Navy Air > Airforce
Why is this so?
Navy Air > Airforce
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Because, the hardest thing most air fags do is fold a t-shirt
says the guy who never served anywhere
Fact: vietnam and muh gun
Because the airforce isn't necessary lmao. We performed just fine without them before 1946 and we still would. IIRC they are the biggest sink of American tax dollars. The concept they were founded on is outdated too. We no longer need a huge strategic bomber force to fight a nuclear war.
Because the nature of the Navy requires even the flying bus drivers aka transport pilots to have a carrier qual.
Oof ciurse, navy has lots of land based squadrons too but when we're talking F18, F35 or anything else aside from P3s, the Navy needs better fliers for every type of plane because they gotta be able to operate from carriers and that makes a huuuge difference
This. Unironically
Air Force has anyone fly from long, paved runways. And while the Navy has those too, most oft naval flying starts and ends on a carrier deck. That alone weeds out mediocre pilots.
When someone aint good enough for fighter jets, the Air Force still can put him behind the stick of a C17 or a Herc or something. But in the Navy most of the pilots gotta be real good because even the Greyhound-driver gotta catch a three wire at night and rough seas.
The air force spends a lot of effort in important but never actually used functions such as protecting continental US airspace, while navy actually deploys and does things with their planes
>The air force spends a lot of effort in important but never actually used functions such as protecting continental US airspace,
like 9/11
ITT, butthurt sailors upset that the AF gets more kills and moves more cargo every year
We do need shit loads of drones, though.
You make it sound like landing on a carrier is hard. I don't think it would be. Neither of us has tried it, but we know the principles. You land, then go balls to the wall. If you didn't catch the arrestor wire, you just try again. If not, you landed. Take off is even easier, because of the catapults.
I don't think they care about moving cargo. Do you think flying rubber dogshit out of Hong Kong is glamorous?
It's called logistics. It is the most important factor in war.
There are several "most important factors to winning a war". Each one is more important than the last. But flying some shit around the world is hardly impressive.
Just in case you didnt notice: real life landing on a carrier is a little different from your arcade mode simulator you giant mong.
Kek, this exactly. Let's recap what they've said so far:
>air force failed to prevent 9/11, they should have been the ones to prevent it because... airplanes were involved...? i guess?
>only purpose of air force is to fight nuclear war Ok, tell that to the air liaison officer alongside every team of Seals
>delivering cargo to a war zone is not difficult
Becuase the other branches want the headache of maintaining ICBMs right never served?
Landing on a carrier is, indeed, hard. You are landing on a platform with a small window of opportunity in which if you time the constant pitch, roll, surge, and heave incorrectly you could kamikaze yourself into a nuclear-powered ship.
It's not that hard, even navy pilots can do it.
>air force failed to prevent 9/11, they should have been the ones to prevent it because... airplanes were involved...? i guess?
Actually yes.
>didn't need one before 46
>USAAF in name only
>perpetuating carrier ops are hard meme
I bet you listen to the Village People too
Air Force in charge of satellites, icbms, heavy bombers. I’m not knocking the navy but they have different jobs.
Clinically retarded. Neck yourself
I always figured NASA handled satellites.
>da otha airplaynes shuda shot down dose bad airplaynes y diddun they????????
The joke was that nothing was actually operational ready.