>18 week course
Have they cut that down too, or did the journalists get it wrong?
They just gotta cut the whole gender shit out. Why is this even a news article? Who cares?
Maybe the first one is a transferee from another cap badge and is skipping what they consider "basic" training, meaning she has not done the same course as the men at all.
RAF Regiment training. I believe they do that, then their trade course. It adds up to about the same length as CIC. You can see their capbadge in the picture.
Actually getting a woman through CIC, properly? Not a chance. CIC is still, I'm glad to say, hard as nails.
Didn't think of that. Icing on the cake though.
>insert someone who's already physically inferior and has been trained to a lower standard into the middle of combat infantry course
Although from what I was hearing it's now basically pussified to the extent it's impossible to actually fail, guess that's why she had to quit to get out. I hope all that isn't true though.
Are you sure? Lightweights and old boots, combat high or whatever they were called make me think those are just stock photos. Also does anyone, even the TA/Reserves, get issued a rifle without at least a SUSAT now? And the old STANAG mags.
And is it? I left in early 2017 and I know how bad rumors are for spreading but the blokes that had just come through were definitely sub standard. IIRC people were saying the CFT wasn't a requirement to pass and neither was the PFA, amongst other things like a crackdown on bayonet.
>Are you sure? Lightweights and old boots, combat high or whatever they were called make me think those are just stock photos
Those are stock photos, but if you read the article it's RAF Regiment training that she left. RTUd to her previous trade, which I believe was RAF Mover.
>Also does anyone, even the TA/Reserves, get issued a rifle without at least a SUSAT now? And the old STANAG mags.
Reserve Basic (it's not called Alpha/Bravo anymore, we're back to Basic) use irons. All the Reserve depots use irons. Units, however, all have at least SUSAT. Even UOTC types.
>and I know how bad rumors are for spreading but the blokes that had just come through were definitely sub standard
Which Regiment? I was DS at Catterick until last year.
>IIRC people were saying the CFT wasn't a requirement to pass and neither was the PFA, amongst other things like a crackdown on bayonet.
I just wanted to prance around in a cute uniform, the training is really hard.
>A female Marine officer made history Monday by becoming the first woman to graduate from the U.S. Marines Corps’ demanding Infantry Officer Course.
This was in 2017. I think she is so far the only one to pass the course. Personally, I think it is a bad idea to have women in active combat roles, but if they can pass the training, with the same standards, then it makes my argument much less convincing.
>implying she would have passed near anything the required standard.
It was reported that she passed the same standard as the men, but there is no way for us to really know. Before she was commissioned, many failed, and the number of applicants was very low. This looked bad and there was some political appeasement. So it is possible she was given a pass, but her wanting to remain anonymous is a good sign imo.
They actually lowered the standards, just for her.
Really, I read they didn't... sauce?
Not the same user but they've been doing that for years. Look at the PRT standards for the Navy that have been in place forever. Women's standards are blatantly MUCH lower than men's becasue vagina. It's not much of a stretch for other branches to start doing it.
>with the same standards
And there's the problem. There are already official male and female standards, and guess which are lower, before you even get to all the unofficial little concessions they get. They make an organization made to fight and win wars weaker, I don't know how that's ever been accepted.
I know, the APFT standards for women are pitiful, and I am sure it is the same in the other branches. However, the Marines made a big deal about not changing the standards for the Infantry Officers and allegedly a woman passed.
>but now idk
Just looked up passing APFT women scores aged 22-26
>17 push-ups
>19:36 Two Mile Run
>50 Sit Ups
>19:36 Two Mile Run
I havent worked out seriously for a while and i could pass that its really poor.
>Why is this even a news article? Who cares?
The people who are pushing the idea that diversity is our strength are the exact kind of people who push these articles and care.
Western civilization won't deconstruct itself, user
why are you laughing at her failure would you like it if some one came alughed at you when you take your penir out
it's a shame she failed
>would you like it if some one came alughed at you when you take your penir out
Yes that is my fetish
I mean are you male? An eleven year old boy could do this.
At least she respectfully quit instead of being a little whiny bitch. Or being forced in by superiors wanting to increase the female quota.
Seriously, she failed and didn't make a gender drama about it, which is the really easy way to go nowadays. Kudos.
I am not laughing at her, I am laughing at another instance of the rabid progressivists failing at trying to shove women into yet another facet of society that they don't belong.
I'm a skinnyfat fuck who sits in an office chair all day and I could beat these scores
>19:36 Two Mile Run
feminists will screech about how the physical requirements are misogynistic and oppressive.
Compared to passing male standards
>42 push-ups
>15:54 Two Mile Run
>53 Sit Ups
Of course, if you weren't maxing your APFT you were a huge faggot.
I could meet those requirements when I was a kid....
>be terribly out of shape
>all my male peers lol at me as they are pt studs
>want to be number 1 real bad
>wear a wig and say I'm a grill
>dominate all the womxns with my testosterone enhanced physique
>become queen of all the marines
nice thumbnail fagola
I've been running for all of three weeks, and already can beat that
>Her resignation is a huge blow to officials who are determined to integrate women
Why though? They just said "fuck it, women can join," their hands are clean, whether or not a woman actually can or cannot cut it is not their problem.
Have you ever chased an 11 year old? Little fuckers are fast.
never,because i'm not a pedophile.
Tits or gtfo
Wasn't she the one that was hand picked to try? IIRC she was a Marine brat and the brass had been working with her for years to get her ready for the course so they could finally have a woman pass.
What other facets do they not belong, Muhammad?
tbqh I dont give a shit whats between your legs. if you complete the same courses with the same standards do whatever you want
> Not wanting women in the military means you're muslim
this isn't fucking funny mate.
This means they'll drop training requirements for women and we'll have a less effective infantry.
They SHOULD adopt a longer training cycle and integrate recruit training into extended infantry training cycle, giving ALL candidates greater potential to adapt and excel physically while advancing combat skills development over the extended duration, with female candidates who succeed becoming the positive benchmark for what can be achieved.
It is unnatural to give women the same physical expectations as men, because while some may be able to meet the same fitness requirements, those requirements are typically relative to weight, where physical tasks and loads completed and carried throughout the training regime are typically uniform outside of bodyweight PT exercises.
But simultaneously, reducing the physical workload expected of any soldier gender regardless, has the potential to increase risk to that soldier while performing typical infantry duties, leading to injuries in the field, and the potential to exaggerate already bad circumstances in combat,
Increasing the duration of the training cycle to permit physical adaptations to exercise would also reduce the risk of training related injuries, and give candidates the potential to excel at theory and practical exercises, increasing combat effectiveness.
But they will probably just reduce workload for female candidates because it's cheaper then the proven and unbiased alternative.
They changed the ruck from a Pass/Fail event required to complete the course to a scored event that one could perform poorly on but still pass. It was the major hurdle stopping women from passing. Coincidentally they changed it just in time for her to pass.
You do the math.
(((they))) care user
Roasties btfo
Women are a joke lmao
The day female recruits pass all the same standards I did when I went in circa 2003 is the day I'll say I was mistaken. Until then women have no place in combat units
she should make me a sandwich.
There is nothing more dangerous than a dull knife.
Is that women push ups? Not to pull my own dick or anything but I can comfortably and consistently do 50 after like 2 weeks of practice a few months back.
when you raise a culture of feel good sissies that are ignorant to the nuances that make up the nature of violence so you enact a bunch of ridiculous laws that get you lambasted and mocked on social media by basement dwellers and normies alike, ensuring loss of credibility in the government
Sure if you want giant fucking open wounds instead of clean skin breaks.
I got to see retarded women in the marines. Just the presence of one female, no matter how ugly, completely upsets the cohesion of a unit because retarded lance corporal fucks just need to get her attention so they might have a chance to sniff her tuna reeking snatch. It might have been tolerable in non combat units but that high school gf/bf feuding bullshit is going to spread
:36 Two Mile Walk
Least she had the balls to own up and say it was too much and didn't blame anyone or beg for a free pass.
I gotta give respect she wanted to take advantage of a door open (that shouldn't have been) and just couldn't hack it and owned up.
If only more women were like that.
Wound from dull knives are pretty brutal.
Women in the military aren’t a problem, even in combat roles. My country (Mexico) has allowed women to serve in combat roles for over ten years now. You can get brownie points from normies for letting women join AND you don’t have to put your troops in danger. This is how you do it:
>let them go through the course
>congrats you made it
>never actually deply them
The military has been out on the streets because of the drug war for over ten years now and I’ve never seen a woman manning a checkpoint or patrolling a street. The only time I’ve ever seen women in uniform is during humanitarian relief missions and parades. It’s perfect.
Pic related, they’re taking the subway to the Independence Day parade
> A train car full of hot latinas fully strapped for combat
Think of a dull knife as a collection of smaller knives all lined up.
Pic related is a razor blade. A blade is "sharp" when there's little variation in the geometry of the edge. A blade dulls usually because the blade becomes misaligned. This causes more drag when it cuts something, but the damage it causes to cells because far more traumatic.
But wouldn't the streets of Juarez be worse then anything you'd find on deployment?
becomes* far more traumatic.
20 minute 2 miles? That's like...a light jog, the fuck?
Of course you could, it's the bare minimum, and where the standards argument falls apart. If you're a soldier in combat arms only meeting the requirements to pass, the standard that people harp on about, you'll find yourself in deep shit.
To add to this, they learn how to shoot and do basic tasks like that. They’re never activated, but they’re basically reservists. It never hurts to have more of your population that can pick up a gun and put up resistance in case your country gets invaded.
There are a lot of roles in the military that women can fill that are non-combat. I really don't get the obsession with being a front-line combatant. It's not an enviable role, especially when you have a biological handcap for it.
The military in mexico is shit, marineros are probably the only exception and juarez isnt that bad anymore but the military wasnt really patrolling juarez as much when it was, alot of federal niggas mostly
The only requirement is that they don’t have kids and aren’t married.
That’s not even what they’re called, I don’t think you know what you’re talking about. Yeah, the marines are better trained, but the army is fine too.
>19:36 two mile run
I could do twice that in the same time and i'm barely Jow Forums
>The only requirement is that they don’t have kids and aren’t married.
That's actually smart
Doubtful. Two miles in 20 minutes isn't impressive, but four miles in the same time puts you at a 5 minute mile, which isn't superhuman, but that is cooking.
that is one seriously cursed image
im glad someone saved this, ive only seen it posted 3 times by people other than me in my entire Jow Forums career
Not a bad plan
>that picture
I hadn’t seen it in years
I used to work on a concrete crew, and I guaran-fucking-tee you an average woman could not cut it for more than a week or so. Hell, most guys couldn't
Office judge advocate general
There is nothing wrong with serving where you can do the most good.
I’m all for giving all women in the service combat training. But front line combat units should be men only.
I worked in Nuevo León and I've seen women in checkpoints and patrols.
They sorta lied; they lowered the standard for men as well, a two legged cat named Lucky coulda walked the course and been in the Top Ten
S oi-vey spotted
Not the same guy but, you don't hang out with your cousins? Little brother? Fuck, not even the kids at the Church Small Groups? You can run around with kids and not be a pedophile, just gotta be not-creepy bout it
La Mao!
>You can run around with kids and not be a pedophile,
Not if you're a male in modern America.
beta virgin detected
I can beat that easily, hell i'm pretty sure my fiancé can beat that and I had to carry her for the last 2 kilometers of a 14k run, I would hardly call that training
All female USMC officer entrance standards are lower.
The standards should be the same, because there's an understanding that a marine female is physically less reliable than a male. To the corp's credit, they try to put women in recruiter/office jobs... But then this is also annoying, because you get to be interviewed by someone that can't even do what you're being selected to do.
Sôy böy detected
Stay out of our brotherhood. OOH-RA!
>user is barely fit and runs four consecutive sub-5 minute miles
Those quezaqoqceccaccocatcl carabines are kind of nice, and certainly not G36 clones.
The OP pic says it all. Look at the guy behind her. He's not even a big guy, and look at the difference in muscle tone.
Two mile ""run""
A dull knife may create more grievous flesh wounds, but a sharp knife is more likely to kill you if it cuts an artery as it is more difficult for the sides of the wound to catch on each other and stem the bleeding.
I never want to see that again what the fucking fuck
>The only requirement is that they don’t have kids and aren’t married.
Fucking genius