you are a chest rig guy so you don't need molle on your PC right? here you go. or 5.11 plate carrier, comfy as fuck, but also pretty thicc because of all the comfy foam
Julian Collins
but a soft body armor gives you the most bang for the buck, something that you will actually wear.
Jack Hernandez
I did one a few years back. I'm pretty sure I used this link.
You may need to tie down some points with extra rope though. I remember one of the straps coming loose, though that may be because of shoddy tieing. I did assemble really late at night.
Mason Martinez
current plate carrier set up. Satisfied with how it is atm, switched out the TQ pouch with an IFAK easier to reach(right hand side) also switched out some of the pulltabs for the AAC.
What's your opinion about german company Mil-Tec? Shit or not?
Benjamin Richardson
these are some cool set up user. what is the thing in front of your chest? and what is the electronic thing on the botton right side?
Adrian Johnson
middle is a Juggernaut case for the Samsung S7. bottom right is a Silynx c4ops PTT unit
Dominic Baker
which "molle"?
if it's the Molle on the outside of the pouch, that "pals webbing" is not designed to have pouches and things attached to it only perhaps a tournequit rubber banded to it .
i have used both the EMT and EMT lite pouches for years, and have ZERO issue with the PALS webbing used to attach the back to my plate carrier.
i would never be stupid enough to trust the PALS webbing on the outside for proper load bearing purposes.
Nicholas Sanchez
Getting rid of some stuff on armslist, and a guy offered me a set of these on trade.
Multicam is still cool, right? If probably wind up just using the pants for most of my shooting.
>recommending 5.11 tac-tec Stop >not being able to use pouch attachment ladder system webbing for attaching pouches Seems like a flawed product to me, buckaroo
Would I be crazy for saying $100 plus the set for the RX01? I'm hoping to get $150 for it ideally, but it being armslist I priced higher to be lowballed at $150.
it is a RIPAWAY pouch, using hook and loop; [a] pouch btw, when full of shit can come detached if the weight is not balanced, should one actually attached something of note on the outside (other molle pouches)
the condor EMT pouch (both regulate and lite) have molle on the sides for tourniquet pouches, shears.
there's a reason that most other manufactures of ifaks of similar design no longer have said pals webbing on the outside.
so, yes, other than glow sticks and tourniquets rubber bands, WHY would anyone mount a pouch or something heavy to the outside of a rip away pouch?
unless you have webbing the bong pack will put a lot of stress on your spine. Youtube it, there are a tone of videos on how to integrate molle II shit to your alice frame.
H hanress looks like garbo. what are you looking to do with it, and why are you looking at condor?
pretty garbo somethings are okay but generally it's trash
I think you’re gonna have to expect to pay 300 for decent plastics, especially if you want multi curve
Matthew Sullivan
>Juggernaut case ever used that shit?
Blake Watson
any recommendations?
William Hernandez
I'm an eurofag looking for a black harness or LBV to attach to my war belt. Most shops carry Condor or Mil-tec. There's also possibility to get milsurp british PLCE, but it's either olive or woodland...
Brayden Morris
Why do you eurofags like black kit are you trying to blend in with the rapefugees? you can always dye suspender to match your blacked kit. yeah, I was about to suggest getting a PLCE 6-point for your war belt.
What is /gq/s recommended brand of skinny jeans. My Levi 511s are needing to be replaced.
Isaiah Long
I personally use 5.11's slim fit pants. Nothing special about them
Justin Cooper
jnco jeans is the offical jeans of /gq/
Colton Long
These are issue, I got some at RFI. They fade faster than the non-fireproof ones, but that's fine. Pretty comfy. I think the overall cut is baggier and more shapeless than the new camo pattern ACUs and the construction is slightly worse.
that case looks slick. 60 bucks for the case and 20 to 70 for all kind of mounts, too bad im not high speed enough to use all these cool stuff. maybe i can get a wrist mount to use my phone when riding my bicycle
Cooper Cook
What is the most aethetic camo and why is it alpenflage?
Camden Cook
Fuck of surplusshit, you're no longer welcome on Jow Forums.
Adam Jackson
pretty nice. I carry a stylus in one of my shoulder pockets. Much easier to use when you have gloves on and in general.
James Harris
dude, why don't you just try to sell it on ebay man. Let the freemarket to bid it for you. Check the ebay's firearm part condition and agreement first tho.
Adam Roberts
sometime i wonder why are we not running a /yardsale/ thread on Jow Forums because most of us are too poor to have a cryptocurrency wallet?
Xavier Hill
>will never happen DURR HURR something something JESUS something something DEGENERACY durrrhurrr
Ayden Adams
alpenflage is wierd try tiger stripe, OD green, or even just US woodland
so does he think that the sight magically makes the bullet go where its pointing?
Michael Scott
Fucking rad, thanks man
Samuel Rogers
Jose Richardson
I have soft armor in a small iotv and the front soft armor of a large iba. I had been thinking after my cummerbund mod about making medium sapi backers, but the idea of making an lvs type carrier sounds pretty cool.
Does anyone have experience with the Särmä Assault Pack from Varusteleka ? There doesn't seem to be any reviews on it other than on their website. It honestly seems quite decent for its price and as a simple edc bag.