When was the last time the US went up aginst an actual army? Not just insurgents with Russian and Chinese small arm hand me downs, but an actual enemy military with its own armor, planes, artillery, etc?
When was the last time the US went up aginst an actual army...
Korean war
Desert Storm
We kicked the shit out of them.
Iraq invasion 2003
>Conscripts with Chinese rifles and kit-tanks desperate to surrender
2003, child.
The last time the US military actually engaged a combined-arms opposing force was Korea.
Iraqi Air Force was inoperable and performed no offensive actions in 2003.
Quite false
The answer OP is 2003. The technical term in Doctrine for equivalent force on force in your context is Symetrical warfare. We invaded against Saddam's infantry, armor, and artillery and pushed his shit in.
The US excels at Symetrical warfare, don't be alluded to the meme that Asymetrical/COIN has weakened the military. The enlisted soldiers and commissioned officers are trained from their incoming, and through their careers to fight outside of counter insurgency ops.
>the US couldn't fight a modern army because they lost experience fighting goat hearders.
People actually believe this.
so what? OP asked if they had them, not if they were operable.
It has an Air Force. It wasn’t our fault Arabs can’t do maintenance.
>The answer OP is 2003
>No combined Iraqi arms engagements in the entire war.
>Just repeated pockets of soldiers on the verge of surrender
"""actual military"""
They were an actual military. Literally a uniformed military of the state.
Them not being up to your arbitrary standards is your own problem.
Nice try, Satan. It's not an Army if it doesn't fight back.
The only people fighting on their side were in civvies. It was a no show, hence not an actual army.
The Serbs back in the 90s had a proper military, it didn't make much difference though.
Here's a better fucking question:
When was the last time any developed country went to war and fought against any sort of army?
Iran/Iraq war in the '80s. Both were similarly equipped and ground each other into dust.
Korea was the last time shit got really real. Everything since then has been fighting rebels, insurgents, shitty proxy wars or just so one sided it might have been a military exercise.
yes it is.
Georgia 2008? Rather limited conflict though
>the US couldn't fight a modern army because they lost experience fighting goat hearders.
>People actually believe this.
considering those people are the ones ranting to the public about it at their retirements, its worth looking into.
we devoted R&D into stopping IEDs not MLRS, we developed weapons to fight in the desert, not to fight electronic warfare systems.
at least one general said we are going to pay the price of forgetting about our rivals for the last 20 years
does kosovo count at all? it seemed like most injuries were friendly fire though
It counts as training with live munitions
>When was the last time the US went up aginst an actual army?
Rivals are the navy's problem. Something has gone seriously amiss if we're landing boots on China when we can cripple them from afar and have their own populace overthrow the government in the chaos.
how are separatists comparable to a properly trained military...
>The only people fighting on their side were in civvies.
Outright lie.
> muh Fedayeen
Sorry, I forgot about the guys in Darth Vader helmets
separatists armed by the russians, and fighting alongside russians.
It was the fourth largest army in the fucking world user, stop embarrassing yourself
Sauce on that gun, my dude
NVA was a regular army.
That's a tavor.
So it is, I'm a tard
No such country.