Hello Jow Forums, the front sight fell off my Walther and i cant get it stay on. any ideas of how to fix it?
Hello Jow Forums, the front sight fell off my Walther and i cant get it stay on. any ideas of how to fix it?
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Dab of blue loctite.
here it is with the sight on it. but it slides off really easily. how can i make it stay there?
how heat resistant is that?
I've done it to my revolver front sight, and it hasn't fallen out.
ill have to give it a try then. thanks user
Dont use fucking loctite and definitely DO NOT use fucking jb weld.
You have to peen the dovetail slot with a center punch.
jbweld will work its just going to look like shit
Unless you can just get a larger front sight. My 10/22 front sight fell out and they sent me a slightly larger one that took some work to get into place. Would a shim work? As a cheap solution
Yeah and arc welding it in place would work too but it isnt the right way to do it and it would look like turbo shit.
Peening it will fix it....no need for a shim no need for a new sight.
All you need is a sharpish piece of metal thats harder than the slot and a heavy item to hit it with.
Most people would probably prefer not to have to peen and without experience it is easy to make a mess of the finish
You consider the inside of the dovetail slot as an important part of your finish?
Go watch some Larry MOTHERFUCKING Potterfield my friend.
Is it not finished? Mine all have been
You are fucking with me right?
>temporarily fixing
I'll pass
Ugh jesus if you dont half ass it its not temporary.
Whatever fucking gorilla glue your sight on or whatever bubba.
>using a shim or oversived front sight is bubba but deforming metal isn't
Goddamn it.
No the shim and new sight arent a bubba solution.
holy shit you're still alive
You are some kinda fucking stupid. Just jb weld the sight back on, you’ll never even notice how shit of a job it is you fucking mouth breather
why shouldnt i use locktite?
Threadlocker isnt glue. If you are absolutely against peening it, just use a shim.
Bruh. That is -literally- what thread locker is, an alternate application to the shit is for mating flat surfaces, it's on the bottle.
Im surprisingly hard to kill.
Do whatever I dont care anymore.
Threadlocker IS glue. How the fuck do you think it locks threads? Magic? It works better than other glues in this application because it's activated by contact with metal.
OP, this is correct: There are two ways to do it. You can either deform the dovetail inwards slightly with a broad punch (1/4" or so) which will tighten it up, or you can use a center punch INSIDE the dovetail to raise a burr underneath the sight, which will also tighten it up. I prefer the former method as it results in more meat in contact with the sight.
It won't hold indefinitely.
If you don't want to do like the brownells video above, see pic related. If you knock the edges of the dovetail down, you create more friction with the sight. It doesn't take much, the difference between falling out and nicentite probably won't be visible by eye so go slow if you use this method.
Red in a dovetail holds pretty well while still being removable if you so wish with a punch and hammer. I even did a test with some old loose fitting XS big dots using only red locktite and no setscrew. 3,000 rounds and it's still stuck cock stiff.
But you're right peening is the proper method, not everyone's got that kind of confidence to take a hammer to their gun though, so I understand OP's reservation.
Loctite will work but it's not shock-proof and pistols are violent. Plus Loctite is designed to wick so it's unlikely to get a clean install with no drippage or seepage, it'll be visible in the tiniest cracks and corners around the sight even after you wipe it up or use solvent because you can't get a towel or Q-tip in those tiny spaces.
Youre wasting your time.
You're right. I was gonna test Rocksett for the same application when this failed just as a "how much -can- it take." kind of thing, I'm pretty impressed so far with just regular ass locktite brand red. My gun doesn't have a loose dovetail, someone just overfilled this site, which is why I'm messing with this crap, I can run it out with a thumb's pressure.
I never said anything about it being the right fix, only that it worked.
A thumb's pressure prior to locktite, that is.
Green loctite is the best solution for this.