I know normies mean well, but if one more wishes me a "Happy Memorial Day" I'm gunna snap. It's about as appropriate as going into a funeral and passing out party hats and kazoos.
I know normies mean well, but if one more wishes me a "Happy Memorial Day" I'm gunna snap...
Normalfags are retarded user, that they can say such things so flippantly means the dead can rest easy knowing that freedom still exists
What else would they say though? Solemn memorial day? Sad memorial day?
You should be happy they're happy. You and your friends fought for Israel so they don't have too
literally nothing? quiet remembrance is the point
You're projecting your interpretations of Memorial Day onto normies. It doesn't matter that you are 'correct,' that doesn't make them stupid.
They don't mean ill and you should stop allowing this petty shit to stick to you.
Joyous Memorial Day and a Merry Veterans Day, you fucking spaz.
Happy Memorial Day, user
I know, I bite my tongue. It's the thought that counts, and they mean well. Today is just a dark day for me.
>sign a peice of paper
>bitch when people make a holiday about you signing said paper
Something tells me you're an asshole.
That's just it. Memorial Day isn't about me.
You know how spics celebrate the day of the dead? It's the same concept.
Happy Memorial Day, OP!
Who's it about?
Thank you for your cervix OhPee
>Genuinely believing that your dead brothers would actually want you to spend your extra day off wailing a dirge instead of balancing your solemn remembrance with grilling red meat and drinking whiskey.
If that's what works for you, user, then you do you.
Too bad you didn't die
Cheer up and celebrate, OP!
this desu, happy memorisrael day
Isn't Memorial Day like ANZAC Day? Here on ANZAC Day you're supposed to remember their sacrifice, not party. Drinking is OK (even encouraged) but partying or making a sport out of the occasion isn't on.
Happy Memorial Day queerfag
People don’t party BECAUSE it’s Memorial Day, they party because it’s a 3 day weekend at most jobs
Happy Memorial Day, user!
Well that's not on. Have a drink with your mates, don't drink until you're singing the national anthem of the Soviet Union backwards hanging off a light pole.
Also Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of the summer so if you're not an alcoholic it means special times ahead
Happy Memorial day. ; ^)
Man up, fuck boy.
Are you hoping people have an UNhappy Memorial Day?
People not knowing/caring about the meaning doesn't bother me near as much as people getting the meaning wrong, typically retarded women on FaceBook reminding everyone that their retarded son joined the Army after he was fired from his job at the warehouse for showing up drunk a week straight.
Went to Home Depot on Saturday to buy orbital buffer stuff, counted at least 8 guys with MUH SERVICE shirts/ ball caps on. I did chat with an ARVN vet though, fucking cool guy.
>sign up to play world invader:Israels dog of war
>friends die doing so
>"I am a hero! Stop wishing me a happy day! My friends died for yer freedumbs!"
Fuck off.
>I know normies mean well, but if one more wishes me a "Happy Memorial Day" I'm gunna snap. It's about as appropriate as going into a funeral and passing out party hats and kazoos.
What the fuck are we fighting for if not for the right of dumbasses to get shitfaced and wear American flag shorts
Why can't we celebrate a funeral though? Why must we be taught that death is a terrible thing? Death is as natural as birth or sneezing. There is literally nothing wrong with death, it is the disillusion of the illusionary thing we call "ourselves". Personalities, ego, that thing that we think is "us" is illusionary. Ego, personality, is as real as a telephone number. It only exists in our "minds".
There is nothing wrong with having an ego, a personality, the problem arises when we forget that we are not this thing which we become bamboozled with and think that we are only the ego. We are the totality of things. Everything. We are not just our voluntary actions. We are everything that is involuntary as well. The sun shining, our hair growing, the heart beat and our breath. The earth growing all this life. We are all of it. We are continuous with the universe in the same way a wave is continuous with the ocean. We are something the universe is doing in the same way a wave is something the whole ocean is doing.
Death is fine and there would be nothing wrong with celebrating a funeral. Hooray! one should say! The ultimate liberation! Just so we can do it all over again!
>What the fuck are we fighting for
Military industrial complex profit.
Politician kickbacks.
Destabilization of the middle east.
Forced refugee crisis'
That's what the government is fighting for. Your average soldier joins for a paycheck.
That is the outcome of their efforts though, when someone asks what the purpose of their fighting is I am not going to respond that the only result was their paycheck.
The paycheck was their incentive to light the world aflame and they did it gladly.
Huuurrr duuurrrr nuh muh Israel fuuuuurrr duuurrrr hurrrr Israel.
That's what you sand nigging niggers sound like. Careful don't poop today because if you keep pooing you are contributing to the toilet industrial complex jew and Israel wins again. You're going to have to never poo again. And wear your tinfoil hat.
>Huuurrr duuurrrr nuh muh Israel fuuuuurrr duuurrrr hurrrr Israel.
This is the level of discourse the bootlicker is capable of.
The absolute state of statists.
That's strange user, you guys don't do somber things on Memorial day?
Up here we usually have minutes of silence and memorials.
How is this the one thing we are less cucked on.
Happy Memorial Day, user!
The dead.
Damn burger idiots.
It's just retarted ameritards user, they wouldn't know that meaning of reflection if it bit them.
Basically, it started after the Civil War and then got reinvigorated after WWI. For all people say America didn't do anything in WWI it was still the third deadliest war in the nation's history and then right after everyone got Spanish Flu and 800,000 Americans died from that.
Then we nationalized it during Vietnam.
But America is a fucked up nation. Most people don't know why Veterans/Armestice Day is on 11/11 here...
We celebrate May Day on a government appointed Labor Day even though May Day began in Chicago.
The last conscriptions happened when old men were 18 year olds.
You sound like a boomer
Happy Memorial day user!
>it's memorial day so everyone should walk around silently hanging their heads and refusing to greet or acknowledge eachothers presence
user i think you are the autistic
It's the unofficial start to Summer, and there's a HUGE NASCAR race every year, so people get shit faced, cook out, and think it's basically a second veteran's day. If any of these heathens went to church, they would know that most people are solemn and reflective on Sunday, which is the day before Memorial Day, and then just enjoy the day off work on Monday.
I got my dying WW2 vet neighbor a card and flowers for Memorial Day. Did I fuck up?
Happy memorial day, user!
Thank you for your feelingservice.
Happy Medal Day, keep fighting for righteouness and our country. deveil dog.
Happy Memorial Day user! Thank you for your Cervix!
Memorial Day is for people who died while in the military. Veterans Day would be the more appropriate time.
bitch all you want we still haven got a holiday longer than the shortest month of the year we ain't gonna stop fuckin up yo all shit until we get every other year not have to work get paid and warrants have to wait until a couple months after year end white bitches gotta fuck us to only way we take our raperations
Suck my dick you faggot hardass.
Merry Christmas get your happy holidays in a bunch too?
Freedom isn't free, but it's looking like I'm not going to have to go around the world to pay for it next time, so long as cocksucker's like you are here.
This is exactly why modern white people have the shittiest funerals when everyone else chooses to remember the good times they had with those who have died
Happy Memorial Day user!
Party hats and kazoos are going to be fucking mandatory at my funeral.
Don't forget to make a rockin' mixtape
Oh shut the fuck up you vetflake. What do you want civies to say? "Have a horrible memorialize l memorial Day!" Those that died would want you to enjoy today and have fun. Have a BBQ, drink beer, shoot some guns. Not just act like a liberal who is triggered.
Thank you for your cervix, faggot
Are there vets that actually think their job is a sacrifice or something?
spank u 4 cervix
Happy memorial day, user