Let's get a thread of ridiculous/obscure/overpriced weird guns that you want for some odd reason. Every time I see the Serbu Super Shorty I feel a strong need for it until I remember it's $1050 for a small mossberg 500 with a tube as a grip.
Dumb/useless guns that you still want
I wouldn’t say it’s a dumb or useless rifle but I still want a M733 even if it doesn’t have a detachable carry handle and what not. There’s far better choices out there for a SBR, hell even Colt realized that and at least put on a RIS handguard and a M4 upper receiver along with a six position stock.
>(un)ironically want this for winter ccw
Mini Draco
Man I can't get over the carry handle for some reason. Feels super limiting
>Tfw you will never own an overpriced magfed 1/4 mossberg
>wanting a detachable carry handle
Eww. If it’s going to have one it better be a proper fixed versiom
>Muh ayy kay nigguh
I have no love for the M4, but God do I want an XM177 clone.
I know right. I feel like such a porch monkey for wanting one
there is no such thing as a dumb or useless gun
change my mind
Seriously? I picked up mine for 700 like 5 years back. But can confirm they are dumb and useless.
I wonder if an american made reproduction of these would actually function more reliably than those.
Aguilla mini slugs my dude. U now have enough for any realistic home defense. And enough time to get your la riot last stand ghetto blaster if the nig mob of 187.2 giga melanoid citizens is committed to burning down your house
>jams more than it fires
You can probably make your own for like 600 including the tax stamp
Serbu claims they're a loss leader, lmao.
And I'd rather have a 45 m&p shield as a last resort gun than the super shorty. I see it solely as a range gun
Chauchat. Useless and yet awesome.
>buy shitty mossy 500 receiver for like $100
>buy shitty pistol grip for like $50
>Buy an 1/8 of a Barrel and mag tube for like $150
>Sell for $1050
>no profit
Maybe some day...
Am I the only one who hates grip safeties? They're such ugly contraptions
And the welding and fore grip just magically appear?
>found Mr.Serbu
That adds like another 50, maybe 75 in value. Still vastly overpriced for what it is
LOL if you can actually machine the fore grip for 50 bucks I'll buy a few off ya. But you cant.
Tiger stripe golden Desert Eagle
Steyr HS 50
I'm not a machinist but it's literally just a tube with some stippling and a hole thru it. Probably done automatically too.
may as well just get one of these if you are going to spend 1000 dollars...
>I'm not a machinist
No shit?
And a spring on rebuilt arms.
or maybe this for 500
Deagles in general tbqh
Mr.Serbu stop lying to us all. We all know the gun isn't even worth $500 especially buying wholesale parts.
this shit looks exactly what i had in the army
A semi custom Model 70 in some excessive safari cartridge like 416 Rigby or 458 Win mag.
I want one despite having no desire to hunt elephants or anything like that. I guess it'd be a conversation starter...
Knurling can be done on a lathe easily. everything else could use a drill-press or mill.
I'd make one myself if I had the time, or cared enough to do so.
>user thinks it's the 1700s where no machining technology nor wholesale parts exist.
I mean it'll be useful if you wanna blow a hole thru a moose
All I'm hearing is anons backing up from actually doing it cause its 'too easy'. If Mark is really making THAT much, whats your excuse?
You can scare away Basketball Americans or other intruders but blowing a huge hole in one of them.
There's a nice Ruger No. 1 in ,458 Win mag that I am just drawn to at my LGS.
Fellow Beretta fag?
Beretta 93R my niggah
Not that useless really but I really need
>Jamal tries to break into your house
>break out the elephant hunting gun
>blast Jamal into 1000 bits
>go blind and deaf
>kill anyone standing within a mile
Kinda worth it actually
It’s kinda a Canadian thing, but dlask makes a nice shotgun
Used to make a 6inch barrel version to I think
They sell it with a pistol grip to but I like my doggo
I mean, there are several things you can use that for...
Zombie Panic Source made me realize how much I need one of these, and it will be mine someday
Wouldnt that be an SBS? What is the legality on under 18" barreled shotguns?
Because I’m a fucking leaf and can’t have a Swiss arms anymore
Fuck trudo
Overall length of 26 inches I do believe
No tax stamp no barrel length requirements just overall
Pistol grip makes it restricted, not that you can use it one handed
You can for a few more months ;^)
Did the leafs make new shitty gun laws
You cant get Swiss imports in Canada either? Damn.
Serves you right for being able to get the Grach when I cant.
Fired from the shoulder and less than an 18 barrel means it's a SBS in states.
Yes, thanks to that one huge faggot.
Because nothing says "reduce gun crime" like putting more restrictions on legal gun ownership and lightening criminal sentences for violent crime.
Yes very open ended shitty gun laws totally not related to your school shootings because an unfortunate event in another country (and I’m quoting the media) is representative of our festering gun problem
Plus our Canadian firearms committee is headed by and anti gun Lobby who is headed by a victim of Polytechnique shooting where men good with guns saved her from a bad man with a gun but she thinks no one should have a gun
If you can find one you can buy it for now.
But you have to register it by the end of June according to the queens horsemen as a prohibited rifle, it’s in the official website before the law even Fucking passes, and only take it to approved ranges.
For now.
As history has proven the prohib class ends up a safe queen not allowed out of the house and when you die it goes into the smelter you cannot pass it on to anyone when you die
Our police will be allowed to make gun laws once bill c-71 passes, and it will pass because we have a liberal majority government and black rifles are scary
This because locked breech .380s are fun as fuck to shoot.
10 gauge
Because fuck shooting twice
it would be a preposterous overuse of force in basically any scenario, but I crave it desperately.
I mean who knows, I might have to fight a terminator.
i will get an airsoft M733
you are like baby
Not in Canada. As long as you don't cut your barrels below 18" (shorter has to be factory made), and it's longer than 26" overall, and it's pump action, anyone with the basic firearms license can own it and take it anywhere it's legal to shoot, I.E. crown land. So short barrel shotguns with fixed stocks are good to go. Also the Memewave and Kek 14 are also legal, but you guys won't export them so we have to build them our own.
All semi auto centerfire guns need to have an 18.5" or longer barrel, as well as the 26" overall length, to be considered the same.
You can have short barrel shotguns with pistol grips, and semi autos with barrels shorter than 18.5", but you have to have a different license (if you can get the standard license, you can get a restricted license as well), but you have to register them and you can only shoot them at approved ranges.
We also have bans and restrictions on certain firearms by name/design, and some weird magazine limits, but that's not worth explaining in this context.
Pic related. Had one shipped straight to my door for $450 as my first gun a few years ago.
I'm sorry user. I hate those fascist gun laws
Keltec 22 mag pistol or FN 5.7 pistol. They're basically interchangeable since the dumbed down 5.7 ammo.
The one hand nonsense was basically a meme started by the ATF and the courts told them to fuck off. The reasoning behind this is because they would technically be saying it's illegal to have 2 hands on a "traditional" pistol without a tax stamp
The proper way to shoot a pistol is with 2 hands on the grip but God forbid you put a grip on the front. ATF is such a bunch of retards man
Newfag here.
What the fuck i am looking at?
New Taurus commissar revolver and bz sea crab
2 glawks
That .22LR drum-fed machine pistol a finnish robber made for himself
They're not too limiting. There's a hole in them, and many red dots have adapters for them. ACOGs can mount right on the handle.
>Upcoming_century_& _taurus_guns.jpg
It just completes the aesthetic
They're ugly okay.
LGS range has a full-retard one for rent but it's rarely there because people manage it break it all the time, yet I still want one.
UnIronically Want
Yea, FFL buddy of mine had one of these for like two years and finally said fuck it and sold it to a regular customer for $600 OUT THE DOOR when he paid more than that for it. The whole "wait for a tax stamp" kinda kills the value on these things.
>long barrel on a Browning action
absolute trash
Arg avast ye matey, you've come to the wrong neighborship.
dubs confirm and I confirm
hell yes
i need to build one of these
They're pretty affordable which is kind of scary, because I've nearly bought one a few times. I know one day I'll end up buying one and regretting it because it's pretty silly.
Mite b fun tho
I want to get one and shoot it like this
to leave the barrel on of course
this is totally not dumb or useless if you are shooting a silhouette match
Unironically beautiful
BIG BOI derringer
There's no way in fuck it costs over $1050 to make one of those things.