Sell it, trade it, buy it, boys.
Selling my Level IV plates and carrier. Will reply to the OP with deets.
/bst/ Buy - Sell - Trade General
Plates are NIJ IV rated, 10x12, shooter's cut. They're Highcom Guardian 4SAS7s. They're unused, they've just sat in my closet in my carrier. $315 for the pair, Continental US only obviously I don't wanna get raped by ITAR.
Also selling my carrier, a Ferro Slickster (last gen) in multicam, still has the clips for chest rigs. Pics incoming on that.
$75 for the slickster.
If you want to buy the plates and carrier together, I'll knock the total down to $375 so I don't have to sell multiple things.
I've got a Glock 22 I'd trade for almost any other firearm. PA/NJ area.
please email me 686 and enfield guy
2nd gen LMT stock for clonebois
the tacticool laser for a Walther P22
would anyone be interested in aftermarket sks parts?
What do you want?
Want to do an appleseed, but my only .22 is a marlin 60. Should I spending ~100 for tech sights and swivel mounts, or sell it and buy a 795 or something?
Looking to get a Glock 17 or 19, willing to buy but I have a few items to trade as well
spend, was going to write bother spending
Geisssele mk8 13" black rail. Brand new. $200.
Would prefer to trade for something.
What are you looking for user?
Im interested
Mausers, shotguns, lever action 357, 357 revolvers, optics, garand ammo, reloading gear, chest rig/carrier set up.
I've got a mauser and ammo I can sell you
Also I'm in Iowa.
Anyone have any .303?
SGammo has some decent shit in stock
Something smaller or in a different caliber, maybe longguns
I need a bayonet lug
anyone tryna sell an ak wire folder or surplus stock?
Selling Preduzece 44 Kar 98k
Enfield NoIV MkII
I’m a stupid phone poster at work so no pics but email me at [email protected] if interested.
Enfield is $400+ ship not &450
is that supposed to be gmail or just mail
Just mail
k I already sent it
1932 hex receiver nugget with bayonet and ammo pouch PA area $160
Shield kydex iwb right hand holster
$20 shipped
Will you ship?
dont know how it works never done it before
Damn. I'm in Indiana (the state). I was planning on traveling to PA in a few months.
He said no international shipping you tard, go listen to punjabi MC
Anyone wana buy a Glock 35 or Howa 1500 in .308?
scan your ID, put a printout in the box, send it to the FFL the guy says using UPS or Fedex and tell them theres a gun in the box when they ask.
Thats it
or take it to an ffl and ask them to ship it for you.
do you know about how much the charge to ship it is?
Post a pic or two?
looking for a cz 455 ultra lux if anyone has one
got an email friendo?
anyone selling milsurp rifles in Colorado?
I've got one
I got you senpai we can discuss price just shoot me a price
[email protected]
I will pay good money for an R4 buttstock and an R4 gas tube.
Anyone here from Odessa Tx selling milsurp?
What parts?
WTB: stupidly cheap .22 lr gun, 380 brass and 12g shotgun hulls
Selling Arsenal SM-13 rail for $125.
Has some wear marks.
What kind of pistols does it fit?
Also isn't kydex a meme and breaks ezpz
Also I'm looking for a Hi Power or clone. Willing to spend between 250 and 350, doesnt have to be super pretty just working without major issues.
Selling my non-clone Mk18 upper.
Aero Upper Receiver
DD 10.3" CHF bbl (correct port size)
Geissele Super Gas Block
Surefire 3 prong
Make an offer
Also comes with tangodown fde stubby vert grip because I don't feel like taking it off
>ask them to ship it for you.
and pay an extra fee
Shield, idiot
Unfired SLR-106. Comes with either the magenta handguards or black polymer. Asking 1000~1100 depending on what you want.
I'll gib 700$
Yeah sure if you got it
Fuq I have no reading comprehension do I
Kys newfag. That's not how gun values work, you're not getting an SLR for the price of a WASR
Fine $500. Less than a WASR. I want to let you know, I am not very happy about the new price offer.
$200 shipped for the pair.
Lvl 4 medium Sapi
those are neither SAPI, nor ESAPI
And for the record, SAPI is lvl 3 and ESAPI is lvl 4
you dont know what you are talking about
SAPI and ESAPI refer to mil issue
everything else is just Sapi shaped
I have a nickel plated Smith and Wesson Regulation Police chambered in 32 long. What will you offer?
Sapi spec size 9.5x12.5. Defeats 30.06AP
when you're wrong and you know it clap your hands
Wow, cool. Now buy them
still selling them at $350 like the other day?
For you, the rest $200
Email me
david . fanci AT gmail
or just type it
Anyone in Indiana got an M1917 Enfield they are willing to sell?
Fucking asshat, you just want people to chase after you offering shit to you can pick and choose and decline like Ceaser or somefuck.. Well here it is: How about cock, you want cock? You'll like this cock you Glock faggot.
>Selling Preduzece 44 Kar 98k
Condition? What State?
Fuck that, put it in a box and ship USPS, they can not ask what's in the box except for: anything flammable, chemical, explosive, yadda yadda
Show me the man willing to pay $700 for a WASR and I will show you a fucking imbecile. If you pay more that $350-$400 for a WASR you need to die by it. (And likely will, har har)
Still $650 for the Howa?
and if its lost you dont get any insurance
Galil parts kit $250 plus shipping.
Anyone got a brushed chrome or stainless Desert Eagle in .50 AE that they would be willing to sell for a non retarded price?
Preferably one without the bottom rail and if possible without any rails.
Century built Polish Tantal on Nodak Spud receiver. Two polish issued mags included, one metal one poly, bipod, extra wood stock and original box/test fire casing included.
$700 + 25 ship.
Correct 5.45 barrel, no keyholing, accurate with almost zero recoil.
Where have you been? WASR is at 550+ now
That looks exactly like a tantal that I handled over the weekend up in Fairfax VA...
I think Tantalanon is in IN
more like $650+
Yeah if you don’t spend anytime shopping around.
That, or I'd trade the Glock for almost anything. Maybe calm down a little bit.