Just finished my first AR build and want to do something really stupid with one thousand dollars.
Why shouldn't I put an ACOG on it if I'm just a mall ninja?
Just finished my first AR build and want to do something really stupid with one thousand dollars.
Why shouldn't I put an ACOG on it if I'm just a mall ninja?
Why buy a shitty optic?
he already bought a shitty gun, might as well complete the package
Trijicon's 1-4 would be a much more practical option, this isn't 2004 anymore.
because browe optics are $500 off their normal price for the first 50 buyers, and apparently nobody has bought any today
>battery operated
>etched glass
>same specs as the ACOG
>$500 less than the comparable acog
You forgot...
>Zero resale value and no idea about the company's future
Don't listen to the poorfags OP. Buy the ACOG. You will not regret it.
Honestly consider buying my own ACOG (to replace an issued shit M68) among the best choices made in my life.
does the military really let you buy and use your own optics?
>buying optics to jew on them instead of buying superior technology that has actually been updated in the past 20 years
Not him, but I was a Muhreen grunt and the answer was a big fat no back in 2008-12. Shit could be different now though(but i highly doubt it). Perhaps spec ops can, idk.
Actually, the price is comparable as Browe's MSRP is fucking high. An ACOG and BCO can be had at the same price.
its more of an unspoken allowance, by the book, it is a no, but many people will look the other way or sometimes officers just don't know any better and think it is allowed
You are going to pay as much or more for a quality optic than you did for your gun.
Depends on the unit. The fact that user bought an ACOG, a known brand to commanders, probably helped in smoothing things over.
I know a dude who replaced his issues ACOG with a sideflip magnifier and Aimpoint, and numerous people who bought RMRs to stick atop issued ACOGs.
yeah but >housing made out of fucking titanium
Honestly differs from unit to unit, and my company gave me the go-ahead.
ive been waiting to buy a trijicon since I impulsively bought an aimpoint a few weeks ago, but now with this browe sale, should i do it?
this, fixed mag. is retarded when lpv exists
what about this solar powered one? auto adjusts for dark rooms, charges for a few seconds and about the size of an aimpoint- $900
Buying an RCO ACOG + RMR was a great upgrade from my Aimpoint. You can often get great deals on used ones and Trijicon has even come out and said that they will repair/recharge the tritium on mil ACOGs that ended up in private hands.
OP here
I like this option way more
Thank you
YW qt
Primary Arms is selling them for $899 for a Memorial Day sale. Saved you $200.
TA31RCO is a pretty decent option and they're not very expensive. You should do it if you don't want a dot or scope