I can only see the price of a complete AR rising, especially after trump leaves office. I had no interest in budget ARs, but at sub $400 i am very tempted just to buy one and maybe make a quick buck when dems get elected or leave it in the trunk of my car / hide it in the attic.
You’re a fucking retard that just admitted he’s thinking about committing a felony act.
Delete this thread, and go buy your POS poorfag gun and shoot yourself in the foot, because that’s basically what you’ve already done.
Nathan Adams
Will it function? Most likely. How long will it function? Might make a magazine, might make 100, it's a crapshoot.
Easton Bailey
The fuck?
Eli Nelson
Wow, I never thought I'd see sub $400 AR-15s.
That being said, it doesn't have any iron sights, and the FSB doesn't have a picatinny rail. So it's still technically not a sub 400 dollar gun, a shitty 80 dollar red dot is mandatory here.
>what is the general opinion on sub $500 ARs
Buy a Smith & Wesson M&P15, enjoy your fantastic backup rifle, call it a day.
Jayden Wilson
this is the textbook definition of a straw purchase
Nolan Rodriguez
DPMS panther oracle is going for 398 with a railed fsb
Luis Martinez
It’s strange that a couple years ago, AK’s were regularly going for this low, and AR’s were considered expensive. Now it’s completely flipped.
Andrew Kelly
Purchasing a gun for someone who is prohibited by law from possessing one, or for someone who does not want his or her name associated with the transaction, is a “straw purchase,” a Federal crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000.
straight from ATF. Go sperg somewhere else
Chase Perez
You should probably look up that definition again, because that is not a straw purchase.
It IS illegal to purchase a firearm with the intent on reselling it for more money, but that isn’t what a straw purchase is.
Isaiah White
>If you don't have the sole intention of never ever re-selling your firearm at the time of initial purchase, you are committing a felony act.
Uh, saying he’s gonna buy it so he can “make a quick buck” on speculation is a far, far cry from going “well, even if I don’t like it, I can always cut my losses by selling it off”
ATF is on here, and guess what? They’re cracking down even harder on non FFL dealers than ever. Again, OP should delete his post, since it’s already evidence that he’s thinking of buying a gun explicitly for resale. I guess I should just let retards be retards, though.
Thomas Wright
>I can only see the price of a complete AR rising
i expect them to be a dime a dozen after all the panic buying comes to an end.
Colton Sanders
What law says that?
Jason Anderson
fuck off schlomo
Liam Cruz
private person to person sales are legal in a lot of states you cuck
That was one of my first ARs I got a few years ago, I was surprised how well it actually held up.
Gabriel Cooper
"Im gonna buy X and resell it during a panic".
I see this stupid fuckin line every day on here. Theres nothing wrong with that you stupid fucking nigger, go be an idiot somewhere else, preferrably pol where you belong
Read this You go be a stupid fucking retard somewhere else too
Christopher Rogers
>being this much of a stupid faggot
>Again, OP should delete his post, since it’s already evidence that he’s thinking of buying a gun explicitly for resale If he buys it, then it's his property. It's not illegal to privately sell your guns or have thoughts about hypotheticals. Jesus you narcs are absolutely insane. Fucking thought police. Go move to the UK, you despicable faggot.
federal law explicitly exempts persons “who make occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”
"I'm adding this item to my personal collection but if my collection goes up in price in the future I will liquidate this item from it" should be perfectly acceptable.