My m57 is super innaccurate
( I shoot fine with other pistols). I suspect that the barrel bushing is too lose in the slide, and causes inconsistency. Does anyone have experience with this
Tokarev poor accuracy
Did I fuck up, asking a serious question on Jow Forums?
Everyone makes mistakes. Now do the proper thing an buy a Makarov
Maks are illegal where I live.
Slug the bore.
iirc some of the milsurp m57s had oversize bores.
A round sits at around here, when pushed into the barrel. Does that disprove the bore being too large?
>too lose
Proves the crown is at least close to the right size.
So that leads me to think that the bushing is just loose, and is allowing the barrel to drift between shots. Its loose as fuck compared to my 1911
Could be it.
Bushings are cheap last I checked.
Tokarevs are hard to shoot, honestly. You might just be fucking it up. The grip angle and shape is frankly.... strange, and it can lead to poor shooting.
I really improved shooting mine after thinning the grips doing a high grip cut flattening the trigger and putting a light texture on the front and back strap of the grip.
I was thinking that could be a factor. I find the trigger super heavy and weird. I let my dad, and a guy at the range shoot it, and I saw the same poor accuracy, regardless of the shooter, so I suspect the gun
Try some dry firing practice and see if you can keep it actually on target. I thought mine was horrifically off until I actually tried to learn the thing.
That's what i'm working on rn. I guess time will tell
My old friend had a Tokarev that shot fine until one day it started going all over the place. I suspect something went loose in it.
I might try wrapping a little teflon tape around the threads on the bushing, to snug it up, in the slide
Nyet, pistol is fine. Plus mine isn't 9mm
you have to find a 7.62 they may have sold out. You can also bore out this 9mm
In my experience, those guns don't rely on the bushing for any measure of accuracy. All of the accuracy (and there is plenty) is in the locking lugs and breech face. However, they are difficult guns for people to shoot accurately because of how the trigger stages, and how narrow the frame and trigger itself are.
They are good practice guns because they exaggerate all of your bad shooting habits so you can fix them. But no, putting a 1911 style bushing won't make you shoot it any better.
I have one and it fits real tight in the frame, could solve your problems. I dont use mine but will once I use my .38 SUPER Barrel in the Tokarev
Hunters Lodge Has Tokarev 9mm conversion barrels for sale ..
Then you need the $70 mags and the mag well insert for $90... not worth it!
I prefer the 7.62. Its original, and cheaper to shoot for me.
Just buy a new Zastava M88A. They're like 170 on sale currently.
its the best round for that handgun.
You can use regular tok mags.
>Zastava M88A
spend 4 times that and get this instead
for the 9? Not sure bout dat! No you cant! You need that insert for the mag well! Boolits are smaller
bruh, no. If I want garbage I at least want it to be reasonably priced.
Ive done it.
It works.
get a Star BM!
I might eventually get one of those. I've had a M88 since 2006 though, back when EAA was the importer.
Magazine Well Spacer, 9mm, Conversion - Pin
Attached. Attaches In Magazine Well.
tokarev 9mm magazine
Btw, I'm shooting 7.62 1946 russian milsurp ammo out if the gun (don't know if that matters). I can get a decent group with every other pistol, i've ever shot, but this specific tok, is all over the target, going from high left to low right, and even off the 3'x3' target at 25 yards
could be the old ass ammo! shoot yourself see if it hurts!
I know you moron those exist yes....good job.
You can use the 7.62x25 mags to feed 9x19.
I had a m57 and a m213 at the same time somewhen.
Heres the 213.
Well, Seeing how they have used CZ75 compacts looks like I'll be passing on the BM again.