots get something impressive in the firearm scene that actually achieves something that will impress me, then I will buy one.
look, i get that firearms don't turn you on. but the fact that you turned to pellet guns as the answer you needed absolutely mystifies me.
Screw up replacing the seals in your multi pump and it doesn't work. Screw up tinkering with a 3000 psi air cylinder and it blows up and kills you.
Pellet rifles and pistols are better. How many places allow guns or have a no gun policy? How many people want to defend a place or themselves but can't afford a gun? Give security forces pellet rifles. It's the perfect in between alternative between gun and no gun.
.22 is kind of like variable power. Depending on how it feeds, the same weapon may be able to fire .22 LR, .22 long, .22 short, and .22 Flobert.
But the pellet gun can go even lower for small pests, ammo is cheaper, and you can make it totally silent without a tax stamp.
22 shot shells are pretty low energy
>Not one electrostun bullet?
Taser did make a 12ga stun slug. Projected energy weapons are mostly sci fi and are likely to remain that way because physics. Caseless is a stupid meme that offers no advantages, but it's popular with autists for some reason.
Very few places have a no guns policy. Usually it's no weapons of any kind. And a pellet gun is a stupid plan for self defense unless it's your only option. I have a PCP and I'd rather defend my home with a spear.
The X12 Taser Shotgun, I know.
I get that you're memeposting, so here's your (You), but in case you were being serious there's air rifles more powerful than some guns
I wish I could make you chew up a mouthful of teeth. Ideally it would be your own, but then you'd have no teeth left with which to crunch. I'm not sure where, I'd get them, the homeless perhaps. But If I could, I would make you sit and chew up a whole mouthful of someone elses teeth and crunch until they were just little bits. What a terrible poop you'd have also. Anyways, die or whatever
Faggot gaylord
Indeed, and underlines the very point. Now Imagine it
You don't even know what the 2nd Amendment is
stop, just stop
your bb gun isnt going through a half inch of metal
Id be really surprised if it went through 1/2 inch plywood
For hunting? then yes For self defense? no way!
sure it can capable lethal force for killing a man but that shit would be fucking big clunky to use and fucking air tank
>2-3 nigger invade your house
>grab air gun and filling it with air tank
>walking down stair to facing your buglar
>They got your nin switch and your rubber doll then fled like half and hour ago
Sorry to crush your dream man. Slamfire pipe shotgun would be more practical than airgun for self/home defense
thats not what i meant, but okay you stupid sperg.
I like an airgun as a way of putting food on the table during bad times, but not for defensive purposes. The ammo is super cheap, and they are legal to fire in most places, which means even the poorest of poorfags can afford to train a lot in their backyard until they get gud, and can lay down thousands of rounds in reserve. Larger animals, like deer are going to rapidly disappear during bad times, so having a more powerful gun for hunting is largely pointless when you will be mostly shooting at stuff rabbit size or smaller. They are also comparatively quiet (and can be further silenced without legal hassle), so you are less likely to alert nearby threats. So if your concern is simply getting protein into your diet, they are a good choice. If you are intending to use it to defend yourself you are going to be raped to death, and you fully deserve it. You would be better off using it as a club in that case.
what's the difference between this one and the 1377?
Is this more powerful than a russian airgun?
Frenchfag here.
Is this good for defense?
Pic related will probably be more useful for self defence
Come on now. For home defense? Absolutely laughable. For sniping those birds shitting on my car without the neighbors any the wiser? A requirement in any urban household.
Assuming you have a minute prior to defense and a laser sight.