looking at buying one of these. Most have safety's due to import regulations, why don't the ones at CF? All the youtube videos guns have safetys
Red pill me on the Yugo M57
It's a pistol that shoots bullets.
Do yourself a favor and buy the superior Makarov
you must be the Makarov guy from a few posts over...
but this one holds 10 rounds, and shoots a 85 gr bullet 1,700 fps
They have trigger safeties so they made it into the country unmolested. Mine arrived covered in cosmoline
Steel core widely available in Canada goes for a few cents a round and goes through level IIIa body armor
how did you get it all off? Gas?
You shouldn’t assume that there is only one Kommando here who appreciates a nice clean mak. The tok was replaced by the mak and good luck finding ammo for it when surplus dries up
Mineral spirits and elbow grease.
Read the description
Sorry to "Trigger" you. Ha.
I have a 1,224 rd Case of Polish 7.62x25 and a bunch of new PPU coming for it...
I have a cugir tokarev, 1XX serial number
Thanks, Komrade
Cool. Where is that from again?
God damnit I have too much vatnik in me, that pic is actually making me hungry
1952 manufacture date
It’s a gun
That is Awesome!
Is it true that they can shoot the same bullet as the broom handled Mauser? Someone told me it is the same with less powder
that cheap? lucky
I bought an m57 from a buddy as my first pistol when I turned 18 (private sale, not ffl), and I never regretted it. It's 110% reliable, as accurate as you would ever need it to be, and it feels great in the hand. 10/10 would recommend. Ammo is a bit expensive since the surplus dried up, but can be found online without too much trouble. The only thing is, if you get one, make sure to buy the sellier and ballot ammo rather than the poi if you're ever gonna use it for something besides plinking. Terminal ballistics and penetrative capability of the S&B are much better due to higher velocity
Phoneposting sucks
They are decent guns. Loudest pistol I've shot though. Ammo isn't as common or cheap as it was when I got mine, and that was the reason I bought it. I'm still sitting on ~800 rounds. Its corrosive though, so it requires extensive cleaning after every time I shoot it.
I'm not sure I'd buy it again though, just because of ammo.
Thanks, I will order S&B